
Surgebinder in Game of Thrones

Plagued666 · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

Bran Stark

"Spying are you?" Jason jested as the boy stepped out of hiding, giving a small shrug and small smile back. He hadn't had a chance to talk to Bran one on one, often only chatting with him during the few dinners he had shared with the family. The boy seemed happy and active like his older brother, yet every time he encountered the child, his neck just slightly tingled. Even after a few weeks of study and talking with the Stark family, he found no real clues on why.

"Wanted to see you fight Jon. Was much more interesting than all the past fights since Jon didn't get beaten." The young Stark commented. "Do you think he could beat you? I mean Robb and dad are good from what I know…yet Jon seems to be getting better the Robb."

"Haven't see your other brother fight yet but…I think give Jon a few more years and he may just." The Surgebinder answered back. "If anything he would have been a fitting Warrior Knight. Has the right traits and skills to be one."

"Really!" Bran remarked in an excited manner, making Jason nod back. "So I was thinking could you train me? I'm still only using wooden swords and dad has me learning the bow…yet I always have trouble pulling the string back and mess up with my aim. Maybe you know a trick you could share?"

"Heh…admittedly bows is something I didn't learn. Yet I started using a crossbow for a good while." Jason answered back as he'd glance down the archery range. "Give me a moment."

Bran nodded as Jason hurried to the Guest House, going through his packed gear to pick out his crossbow. The weapon was finely crafted, made hardened wood along with being reinforced with monster bone and hair. While it was a small crossbow, he had shot down plenty of parshendi with the compact weapon. Gathering up his bolts, he'd return to Brann who gave a curious look at the crossbow.

"I remember seeing that one your back when you first arrived. I didn't know you could afford a crossbow." The young Stark remarked.

"Custom made and of Alethkar design. Not a big as a normal crossbow, but useful for drawing out in the middle of a fight, plus easy to reload…well for me at least." Jason explained, as he let Brann examine the unloaded weapon. Considering his young age, he could two hand the weapon easy like a normal sized crossbow.

"Could you show me how it works?" Brann asked with a hopeful look.

"Alright, just follow my directions carefully." Jason answered back with a small nod.

The Surgebinder would spend a good while showing the boy how the crossbow worked, from how to load it and properly holding it. He'd take a few shots both one hand and with both, using his honed skill and senses to land perfect shots. When it was Brann's turn, Jason had the boy take his time aiming down the weapon and how to hold his breath to get a steady shot. He'd hit the targets at the least and after a few more shots started getting closer to the center.

"Much easier than a bow." Bran remarked as he handed Jason back the crossbow along with the bolts.

"Crossbow makes it easier to aim without having to worry about bow draw and the like. Issue is it's slowly then a bow and can lack its range in certain situations. Plus more costly to make and fix." Jason explained to Bran. "Still it seems suitable for you."

Bran nodded in agreement. "Still could you show me how to use a sword like you? I mean…not sparring like the others, just more of pointers on what to do." He then asked a bit nervously.

"Huh…haven't trained anyone as young like you." Jason muttered, thinking for a moment while Bran gave a small pleading look. "Fine, but I expect full effort on your part."

Bran nodded quickly, happy with the answer. "Promise." He answered back, making Jason him a small smile. "Anyway I guess I should get back to studying before mother complains." The boy gave a small wave before hurrying off to the Great Keep.

Jason started having second thoughts on the agreement, wondering if Catlyn approve of him training the boy. Yet he guessed he'd deal with that later as he'd head back to the Guest House and continue his researching.


The days went by as Jason would start sparring against Jon, Robb and Theon. Robb proved to be just as good as Jon, matching up to his half-brother's skill. Theon improved as well yet his overconfidence and hotheadedness held him back. Yet he pressed them every time and even showed them how to fight as a group as he even had them fight 3 on 1 against him. Their fight had drawn a large crowd as Jason put on a bigger show of his acrobatic sword fighting skill. He'd duck, leap, roll and slide to avoid their attacks. The surprised looks showed how people doubted someone like him could move in such a way, yet that is what gave him an edge.

By the time their latest fight ended, all three were gasping for breath while Jason seemed only winded. At the least they had avoided being bruised by the blunt training sword, having taken a good effort to dodge and block properly.

"Gods Jason…" Robb muttered as he'd stand up straight after catching his breath. "Can't deny that you've shown us a new meaning to sword fighting, yet I doubt we'll met anyone that can move like you."

The Surgebinder smirked as he'd put his training sword away and get the metal vessel and wooden mugs for them all. "Then that means when you fight anyone else you should best them then." He remarked.

"A good point there." Theon laughed as he'd drank a long drink from his mug.

"Maybe father should duel you next?" Jon jested, making everyone look to the looming wall walkway where Ned and Catelyn stood by, having watched the fight.

The northern lord laughed at the remark and his wife seeming a bit amused as well. "It be an interesting fight for sure, yet I feel I lack practice to handle someone like the Surgebinder." Ned remarked back. However, before he could say anything more Rodrik would approach Ned and quickly mutter something to him. The Northern lord's expression hardened to a more serious expression before he spoke to his wife, then glanced over towards his sons, mainly Bran who had been watching among the crowd. In then end she seemed to reluctantly agree before Eddard spoke up.

"Everyone…we have a troubling matter that has some to my attention. A Night's Watch ranger has been caught for desertion. This is a matter a must deal with personally and immediately." Staring at his sons, he'd give a small nod. "I want all of your to get your cloaks and horses ready. This is a matter you should all witness." The way Ned spoke was the first stoic show of command Jason had seen. None of his sons objected as they quickly went about to get ready. Yet as Jason moved to leave Ned spoke up again. "Not so fast friend. I feel you should come with us."

"How come? I already have a feeling of what is going to happen." Jason questioned back.

"It's more of what the Ranger has to say. The guards who arrested him mentioned him babbling of…the corpses of the dead haunting the woods and a shade of some kind." Ned remarked back, yet Jason had a seriousness about him. "Besides the Ranger has been beyond the Wall. He could have some news of recent events…details that can help you."

At that point Jason nodded, understanding Ned's meaning. "I'll be ready in a few minutes." With that he was already heading for his room, gathering all his swords and other gear before returning to the courtyard. By then Ned and his sons were already on their horses, while one of the stable hands brought one out for the Surgebinder. Mounting up, Ned looked over the group before leading the way.