
Supreme Draconic Orc and her Unique Harem

[R-18, Futanari MC, Smut, Overpowered] The Infamous Orc King, who was said to be stronger than the Demon King, was unfortunately captured by all the nations, who rallied together to stop him. In his final moments, he gave a prophecy that the Orc's "Supreme God" would descend from the heavens with strength he could not compare or even understand. After his death, several thousand years had passed, and in outer space on a space ship, a green draconic orc baby was hatched from an egg and was later given the name Ruka. Ruka's parents were in a lot of trouble, all because of Ruka's birth, so they had no choice but to send her off to a planet where it would be safe for her to grow up and survive. Before this happened, Ruka was injected with a golden liquid filled with high-tech nanomachines that will aid her in her adventure in this whole new world, along with an AI assistant to help her. Yet, as she grows up and is ready to seek civilization, the world and Ruka do not mix exactly well. Part of the reason was because Ruka seemed to be the only Orc living, and she was the only person who was a Futanari and had a unique harem. How will the Draconic Orc Futanari survive in this new world? Read to find out! [Note: Her Harem contains Femboys/Traps, not just women.] ---------------- Cover art is not mine, found it off Pinterest.

Vexis · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Combat Training

[Eldoria, 11 years later. Ruka's Age: 16.]

Sleeping on a very large bed was a beautiful green-skinned futanari with long silver-colored hair. Sprouting from the sides of her head were two large and gray draconic horns, while two large teeth protruded from the bottom of her mouth, extending just a bit above her lower lip.

The green-skinned futanari had her large blanket halfway on and off her body, which allowed half of her toned, muscular body to be free and be kissed by the morning breeze that flew in from the window by her bedside, which was a wooden bed with bundles of soft and comfortable leaves.

To cover her important bits, a white and gold futuristic plate of armor was used, and although it looked uncomfortable since it was metal, the green-skinned futanari thought otherwise.

Unfortunately, to awaken her from her peaceful slumber, a golden woman appeared and tapped gently on her nose, now forcing the futanari to awaken. "Good morning, Mistress! And happy 16th birthday!"

Groggily opening her eyes, the green-skinned futanari used her golden eyes with vertical black slit pupils to view the golden woman and smile. "Mmm... morning, Luna."

This green-skinned futanari was none other than Ruka, who had just turned 16 as of this morning.

Slowly rising into a seated position, Ruka yawned and stretched before getting up out of bed and standing to her usual towering height of over 7 feet. Because she kept growing and growing, Ruka had to rebuild her house and furniture several times.

Cracking her arms and neck, Ruka stretched once more, stood on her tippy toes, and fell to the floor to do her morning workout. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." Ruka would count aloud each time she did one pushup.

She kept doing this until she reached her hundredth pushup before moving on to sit-ups, pullups, planks, and lunges and completing them as well.

As she did this, Luna advised her, "Mistress, it's another beautiful morning. There's no chance of rain or high winds. It's currently 69 degrees outside, and the highest will be 75 and the lowest 62."

"Alright, thank you, Luna." Ruka thanked her as any time she helped or advised her. Thanks to Luna, Ruka has been able to learn a lot over the past 11 years. From math, science, finance, and practically anything she'd need or want to learn, Luna was there to provide.

After finishing her workout, Luna returned to her feet and called forth the nanobots to cover her body once more. When she saw that the nanobots adhered to her order, she left her room and saw a large expanse of her living room, kitchen, and dining room that she had built from stone and wood. 

In the kitchen, there were several wooden counters with a basket of delicious food on them. A bit away from the wooden counters was a clean, even stone table with wooden chairs equipped with a pile of soft bundles of leaves for seats.

In the living room was, sadly, a broken couch that Ruka had broken recently after flopping on it. "Yeah, I still need to fix that..." Ruka felt embarrassed since she thought she was too heavy for that couch, but Luna assured her that she was beautiful just the way she was.

"Mistress!" Luna appeared before Ruka like she always does, and she began to say, "Today is the first day where we will start your combat training. I am uploading some combat skills to your database, consisting of swordsmanship, spearmanship, dagger arts, hand-to-hand combat, bowmanship, and more."

One good thing that happened over the course of 11 years was that Ruka no longer felt uncomfortable any time Luna would upload things to her 'database,' which was just Ruka's brain.

Once Ruka had learned everything, she smiled and was amazed at how cool all the combat techniques were. Speaking of combat techniques, Ruka asked, "When will I learn magic?" but then heard Luna sigh.

"Mistress, didn't we already talk about this? Your body needs to be able to fully handle the magic power you possess, and at the moment, you do not. On your 18th birthday, perhaps you'll be ready to start learning magic." Luna said that and created a golden trail for Ruka to follow.

"Alright, alright..." Ruka admitted defeat and trusted the process. Luna obviously knew way more than Ruka did, and at times that would frustrate her, but what could she do?

Ruka then followed the golden trail until she stumbled upon a spot where she would hunt her first animal. Appearing from the corner of her eye, Luna said, "Today, you will be hunting some forest wolves that have been eyeing you ever since you landed here. The only reason they haven't dared go near you was because of your draconic bloodline. However, I will mask it so that they won't be afraid of you anymore."

Nodding, Luna decided to transform some of the nanobots that covered her body into a long white and gold spear. With it in her hands, the spearmanship techniques that were uploaded to her database surfaced, and she understood the stance, the footwork, the fluidity of her strikes, the weight she needs to place in her body when she moves and strikes, and so much more.

