
Surf My Dreams

A skilled surfing instructor, Amy had heroically rescued Milo Blake from a dangerous riptide. As a result, he was deeply grateful to her and couldn't resist spending time with her on the beach. Their mutual attraction quickly grew into a fiery romance, with each day filled with passionate moments of longing and desire. They knew their time together was limited but determined to make the most of it. However, Amy kept a secret from Milo - a past she feared would make him question their relationship. As their time together drew close, she struggled with whether or not to reveal her secret.

OzMystic · Urban
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32 Chs

Loved Up

Dan called a family meeting to discuss our next steps the next day. "I've been in touch with some people, and they're willing to help us with the situation," he said, his tone serious. "But we need to be careful. There are still people out there who want to harm us."

Milo and I exchanged a look, both of us feeling uneasy. We didn't know who these people were or what they wanted from us. But we trusted Dan and knew we had to do whatever it took to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Over the next few weeks, we worked with Dan's contacts to gather more information about the danger we were facing. We learned that the people who had been after Dan was part of a powerful criminal organization and had a long reach.

Despite the danger, Milo and I tried to enjoy our new life together in the beachfront home. We spent lazy afternoons on the sand, went on long walks with Mystic, and cooked elaborate dinners in our spacious kitchen.