

The world’s first VR survival game is finally going online. The officials took the chance to host the first limitless survival competition to promote it. As a survivalist, Su Han eagerly signed herself up. How to survive pernicious goods inflation? How to survive natural disasters? How to continue surviving when trapped on an abandoned island? Facing all sorts of difficulties, Su Han smoothly dealt with them all. Along the way, she pulled a like-minded partner with her, surviving till the end with him.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


She had just stepped out of the grocery store when she heard the sound of the system, "At 9:00 am, the game has officially begun. On the 1st day, the price of all goods rose by 50%."

As soon as the system finished speaking, Su Han found two new items in her warehouse. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a milk bottle and a piece of brown bread.

[Milk: 250ml bottle, satiety +15.]

[Brown bread: Satiety +15.]

Su Han took a glance at her attributes and found that her satiety level is still dark green. She didn't need to eat to replenish her satiety yet, so she left the milk and brown bread in the warehouse.

She strolled to the park across the supermarket, then sat down on a bench and sorted out her thoughts.

The so-called hyperinflation is just a huge reduction of purchasing power. For example: Right now, the money that could have originally buy a whole pig has shrunk, and you can only buy half a pig with the same amount of money. Then tomorrow, this money will only get you a chicken, and the next day, a chicken leg and so on until finally, the money loses its value and becomes waste paper.

So, that means the sooner you spend your money, the more things you can buy.

Su Han managed to spend all her money before the inflation and hadn't thought about her next move.


Suddenly, something occurred to her, 'When I was in the supermarket, the group of people that rushed in were players. The group of people that are rushing to the supermarket now should be the NPCs. But why is it that when I checked their information, why do the NPCs have the same attributes as the players?'

For example, at this moment, a man in a suit in his 30s ran towards the supermarket. She scanned the other party and saw, "Satiety: 85%, cleanliness: 70%, and energy: 90%. State: Good."

There was a five- or six-year-old girl next to her, who was being held in the arms of her parent. Looking at the little girl, she saw, "Satiety: 80%, cleanliness: 85%, and energy 70%. State: Average, having a fever."

'Is it impossible to distinguish between players and NPCs in this game?'

After pondering for a while, Su Han came up with a way to increase her chance of survival.


In a noodle shop where a job recruitment notice was posted, the lady boss was muttering, "Why are the prices soaring so suddenly? How are we supposed to get through this condition?".

"Hello, I'm here to apply for a job as a waitress." while speaking, Su Han walked into the noodle shop and smiled at the lady boss, revealing the small dimples on both cheeks.

The face of the lady boss showed some hesitation. The girl in front of her has short hair and delicate features, and she looks neat. It's just that… "The salary is 3,000 coins and it will not increase for the time being." the lady boss declared.

With soaring prices, it seems a bit unreasonable of her not to increase the salary. However, the business of her shop is relatively average, and she truly cannot afford to pay high salaries to her employees.

The lady boss continued, "But I will provide three meals a day and a place to stay if you require one."

'Three meals are included, and the salary is 3000 coins. It's not unreasonable.' After thinking about it, Su Han asked, "Can the salary be settled daily?"

"Sure!" The lady boss was also a straightforward person, and she immediately agreed, "The daily wage is 100 coins and it will be paid to you every night after we close up."

"Okay, so what do I need to do?" Su Han asked as she rolled up her sleeves and got ready to work.

The lady boss said, "There is a cook in the kitchen who makes noodles. You only need to greet customers when they come, and you can take a break if there's no customers."

"Got it." Su Han responded.


It was just past 10 in the morning, and there were no customers in the shop, so Su Han just lazed around. When lunchtime came, more and more customers started coming in.

Without even waiting for Su Han to step forward to greet them, the customers started complaining loudly, one after another, "15 coins for one bowl of noodles?! Wasn't it just 10 coins yesterday?!!"

"This is just robbery!"

"Really…, why is it so expensive?"

The lady boss sighed and complained, "The raw materials' prices are rising. What choice do I have? I can only raise the price of the noodles in my shop. "

"Whatever! I'm not going eat! " A customer left angrily. The other customers were also eager to follow him.

The lady boss continued, "Which shop does not increase its price? It's the same thing wherever you go."

Her words were like a basin of cold water pouring down on the remaining customers. They immediately stopped contemplating and ordered the cheapest bowl of noodles for lunch. They were also thinking about bringing their lunch tomorrow.

Su Han immediately started greeting the customers.

After a while, the customer who said, "I'm not going eat anymore" quietly returned.

Su Han pretended not to recognized him, and she just continued taking orders and serving dishes to everyone.

At 1 in the afternoon, the customers left one by one, and the noodle shop gradually became empty. For lunch, the cook made a bowl of beef noodles for Su Han.

After thanking him, Su Han began to eat.

A bowl of beef noodles increases satiety by 25 after consuming, which directly fills Su Han's satiety level back to 100.


"Why do you want to be a waitress at such a young age?" The boss lady asked curiously.

Su Han said solemnly, "It's good to be a waitress, I can eat three meals a day for free, have a place to live and have an income."

The lady boss felt from the bottom of her heart that the girl's ambitions were tiny. But she finally recruited an employee who didn't think the salary was low, so she couldn't persuade them to leave. So, the lady boss just earnestly encouraged the new employee, "Try to save money and your life will get better."

"En." Su Han responded with a smile but thought in her heart, 'You can't save the money, you have to spend it all as soon as you get it…'.

The noodle shop got busy for a while during dinner time. Su Han didn't stop working until 7 in the evening. The lady boss planned to close up and go home. Before leaving, she pointed to a small bedroom that was less than five square meters tucked to the side of the shop and said, "You can sleep there."

Su Han looked around the small bedroom carefully and thought it was not bad. At least the room has a bed and a quilt.

The lady boss probably felt that the room was a bit shabby, so she smiled awkwardly and took out 100 coins to hand to Su Han. "Here you are. Today's wages. If you feel hungry at night, you can use the kitchen to cook noodles and eat. I won't charge you for it."

Su Han not only didn't mind the living conditions but was very happy about it, so she replied with a "Great!!"

The lady boss was silent for a moment and thought in her heart, 'This girl is really naive.'

What she didn't know was that, for Su Han, having a place to live, getting three meals a day for free, and even getting money on top of that was already a huge advantage.