
Supreme Human System

Check out my second novel: The Primordial Predator .... What will happen------- WHEN YOU HAVE A RIDICULOUS DREAM? TO BECOME RULER OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. But life gives you no chance ---- Born in a poor family, no bloodline, no soul beast, and a trash talent. And a destiny to become someone slave. Will he let his fate decide his path? or he will control his fate and break the shackles of destiny. Will, he ever solve the mystery of his nightmares. Will the youngest race ever free themselves from the ancient restrain. There was a saying in the human race since ancient times, " Supreme human will return one day, and he will take his vengeance. A protagonist with a mysterious system. An Antagonist who was once hailed as a hero, a myth, the god of time and space, and the progenitor of his race. Hello guys, it is my first time writing a novel, and English is not my first language. Initial chapters have some grammar problems, after that chapters are pretty goods. Give it a try to chapter 20 at least. (PS: The cover image belongs to the person who draws it)

priya012 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Chapter 59 - Race: High Human

Kritos slowly wear some clothes on his naked body.

"Tsk! It is also tight and uncomfortable." 

He had tried many clothes on his body, but all of them packed him. They were a few inches short as well as tight.

After the awakening of the soul beast, his body had evolved. Evolve into something extraordinary; he could hear the flow of his blood if closely listen.

Kritos body features also evolve; he can feel the pure energy flowing in his muscles and veins. The previously empty energy source is now sprouting like an overflowing lava. 

"I can sense the connection of Fire and Shadow elements with the energy flowing in my veins."

Kritos once again glanced at his body in the mirror," High Humans sure look more handsome than Humans. Moreover, I'm in the first stage of evolution. It'll take some time to evolve into a true High Human."

Before, Kritos guessed that High humans are an entirely different race or a race that connected with them.