

The world’s first VR survival game is finally going online. The officials took the chance to host the first limitless survival competition to promote it. As a survivalist, Su Han eagerly signed herself up. How to survive pernicious goods inflation? How to survive natural disasters? How to continue surviving when trapped on an abandoned island? Facing all sorts of difficulties, Su Han smoothly dealt with them all. Along the way, she pulled a like-minded partner with her, surviving till the end with him.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Su Han hurried to the supermarket after the lady boss left. Unfortunately, she found that all food and daily necessities in the supermarket were gone when she got there.

There were still some baby food and condiments left on the shelves, and few bought those because they don't increase much satiety. Su Han thought for a while and slowly walked along the road – she planned to look around to see if there were any convenience stores, canteens, pharmacies, etc., nearby.

After walking for nearly ten minutes, she found a convenience store. Entering the store, she saw that the shelves were mostly empty, as if bandits had ransacked them.

Su Han continued on her way and saw a big pharmacy. Inside, she saw nothing on the shelves and racks, and it was obvious everything had been sold out.

Su Han suddenly realized something. "It seems the problem of insufficient goods appears to be more serious than currency inflation."

With currency depreciation, no matter how little, at least you can still buy something with money. In the case of insufficient goods, it's impossible to buy supplies even if people waved around their banknotes in the air.

Su Han wandered around, just thinking of this walk as going for a stroll at night. After walking for a full forty minutes, she finally found a small shop in the corner of a small alley that managed to escape from hoarders.


"Welcome, what do you need?" the shopkeeper greeted.

Su Han was taken aback for a moment. She more or less got everything she wanted, but of course, she's not going to pass up this chance to get more materials.

Su Han scanned her warehouse. She already has 100 bars of soaps, 100 bottles of mineral water, ten buttered pork floss bread, ten rolls of bandages, five boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, 70 bags of steel beads, and two slingshots. There is also a bottle of milk and a piece of brown bread inside.

"I want ten bars of soap." Because she can obtain food and water as a "Nutritionist," and she also couldn't find any medicine, Su Han decided to continue stocking up on daily necessities.

The shopkeeper brought out the soap quickly, "A bar of soap costs 8 coins, total 80 coins."

Su Han paid for the soap and sighing heavily at the same time. When she went to the supermarket this morning, a piece of soap cost no more than five coins. It's only been hours, and the price has already increased to 8 coins.

What's even more strange is that she feels lucky to buy a bar of soap with eight coins. She's probably going insane.

Su Han also bought one toothpaste, one toothbrush, one towel and immediately spent all her coins.

After a tiring day, her cleanliness level has dropped from 100 to 53, and it was about to turn yellow soon. After using the toothpaste, toothbrush, and towel, her cleanliness level immediately returned to 98.

Su Han fell on the bed after eating a bowl of noodles and quickly fell asleep.

It's a brand-new day tomorrow.


At 8:30 am the next morning, Su Han started work on time. Because it was still early, there weren't many customers in the shop, and she wasn't swamped. As she wrote down orders from the customers, she paid attention to their conversations.

Several aunties sitting at the table in the corner were airing out their grievances while eating noodles.

"Yesterday, after getting off work, I went straight to the department store without even having my dinner. Good thing I went early, otherwise I might have to go home empty handed."

"I went to the department store and waited in line for more than an hour before it was finally my turn to check out."

"One of my friends desperately ran around to buy stuff, and she was panicking so much it made me feel anxious. This won't do, I need to go buy some supplies and store them at home right away."

"I heard that the department store and the supermarket restocked their goods this morning. I have to hurry and buy some food and necessities. Yesterday the shelves in the supermarket were mostly empty when I got there, I was so shocked."

'The supermarket is restocking their items?' Su Han thought in secret, 'This is good news.'


At 9 am sharp, she heard the system again, "On the 2nd day, price of all goods continued to rise by 50%."

… She couldn't even have a few minutes of peace. This time, the amount of milk and brown bread in the warehouse did not increase.

Suddenly, one of the aunties who was eating noodles beckoned her over, "Little girl, this noodle is really delicious, pack a bowl for me."

Su Han hadn't opened her mouth yet, the lady boss spoke first, "It's okay to pack you a bowl, but you should know a bowl of noodles costs 23 coins."

The auntie was very displeased. She frowned and said, "I just ate a bowl, wasn't it 15 coins?"

The lady boss looked indifferent, "Just now is just now, the situation's not the same anymore, so the price is naturally different."

The auntie choked speechlessly and had to give up buying the noodle.

After the aunties left the shop, the lady boss instructed Su Han, "I'm going to the supermarket to buy some flour, you watch over the shop." then hurriedly left.

The lady boss was probably scared that the price of flour would continue to rise in the future, so she rushed to buy some immediately.

It wasn't until 3 pm that the lady boss finally returned to the noodle shop. She had an ugly expression, "I finally managed to buy two bags of flour, use those first, and then I will think of some other ways."

One bag of flour can make about 200 bowls of noodles, so two bags can probably keep the shop going for 5 or 6 days.

"En." Su Han replied, but thought in her heart, 'What else can she do if the system stipulates hyperinflation every day?'