
Surgebinder in Game of Thrones

Plagued666 · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

Jon Snow

Nearly another week had passed since Jason had his private conversation with Eddard Stark, sharing the full truth about how he ended up in Westeros and about Light. The Surgebinder had split his time between reading what he could at the Library Tower yet also taking part in the sparring ring more often. More often he'd train the recruits on the basics of sword fighting or spar with one of the more experienced men who wanted to test himself. So far, no one had been able to get so much as a light blow against him. Theon had even asked for a rematch which he politely refused despite the Iron Islander's bluster. Yet today was special since it was time to meet with Jon Snow and follow up on his promise to do some training with the young man.

It was another clear and sunny day in Winterfell as Jason walked outside into the yard. Today the soldiers weren't training since recently Eddard had asked for them to go out to patrol the roads of the North along with spread a message to look for bandits. Jason putting those thoughts aside, his attention focused on Jon who was busy practising against one of the training dummies. For a moment Jason stood back to watch Jon, the young man having good footwork with the way he moved and attacked. He favoured a strong two-hand style yet knew when to swing with one hand. If anything the almost fought like Jason, just lacking the spins and twisting moves that Jason often used.

"Not too bad…yet real foes don't just stand still and take hits," Jason spoke up, getting Jon's attention.

The Stark bastard chuckled, brushing his black curly hair back as he'd turn to face the Surgebinder. "True enough. Still, never hurts to test the basics right?" Jon countered back.

Jason shrugged as he'd move over to the nearby weapon rack, picking out a fitting practice sword for himself. "That's what I've been doing every sparring day so far." The Surgebinder calmly stated as he'd face Jon again who paced towards the sparring ring.

"Really now? You're telling me you are holding back against everyone you've fought here?" Jon questioned, chuckling in disbelieve at the claim.

Jason kept that calm look, yet a small smirk did hint his lips. "Considering the people and creatures I've fought…yes. If I was serious they'd have more than cracked bones and bruises." Shifting his stance, he'd grasp his sword with both hands as he stared right at Jon with his piercing yellow eyes. "So are we going to chat or begin?"

Jon paused as he thought over Jason's answer before taking his fighting stand which nearly mirrored Jason's. "Then don't hold back against me." The Stark said, tone dead serious and gaze having an intense focus.

For a moment neither moved and if anything their inaction had the few onlookers mutter in confusion. In the end, Jason lunged in, swinging downward with his blade while Jon stepped, his sword up to block it. Blades clashed yet the two moved as they back stepped then circled about only to move in for another attack. The two continued to move and strike about, never overextending themselves or going too far on the defensive. Jason had to admit Jon knew how to avoid a parry, going for controlled attacks and avoiding a straight on the attack. It showed that he had been studying the Surgebinder closely after the last few days of sparring. If anything it was impressive how prepared Jon was for this fight.

Yet at one point both rushed each other, both blades locking in a clash as the two struggled against each other. Jason was stronger than most men yet Jon had changed his footing to brace himself, remembering how the Surgebinder overpowered others during such sword locks. In the end, both of them backed off, pausing for a moment to catch their breath.

"Impressive. Seems like you already learned a lot from just watching me." Jason remarked as his stance relaxed now.

Jon nodded, panting a bit since Jason's strength and speed had pushed the young man quite hard to match up. "Did notice how nothing else was working with the others. They all tried a deep approach yet never thought to adapt." Jason explained as he'd get some water from vessel nearby. "Was hoping to just get a hit in, yet at best I'm just keeping you from beating me down."

"A good start if any," Jason remarked back with a nod before moving up to get a drink of water as well.

"After all, I need to be at my best if I plan to serve at the Night's Watch," Jon added, making Jason give a surprised look to the young man.

"Join the Night's Watch, why would you do that?" The Surgebinder questioned. "From what I know the Watch isn't what it used to be ever since they gave the choice for criminals to join their ranks just to escape jail or execution."

Jon gazes a side glance away, nodding a bit. "I've heard of that…try to think it's not as bad as it sounds. Just rumours and such. Uncle Benjen has visited a few times, told me about the honour and duty with taking the oath and wearing the Black." Yet for Surgebinder, he felt the young man was trying to excuse that little detail.

"Didn't know Ned had another brother," Jason remarked, Jon nodding in response.

"Benjen often kept to himself. I don't know why he decided to serve with the Watch. Maybe just a sense to duty or personal choice." Jon shrugged and sighed. "Besides I feel I have no other choice. Winterfell is my home yet…there isn't much for me here."

"Right…I forget…" Being a bastard still carried the same rules and sigma here just like in his world. Still, Jon was lucky to have a good family and half-brothers. If anything Robb and Jon had a natural affinity that even the truest of siblings lacked. "I get your reasons. Still, you're fine giving up the freedom to…well…start a family of your own?"

Jon gave a small shrug yet a shy look hinted in his eyes. "I…ehh…never really thought about that." He muttered, shifting a bit. "Just been having other things on my mind."

Jason gave a questioning look and crossed his arms. "Really? The dashing son of the Noble Lord Eddard never notice a maiden or two wooing for his attention?" The Surgebinder jested.

"A bastard," Jon grumbled as if that was an excuse.

"Bastard or not, I know plenty of women who fawn for a young man like you. Think carefully about the choice you make." Jason's bluntness had Jon blush lightly.

"Just been focused on other matters," Jon remarked as he'd put his practice sword away. "Yet what about you? You don't exactly look like the man who'd settle down with any normal woman."

Jason was silent when the young man question, making Jon give an odd look after a moment. The Surgebinder realized that he was like Jon. He never thought of having a family, just endless fighting.

Jon spoke up again, snapping Jason out of his thoughts. "Ah sorry…I realize that is a personal question to ask."

Jason shook his head. "It's fine. Been asked worse questions." He'd pause for a moment before continuing. "Still I don't feel like discussing my life choices. Something for another day."

"Umm…anyway don't you plan to go to the Wall? Talk to the Lord Commander and try to organize some search for Light." Jon asked, changing back to the original topic.

For a moment Jason thought, thinking over his talk with Ned and all the stories the people of the keep said about the harsh land beyond the wall. "Maybe...been debating considering the trip that far North would be a nearly a week's worth. Rather not be running all across the continent and getting nothing done." He answered back. "Your father said King Robert could help me, get me the aid I need to search the North. King's Landing may be where I end up."

"Seems like you'll have to choose in the end," Jon remarked, making Jason nod in agreement.

"At the least, I'll decide by the end of the King's visit," Jason explained. "For now all I can do is study as much as I can about the Wall and beyond it. The first rule of a warrior is to always be prepared and if nothing works out with the Watch or the King…may just have to go out alone."

"You know that is suicidal," Jon warned, much like his father had with how he spoke.

"Heh…you have no idea how many times people have said that to me," Jason remarked with a small chuckle as he'd pace around the sparring ring. "Again, just my last option."

Jon seemed troubled with the matter yet didn't argue any more with the Surgebinder. "Anyway, I should return to more chores and other duties." He muttered as he'd glance towards the Great Keep. "Again, thank you for the spar and talking with me. You've given me a lot to think about."

The two firmly shook hands before Jon hurried off for the keep, leaving Jason alone for now. He'd move for the Guest House yet paused when he saw someone by the shooting range, the young Bran who had been watching the whole fight.