

The world’s first VR survival game is finally going online. The officials took the chance to host the first limitless survival competition to promote it. As a survivalist, Su Han eagerly signed herself up. How to survive pernicious goods inflation? How to survive natural disasters? How to continue surviving when trapped on an abandoned island? Facing all sorts of difficulties, Su Han smoothly dealt with them all. Along the way, she pulled a like-minded partner with her, surviving till the end with him.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Time waits for no one.

Su Han moved quickly, planning to find the nearest supermarket, to spend all the coins she had. After 9 am, this money will no longer have its current value!

Not sure if the system purposely designed it, Su Han saw a 24-hour supermarket within two minutes of walking. She immediately rushed in, hoping to buy some supplies with 1,000 coins she had exchanged.

She found that money still has some purchasing power after checked the price tags on the supermarket shelves. A bottle of mineral water costs only two coins, and a bar of soap costs five coins, which means her 1000 coins can still buy many things.

Su Han felt a bit regretful; she should've exchanged more points into coins. But she regained her composure quickly—she's not a god, how can she correctly predict everything.

After strolling around the supermarket, Su Han was surprised to find that soap, towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, facial cleanser, shower gel, air fresheners, and even perfumes can improve cleanliness. It's just that they are all consumables and will disappear after using them once. As for food – chocolate, various candies, biscuits, cakes, and instant noodles, all of them can increase satiety.

Because a slot in her warehouse can only hold 100 pieces of the same item, Su Han took 90 bars of soap and 90 bottles of mineral water without contemplating too much and then went to the checkout counter to pay.

There were not many people in the line, and it was Su Han's turn soon.

Four hundred fifty coins for soap, 180 coins for mineral water, she paid 630 coins. The cashier looked at her weirdly when she checked out, 'What is this person doing buying so much soap and water? Is she going to eat them?'

Su Han didn't explain. She just paid the bill and left.

When she got to the supermarket entrance, she saw thirty or so people hurriedly running in her direction. Su Han had a thought; 'This group of people must be players.'

She moved to the side to avoid the crowd. After the players had gone into the supermarket, Su Han went to a corner to put the soap and mineral water into her warehouse.

"One step late; every step is late." Su Han whispered to herself, 'If you log on to the game a minute later than others, there will be fewer options for goods after entering the system mall. Then if you waste a lot of time browsing through the system mall, you'll, again, enter the instance later than others. Then, there might be nothing left in supermarkets, or even worse, and you'll be wasting your time stuck in long lines waiting to checkout."

Su Han clearly remembered that when she bought 90 bars of soap just now, she nearly emptied the shelf. At that time, she saw a girl sweeping a whole shelf of instant noodles into her cart. She didn't know if or when the supermarket was planning to restock the goods.


Shaking her head, Su Han hurried towards the next stop – the pharmacy.

As soon as she entered, Su Han saw the salesgirl (NPC) watching a dozen or so customers hastily grabbing the medicines on the shelves with a bewildered expression. Su Han's heart tightened, and she quickly joined the sweeping army.

The result was: She got five rolls of medical bandages and five boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, which cost a total of 170 coins.

[Anti-inflammatory drug: After using, energy +20, and "Infection" state disappears.]

Even though Su Han got here early and there were still some supplies left on the shelves, she decided not to buy too much. She still has to purchase other materials, so she couldn't afford to spend another coin here.

Su Han looked at the shelves one more time with regret and longing before reluctantly leaving the pharmacy. Before leaving, she could hear the salesgirl mumbling, "If not for the fact that they're paying, I really thought they were here to raid the store."


Su Han checked the time and found that it was 8:38 am, but she still couldn't find what she was looking for. She had no choice but to keep walking along the street and look at the shop signs one by one. At 8:57 am, after 20 minutes of searching, she finally found her goal-the general store!

Su Han bought two slingshots and used the rest of the money to buy steel beads inside the store. In an instant, she finished spending the rest of her money. A slingshot costs 30 coins, and steel beads cost two coins per bag; a bag contains 100 steel beads.

"Why do you need so many beads?" The general store owner was puzzled.

Su Han smiled and said offhandedly, "Hunting."

The store owner stopped talking. He knew that some customers like to hunt birds with a slingshot. He didn't expect that the young girl in front of him, who looked delicate, also had this hobby.

"I'm leaving now." Su Han knew that the NPCs in the game had extremely high IQs, and their thinking patterns and behaviors were the same as real people, so she greeted him casually before leaving.