
Surf My Dreams

A skilled surfing instructor, Amy had heroically rescued Milo Blake from a dangerous riptide. As a result, he was deeply grateful to her and couldn't resist spending time with her on the beach. Their mutual attraction quickly grew into a fiery romance, with each day filled with passionate moments of longing and desire. They knew their time together was limited but determined to make the most of it. However, Amy kept a secret from Milo - a past she feared would make him question their relationship. As their time together drew close, she struggled with whether or not to reveal her secret.

OzMystic · Urban
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32 Chs


The following day, I woke up early and jogged on the beach. The sun started rising, and the air was cool and refreshing. As I ran, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the beauty around the people who had supported me through everything and me.

When I returned home, Dan was already making coffee in the kitchen. "Morning, Amy," he said, smiling at me.

"Good morning, Dan," I replied, returning his smile. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine, thanks," he said, pouring me a cup of coffee. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

I sat down at the table, sipping my coffee. "What is it?"

Dan took a deep breath. "I know this has been a difficult time for all of us, and I've been doing some thinking. I think it's time for me to move on."

I felt a pang of sadness in my chest. Dan had been an important figure to me, and the thought of him leaving felt like losing a part of my family. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.