
Surf My Dreams

A skilled surfing instructor, Amy had heroically rescued Milo Blake from a dangerous riptide. As a result, he was deeply grateful to her and couldn't resist spending time with her on the beach. Their mutual attraction quickly grew into a fiery romance, with each day filled with passionate moments of longing and desire. They knew their time together was limited but determined to make the most of it. However, Amy kept a secret from Milo - a past she feared would make him question their relationship. As their time together drew close, she struggled with whether or not to reveal her secret.

OzMystic · Urban
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32 Chs


Milo and Dan were brothers, but their relationship had strained over the years due to their different lifestyles. Milo had struggled with gambling addiction and had spent time in prison, while Dan had become a successful businessman. Despite their differences, they had come together to take down the criminal syndicate causing chaos in their city.

As the three of them drove away from the abandoned warehouse, Milo couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He noticed that Amy seemed distant, lost in thought. He reached over and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Amy looked up at him, her eyes brimming with tears. "I'm sorry, Milo. I can't keep pretending anymore."

Milo felt his heart drop. He had always suspected that Amy had feelings for Dan, but he had hoped he was wrong.

"I'm sorry, too," Dan said softly. "I never meant to come between you two."