Soon enough, a group of three forest wolves, who were only as tall as her thighs, revealed themselves. Their gray fur was spotted with brown and white, and their eyes were blood red. They glared at Ruka, showing their clear killing intent, though it didn't scare Ruka one bit. One thing that Ruka could see was the aura they produced, and Luna had informed her that it was Warrior's aura.

Taking the proper stance, Ruka provoked the forest wolves, and two of them rushed at her while one of them, clearly the leader of the pack, stayed behind.

Grinning, Ruka had waited for them to get close before stabbing one in the neck, instantly killing it, before pulling and using the butt of the spear to hit the other forest wolf in the head, disorienting that one in the process.

As the leader of the forest wolf pack watched this, he saw that the green-skinned futanari wearing white and gold metal armor had then struck and pierced through the second wolf in the neck, killing that one as well. However, what the green-skinned futanari did next was not something he expected.

The green-skinned futanari took the second wolf's body with the spear still stuck in its neck before spinning her body and throwing it over to him, thus blocking his vision. And yet, when it dodged out of the way, the leader felt something sharp enter his body, and pain soon followed.

He watched the green-skinned futanari, who was now extending her body with the spear in her hand, puncture his heart with the spear. He couldn't believe that she was so fast, and he soon died moments later.

Standing back up before spinning the spear in her hands, Ruka flicked the blood off the spear before allowing it to return to her body. "How disappointing. That was really easy; I thought they were going to be tougher."

Appearing in her vision for the nth time, Luna giggled softly. "I apologize, Ruka. It seems like your training has paid off, all thanks to me, of course."

It was Ruka's turn to chuckle as she nodded her head. "Yeah, yeah. Thank you, O' wise teacher! Anyway, when am I going to get a real challenge? That was barely a warm-up."

"Well, you'll get the real challenge starting today. Come, disassemble those bodies, and craft yourself some clothing from their hide and fur." Luna said before disappearing from Ruka's vision.

Putting out her hand, Ruka ordered the nanobots to devour and disassemble the forest wolves' bodies and craft them into suitable clothing for her to wear. This took only a minute to do, and Ruka now had new clothing to wear.

Putting them on over the nanobots, and with their meat, organs, bones, and everything else stored inside her body, she walked back to the house perimeter and waited for the real challenge.

Luna had then uploaded some interesting information to Ruka's database before saying, "I am now giving you access to create combat training simulations. You will be able to create an infinite number of humanoid or beastial holograms at your desired difficulty, no matter the shape or size, weapon or hand-to-hand combat, anything to help you with combat training."

"I see..." Ruka processed this information and started to create five training holograms, all humanoid, who were equipped with holographic swords. These holograms didn't have any human characteristics aside from a humanoid body. Their bodies took on the colors of the rainbow.

Once they appeared in Ruka's vision, Luna explained, "Your nanobots covering your body will respond and stop the simulation if and when you are hit by a hologram. If you would like, you can allow for the simulation to continue, but you'll experience moderate pain from wherever you are hit."

Nodding, Ruka thought that she would make it so that the simulation wouldn't end even after she was hit. "No pain, no gain." She thought aloud and allowed the nanobots to fully cover her whole body, including her head, which hid her face and horns. She adjusted the difficulty to make it easier to see how the simulation would progress.

Since Ruka had covered her whole body, she couldn't craft the spear again. As a substitute, Ruka then crafted a spear made from the forest wolves' bones. It resembled the same exact shape, size, and weight as the spear she used earlier.

"Alright, let's do this." Ruka said as she watched the humanoid holograms holding their swords rush toward her, with the first one taking their right arm and swinging the blade at her neck.

Yet, Ruka was able to grip onto the hologram's right hand thanks to the sensations emitted from the nanobots to her hands and body. She then took their right wrist to use it and stabbed the second one that came and went to attack her.

After that, the third one came, and this time, Ruka used her spear to pierce through the neck of the third one, killing that one. The fourth one and the fifth hologram were patient, and so Ruka had killed the first hologram to focus on the last two.

When Ruka defeated those three holograms, their bodies turned into pixels before disappearing. "That's cool..." Ruka now turned her attention toward the last two holograms.

"Hmm, how should I deal with them?" She wondered before she decided that she wanted to try hand-to-hand combat. Stabbing the dirt with her bone spear, Ruka sprinted toward the last two holograms, and they sprinted toward her.

Laughing in excitement, Ruka was met with the fourth hologram, who tried to thrust their weapon into her stomach. However, it was quickly deflected when Ruka grabbed their arm that held the weapon before using it to allow the fifth hologram to use their weapon and slice off the fourth's arm.

The fourth hologram could be seen clutching their arm as they fell to their knees due to the 'pain,' which gave Ruka ample time to rush toward the fifth hologram before striking their neck with her fist. She then strikes against the radial nerve in the hologram's arm to cause a reflexive opening of the hand, thus releasing and dropping their weapon into Ruka's hand.

With one swift, crescent motion of the wrist and arm, Ruka had cut off both holograms' heads, separating them from their bodies to allow them to fall into pixels before disappearing from her vision.

After the simulation had ended, Ruka stood up and couldn't help but complain aloud, "Luna, I know this was one of the easier settings, but this isn't a... challenge..." As if to eat those words, Ruka saw a hundred holograms spawning at the medium difficulty setting, all thanks to Luna.

Appearing in the corner of her eye, Luna said as she crossed her arms. "Good luck, Mistress. You're going to need it."

Ruka then saw the hoard of holograms rushing toward her, and her draconic instincts told her that this wasn't a fight she was going to win but needed to face, so she raced back to her spear, but the moment she turned around, all she saw was a holographic tip of a sword from a holographic training dummy.

"Oh my—"
