
Surgebinder in Game of Thrones

Plagued666 · Book&Literature
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146 Chs


They rode through the grassy hills that surrounded Winterfell, passing through a short patch of woods until they arrived at a rocky hilly were a small group of mounted guards and a man in dark leathers stood waiting. If anything the stones set around reminded Jason of a ritual site.

The Winterfell party arrived at the group and dismounted, Ned taking the lead while his sons hanged back, standing by the edge of the rough stone circle that crowned the hilltop. Eddard nodded for Jason to follow him while two guards pulled the young man forward, who didn't resist, only muttering in a low voice. He was slim and dirtied, having traveled far for a long while by the looks of the stop before a flat stone which an arched piece of wood set by it...an execution block. The Northern lord was silent as the Night's Watchman looked at him then at Jason who he recoiled at for a moment when seeing the pale hair and yellow eyes.

"N-No…not them…you're not them." The man muttered to Jason, glancing away to avoid the Surgebinder's calm cat like eyes.

Ned remained silent, a sign for Jason to question the man. "You're name is Will right, a Ranger of the Night's Watch? You were scouting beyond the Wall yes?" The Surgebinder asked in a calm manner.

The ranger just nodded, still tense from Jason's appearance. "Yes. Was with two others…a friend and a new member. Weeks ago we had odd reports…a strange storm happening and sightings in the woods. We thought wildlings…" Yet he'd shudder.

"What did you find?" Jason questioned.

"Bodies. Wildlings. Men, woman and children. They were…cut up in a circle…some ritual. There was a girl…impaled to a tree" He'd bite back a sob. "I called my Brothers to see it while they sent me out to scout the area...I heard screams and…and…" By now he was shaking, breathing deeply as he seemed in a panic.

Jason knew at this rate he'd lose focus, start struggling or being hysterical. Ned seemed to notice this, giving a curious short look at Jason who continued to speak.

"What happened next?"

Will took a moment before speaking, his voice more clear now. "I heard the others scream and saw the horses run off. Then I heard a noise and the girl…she was there…dried blood and eyes dead." He'd pause before shaking his head "No eyes icy blue. She moved and looked at me…I ran." Again he'd be silent. "Found Gared. He was a good friend and Ranger. Then something big…came up behind him. Cut his head off."

"What killed him?" Jason pressed.

"Skin was pale and wrinkled…face gaunt like a corpse…eyes the same piercing blue. It was a White Walker." He'd look to Jason and then Ned. "I know I should have gone back to the Wall. Warned my Brothers. I couldn't…was too scared…too much of a coward." He'd shake his head. "Yet I know what I saw!"

Jason was silent, looking between Ned and the Ranger. "Did you see a other being which looked like a ribbon of light?" He'd suddenly ask, drawing a confused look from Will.

"N-No…didn't see such …even among the bodies." The Ranger muttered before looking to Ned. "I know what I did was wrong. I accept that I deserted…I broke the oath and accept the price of it."

At this point Ned nodded and then glanced at Jason, making the Surgebinder move away as one of the men moved up with a large fur covered sheathed blade. The size was massive, being a great sword at least. What interested Jason was how his medallion vibrated lightly with the weapon close, making him watch intently. Ned grasped the large hilt and drew the blade out, the blade metal being a smoky dark unlike any metal the Surgebinder had seen. The massive blade was perfectly sharp yet showed no signs sharpening by whetstone.

Ned hefted the blade with ease despite the size, either of hint of his strength to betraying a lightness to the great sword. Soon he'd begin to speak, a long oath about the man's crime and punishment, all while having a somber yet steadfast look. "Do you have any last words Will?" Ned calmly asked.

"Tell my family. Don't lie…let them know of my mistake." He'd bow his head although the guards already pressed him to the block. "Yet believe what I saw my Lord. They exist…"

Ned was silent, hesitant for a long moment in thought. Jason glanced back to the watching sons, Jon whispering to Bran who stared intently. In the end though, Ned tightened the grip of his sword before with a grunt, he'd lift the blade up and then down, decapitating the Ranger cleanly with one powerful swing. Eddard gave a deep sigh as he watched the head drop down and blood flow from the severed neck. He'd get a block to wipe the blood off his blade before the guard with the sheath stepped forward to let the blade be slid back in.

"And so much duty is complete." Ned muttered before turning to his sons. "Let this be a moment you all remember. Follow the oaths you make, just ones that you decide."

The Stark sons nodded, Bran hesitant in his before Ned moved back for his horse. Everyone followed, whispering to each other as they'd mount up. Jason pulled himself onto his horse yet moved beside Eddard to speak privately.

"He wasn't lying." He simply stated.

"Do you believe so?" Ned said in a low voice.

"I am trained to judge it." He explained to Ned.

"One of your tricks?"

"He surely saw something unnatural out there." Jason remarked.

"There has to be a logical reason Jason. The man babbled about a myth."

"Where I come from, myths often are true to a degree. Besides he mentioned a storm a few weeks ago…close to the same time I arrived." Jason argued back.

Ned gripped his reins and looked away from Jason. "I won't rush into any decision on the matter." The lord guided his horse along, leaving Jason behind before the Surgebinder rode out as well. Jon and Robb gave questioning looks as they rod close by yet said nothing as the group headed back for Winterfell.