

The world’s first VR survival game is finally going online. The officials took the chance to host the first limitless survival competition to promote it. As a survivalist, Su Han eagerly signed herself up. How to survive pernicious goods inflation? How to survive natural disasters? How to continue surviving when trapped on an abandoned island? Facing all sorts of difficulties, Su Han smoothly dealt with them all. Along the way, she pulled a like-minded partner with her, surviving till the end with him.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Su Han seemed to have understood something. "Is it that in this game, we are unable to differentiate between players and NPC?"

After pondering for a moment, she had an idea.

In a certain noodle restaurant which was advertising for workers, the proprietress was muttering, "Why's the price suddenly rising so sharply? How is one to survive?"

"Hello, I'm here to apply for the advertisement outside." As she was muttering, Su Han walked into the noodle restaurant and smile, revealing the two small dimples on the side of her face.

A hesitant look appeared on the proprietress' face. The lady in front of her had short hair and fine, delicate features. She looks like a nimble person. Only…

"Your salary is 3000 bay and won't increase for the time being." The proprietress declared.

At a time where the price of goods sharply increases, not increasing the wages seems a bit too much. However, the shop's business was just average and truly wasn't able to provide too high a wage for its workers.

"If this place provides three meals and a place to stay, then 3000 bay for wages doesn't seem that hard to accept either." After thinking it through, Su Han asked, "Could the wages be paid by the day?"

"Yes!" The proprietress was a straightforward person too. She immediately agreed to it. "Your daily wage is 100 bay, every night after the shop closes I'll pay it to you."

"Alright, what do you need me to do?" Su Han immediately started rolling her sleeves, preparing to start work.

The proprietress said, "We have a chef in the kitchen making noodles. You just have to serve the customers when they enter the shop when no one is here you can rest."

"Okay," Su Han agreed.

It was just past 10am and as there wasn't a single customer in the noodle shop, Su Han found a random spot to stay at. During lunchtime, the number of customers in the noodle shop slowly increased.

It's just that, before Su Han was able to go up and greet them, the customers in the shop started letting out cry after cry. "15 bay for a bowl of noodles? It was still 10 bay yesterday!"

"Simply like a robbery!"

"Why is it so expensive?"

The proprietress let out a sigh and also started pouring out her grievances. "The price of things are soaring to the skies. What can I even do? The only thing is to grow my prices along with it."

"Whatever! I'm not eating!" Instantly, someone was storming out of the shop.

Other people started getting restless too as if they were considering following the first person out.

The proprietress continued complaining, "What product isn't growing in price outside? It's the same no matter where you go."

This sentence was like a bowl of icy cold water pouring over their heads. The customers instantly stopped that idea and all ordered a bowl of the cheapest noodles as lunch. What most of them were thinking about was to bring their own food tomorrow.

Su Han immediately started work.

Soon, the customer who said 'I'm not eating' sneaked back in.

Su Han only pretended that she didn't know. She continued ordering and serving.

At 1pm, the customers all started leaving and the noodle shop slowly emptied out. The chef made a special bowl of beef noodles and brought it over.

"Thank you." Su Han said her thanks and started her meal.

Beef hand-pulled noodles, after using it satiety +25, when Su Han finished eating it, it pulled her satiety up to 100.

"You're so young, what made you want to become a waitress?" The proprietress was very curious.

Su Han replied in earnest, "It can fill my stomach, give me a place to live and have money to spend. Being a waitress is pretty nice."

The proprietress secretly thought, this young lady sure pursues very little. But, finally, with great difficulty she found a worker who didn't complain about low wages, she couldn't possibly chase her away. And so the proprietress very seriously encouraged her new worker, "Work hard on saving up, your days will get better."

"Mm." Su Han agreed smilingly. But in her heart, she was thinking, money could absolutely not be saved right now, it must be spent the moment it's received.

It was another bout of busying during dinner time, and that continued all the way to 7pm when it finally stopped.

The proprietress planned on closing up the shop and going home. She pointed at a small bedroom that was no more than 5 sqm and told Su Han, "You'll be sleeping here."

Su Han thought that it was not bad after she looked around for a while. At least there's was a bed and blanket.

Perhaps feeling that the living conditions were a little bit too shabby, the proprietress chuckled awkwardly before taking 100 bay out. "Here, your salary for today. If you feel hungry at night, you can go to the kitchen to find something to eat. I'm not going to charge you for it."

Not only did Su Han not mind it, she even felt delighted, "That's fantastic."

The proprietress was silent for a moment. She thought, this young lady… how foolish ah.

What she didn't know was that, to her new worker, by being able to have a place to stay, free food to eat and a daily salary to get, she already felt like she was taking a huge advantage.