
Supreme Draconic Orc and her Unique Harem

[R-18, Futanari MC, Smut, Overpowered] The Infamous Orc King, who was said to be stronger than the Demon King, was unfortunately captured by all the nations, who rallied together to stop him. In his final moments, he gave a prophecy that the Orc's "Supreme God" would descend from the heavens with strength he could not compare or even understand. After his death, several thousand years had passed, and in outer space on a space ship, a green draconic orc baby was hatched from an egg and was later given the name Ruka. Ruka's parents were in a lot of trouble, all because of Ruka's birth, so they had no choice but to send her off to a planet where it would be safe for her to grow up and survive. Before this happened, Ruka was injected with a golden liquid filled with high-tech nanomachines that will aid her in her adventure in this whole new world, along with an AI assistant to help her. Yet, as she grows up and is ready to seek civilization, the world and Ruka do not mix exactly well. Part of the reason was because Ruka seemed to be the only Orc living, and she was the only person who was a Futanari and had a unique harem. How will the Draconic Orc Futanari survive in this new world? Read to find out! [Note: Her Harem contains Femboys/Traps, not just women.] ---------------- Cover art is not mine, found it off Pinterest.

Vexis · Fantasy
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8 Chs


After the space pod had opened, the sight of a beautiful forest entered her eyes. The trees were tall, colorful, and amazing, and they span miles upon miles. The reason she was able to see this was because the crater had formed near the edge of the mountain.

Thankfully, she had enough space to exit the space pod without falling down. After doing so and walking toward the center of the mountain, Ruka saw Luna appear in her vision.

"Mistress, it'll be hard for you to travel down the mountain. With you being a half-dragon and a unique one, it won't take a while for you to feel hungry. I suggest that you use your [Nano-Body Transformation] skill on the space pod so we don't leave evidence behind." Luna said as she gestured her hand toward the empty space pod.

Wondering what Luna meant by that, Ruka then felt another flood of information inside her mind. She now understood what Luna wanted her to do, so walking up to the space pod, Ruka placed her right hand on it.

A few moments later, and with a clear intention and understanding, the space pod had started to dissemble into nanorobots. Like a living organism, the nanobots started to move with fluid precision, converging and flowing toward her. In moments, the swarm of nanobots merged with her, integrating seamlessly into her body like a suit of armored clothing.

Looking back at where the space pod was before, Ruka saw nothing. Everything that was part of the space pod was now on her body. Ruka now felt more protected and secure, and most of all, she was finally clothed.

Hovering in the air while clapping her hands together, Luna said happily, "Oh, you look beautiful, Mistress!" She then paused for a moment before explaining, "You see, the space pod was tailored just for you, so it'll act according to your will whenever you wish. Whether that takes place in the form of a weapon, a suit of armor, basically anything and everything."

Ruka looked down at her body and was surprised yet amazed. "Cool!" Ruka smiled happily until she heard the warm and loving Luna tell her, "Okay, now jump off the mountain."

"Huh?" Ruka didn't know a lot of things, as she's only five years old. However, she felt like jumping off from high places wasn't very smart or wise. And yet, when Luna told her and urged her to jump off again, Ruka decided to trust her.

Ruka walked toward the edge of the mountain, right where the crater had formed. After a few moments of courage, she jumped off the mountain and flew down with great speed. Becoming worried that she might die, Ruka started to scream, "AAAAAAAH—"


A small shockwave appeared when she landed, followed by a dust cloud that kicked up and eventually calmed back down to the ground.

Ruka took a second to look and feel her body, and noticing that she didn't feel any different than a few moments ago before she jumped off the mountain, she shouted in glee. "COOL!"

Appearing once more in her vision, Luna clapped, "Isn't it? The space pod is made of very strong materials coated with magic. There's barely anything inside the universe that could break what you're wearing."

As she heard what Luna said, Ruka touched the white and gold suit of armor that covered her body. She kept doing this until she heard Luna call out to her.

"Mistress, I may tell you to do some things that may seem strange or dangerous, but you'll have to trust me even when you don't understand. I will never cause harm to you or your loved ones." Luna said as she flew to Ruka before pulling her into a warm, loving hug.

Ruka felt so warm and happy, so she started to smile and hug Luna back. "I trust you, Luna." Ruka said and she enjoyed this moment a little longer.

When they both felt as if they had their fill in each other's embrace, they separated before Luna disappeared from her vision. A moment later, Luna advised, "Mistress, it'd be wise for you to create a suitable shelter for tonight, and we can find food afterward. Head in that direction to find the nearest source of water."

Ruka then saw a golden-colored mist form and hovered over the ground, which acted as a trail for her to follow. And after remembering that Ruka needed to trust Luna, she did not delay walking that trail to find water.

Luckily, this trail wasn't long, and Ruka soon found a river flowing downstream. Near the river were beautiful herbs and flowers, along with a family of deer drinking from it. Once they spotted Ruka, they ran away from her together, leaving her all alone with Luna.

