
Supreme Existence: Unkown Reaper

The world's protective barrier began to weaken, ushering in a series of curious and unexplained events across the globe. On a fateful day, Anfim, renowned as the mightiest mercenary, a name that sent shivers down the spine of even the most formidable national leaders, embarked on a daring mission. His task: to investigate a mysterious object that had descended from the heavens. However, this expedition did not unfold as expected, or perhaps it did? Anfim met his demise, but he was granted a rare opportunity: a chance at reincarnation and the activation of his soul, all through the grueling Trial of the World of the Unknown. Witness Anfim's ascent to the apex of the food chain, aided by his enigmatic lineage, as he instills fear into the hearts of the mightiest beings, a fear they vehemently refuse to acknowledge.

Lars_Bottler · Fantasy
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12 Chs


When he appeared, he saw a big man, that had features of a bull and a body like of a bodybuilder, sitting and beating a living skeleton with purple eyes and a red core at the place,where the heart should have been.

The skeletons ribcage was already destroyed and his core exposed. He turned his head and looked at Anfim with an expressionless face.

In the next moment the bull-like creature hit the skeletons core and destroyed it.

The Red and purple light faded and dissappeared like smoke.

[There are only 2 surviviors left!You will now know each others positions]

A yellow border appeared around the body of the bull, which functioned like an X-ray.

Anfim didn't think long and attacked while he had an andvantage and the bull was still sitting on the 'dead' skeleton.

However the bull managed to block in time and threw Anfim into the nearest tree.

A small wound appeared on the backhead of Anfim, where he his head hit the tree, the wood seemed to be at least as hard as metal.

He just ignored the wound and quickly pulled the amaraberry out of his pocket and ate it.

'It's amazing.'

This sudden and pleasant burst of energy in his body suprised him. He already imagined, it was a powerful berry, but there is a difference between imagining and experiencing and he wasn't even sure if it will work due to his energy body.

The bull also didn't sit idly and quickly and drank some potions.However these potions were already known to Anfim, they were the same stamina potions, he found before.

When the Bull saw, that Anfim ate Amaraberries, his calm and cold expression turned furious and Anfim could see the rage building up in his body.

Anfim ignored his reaction or simply didn't care about it and instantly attacked the Bull again with his increased power.

"ROAAAAAR" The bull started to scream in rage, but Anfim didn't care.

Maybe a few seconds ago the bull managed to block Anfims attack, but now he stood no chance.

Even though Anfim couldn't see his stats, he still felt the surge of power, after eating the berry.

10% was a lot, so Anfim just grabbed the Bull by its horns and tried to pierce the tree with it, but the tree was to robust and his right horn broke down.

The Bull started to scream in rage and tried to grab Anfims right food with his left hand, but he couldn't even blink as Anfim stomped his hand into the ground,

followed by his horn, which pierced through his hand and was tucked into the ground.

Before he could even start to scream in pain, Anfim stomped 2 times on his neck and ended his life.

"A cow will always be a cow" said Anfim with a smirk, while waiting what happened next.

He quickly checked his loot, but found nothing noteworthy.

[Congratulations!Anfim Ajdenhem succesfully passed the Trial of the World of Unknown]

[You need a real body to receive the rewards!]

[Indicating your reincarnation]

[Depending on which race you choose, some characteristics of your Soul may change]

After he saw these messages, he once again appeared in a black space with nothing but darkness and saw another message.

|♦Keep your current race♦


|♦List the avaible races♦


|♦List the locked races♦



Anfim first checked through the avaible races but found there no 'human'. There were races like Demon,Beastkin,Ork,Elve,Goblin,Angel,Druid,Undead and so on.

They showed different variants of the species, Anfim could choose from.Like Beastkin - Tiger, Elve - Snow, Undead - Vampire and so on.

They even showed different evolution paths of each species, but no abilities or the grade of the race.

However Anfim found there nothing of interest and quickly listed the locked races, which caught his interest.









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[You don't have the permission to open the next page.One of the rewards for clearing the Trial, was the permission to open the first page of locked races]

'What a shitty reward, I can open the page, but don't see any information about the locked races, like I saw at the avaible ones.

Maybe just the knowledge about the existence of these races is a treasure, I still don't know everything about this strange world, so I cant judge the reward.

But there were no humans on the first page of the locked races and no humans on the pages of the avaible ones. Is Human really a locked race? And this is why the berry didn't work on me or didn't it work, because I am using an energy body right now?No that makes no sense, because the Amaraberry definetely worked on me.

If my race is a greater one and on par with dragons, it would be a jackpot.I also don't want my soul to be changed in some way.

After thinking for a long time Anfim selected "Keep your current race"

[You chose to keep your current race]

[Your body will be restored into the shape it had 2 hours before your death and your soul will be inserted into the body]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know)

Lars_Bottlercreators' thoughts