"Mistress, I am uploading some more information to your database." Luna warned her and uploaded some information related to Ruka's newly equipped suit and what she should do with it.

Ruka, now understanding what Luna wanted her to do, walked over to a nearby tree before concentrating quietly. Using the information learned, she put out her right hand and used part of her suit of armor coated on her right hand to transform into a very strong, sharp, and durable axe.

"Just one swing, Mistress. Make sure that your swing is fluid and precise. The axe will do the rest for you." Luna advised her mistress, who did exactly as instructed.

Ruka brought the axe over her shoulder before using a straight, horizontal, fluid strike toward the tree, which had ended up being cut like butter by this ridiculous axe before falling to the ground, creating a loud thud.

"Good, very good, Mistress. Now, then. We need to make some space for shelter to be built. Please follow my instructions." Luna said this and began listing some orders for Ruka to follow and complete.

Ruka had seen Luna mark several colored points where Ruka needed to cut to create certain-sized logs. After doing so, Ruka cut down a few more trees and sized them to their correct measurements.

Once she had a sufficient amount of wooden logs, Luna told Ruka to go back to the mountain before carving some stone and using it as a foundation. Amazingly, Ruka was able to place her hand on the carved stone to disassemble it before storing it in her body thanks to the [Nano-Body Transformation] skill.

"Where does the stone go in my body?" Ruka couldn't help but ask, not fully knowing how this [Nano-Body Transformation] skill really works.

Luna explained, "Your body isn't like others, Mistress. Your body has an inner storage unit thanks to the nanomachines that, when an object is disassembled, can store things inside your body. As for where exactly this storage unit is, it's a little complicated."

"Okay..." Ruka decided not to question how it worked any further. She just trusted the process and trusted Luna, who only seemed to want the best for her.

Walking back to the area where the wooden logs were, Ruka then cleared away the debris, roots, and vegetation to create flat, leveled ground. Some of the debris was heavy, but thanks to her suit of armor, Ruka was able to carry everything effortlessly and move it somewhere else.

Once that was done, Luna marked an area for how big her shelter was going to be. "This purple area is how much space the house will take up. However, everything will be easy thanks to your [Nano-Body Transformation] and [Crating & Disassemble] skills. I am uploading some information to help you fully utilize them."

Like she had told Ruka, Luna uploaded a design along with the necessary information to complete it. All the materials needed to build and complete this were already here and prepared for. Knowing what she needed to do, Ruka sent the nanobots to complete this.

The nanobots had left her body, now leaving her body bare except for her important bits, before separating and constructing the house Ruka will live in for her time in the forest.

The nanobots first created the foundation by excavating and using gravel and stone to create it. Once the foundation was laid, the other nanobots used the prepared wooden logs to build the wall, roof, and front door, along with using small wooden logs and branches to make it secure, weatherproof, and seamless.

To Ruka's amazement, the house only took a few minutes to build, and once the nanobots were done, they returned to her body to cover and protect her once again.

"See? That was pretty easy, wasn't it?" Luna appeared and leaned her back against the house near the front door. She then said, "Before you check out your house, we need to gather some more materials to create furniture, and we need to grab some food, too."

Not lingering a second longer, Luna disappeared from her vision and guided her away from the house to gather some materials needed to craft a bed, a couch, and more wood to create wooden frames, tables, chairs, and other things.

Before she gathered the necessary materials, Ruka needed to eat something since she was starting to feel a little hungry. Unknowingly to her, Ruka's eyes started to glow without Luna's involvement.

This caused all food in the immediate area to glow a golden hue, whether it was fruits, vegetables, herbs, or even animals that tried to hide themselves from her as they were scared of her aura.

"Mistress, it seems that your body is helping you search for food. We should use this ability to satiate your hunger before you enter into a berserk state." Luna then explained that when a dragon is hungry, it'll do everything it can to find and eat food; otherwise, it'll become enraged, and its power will spike and become out of control.

So, not wanting this to happen, Ruka went to the nearby marked food before eating it, aside from the small animals, as Luna feels as though Ruka is not quite ready for that yet.

"How come those animals over there aren't coming over here?" Ruka asked as she saw the animals shiver in fear at her presence. Luna explained, "It's because of your draconic bloodline and your aura. Mistress, you were born much, much stronger than anyone your age, especially stronger than these animals." 

After allowing her to realize this, Luna elaborated further, "When you turn 16, that's when you'll hunt your first animal. Until then, you'll train and learn through my teachings, okay?"

"Okay!" Ruka smiled cutely while biting into a piece of fruit picked from a bush. Everything was safe for her to eat, thanks to her draconic bloodline.

With Luna's help, Ruka had trained and learned everything that Luna taught her, and like that, 11 years had passed, and it was now Ruka's 16th birthday.
