
Supreme Draconic Orc and her Unique Harem

[R-18, Futanari MC, Smut, Overpowered] The Infamous Orc King, who was said to be stronger than the Demon King, was unfortunately captured by all the nations, who rallied together to stop him. In his final moments, he gave a prophecy that the Orc's "Supreme God" would descend from the heavens with strength he could not compare or even understand. After his death, several thousand years had passed, and in outer space on a space ship, a green draconic orc baby was hatched from an egg and was later given the name Ruka. Ruka's parents were in a lot of trouble, all because of Ruka's birth, so they had no choice but to send her off to a planet where it would be safe for her to grow up and survive. Before this happened, Ruka was injected with a golden liquid filled with high-tech nanomachines that will aid her in her adventure in this whole new world, along with an AI assistant to help her. Yet, as she grows up and is ready to seek civilization, the world and Ruka do not mix exactly well. Part of the reason was because Ruka seemed to be the only Orc living, and she was the only person who was a Futanari and had a unique harem. How will the Draconic Orc Futanari survive in this new world? Read to find out! [Note: Her Harem contains Femboys/Traps, not just women.] ---------------- Cover art is not mine, found it off Pinterest.

Vexis · Fantasy
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8 Chs


[Eldoria, 2 years later. Ruka's Age: 18]

In a vast open field, there was a futanari who was wearing white and gold metal armor that covered her whole body. In her right hand was a spear made from bone, and she was using it as a weapon.

Twirling her bone spear, several holograms turned into brightly colored pixels before they ceased to exist. Soon later, the nanobots on the futanari's body quickly absorbed and stored the bone staff while fitting nicely underneath her clothes made from wolf hide and fur.

This very, very beautiful green-skinned futanari had long silver-colored hair and golden eyes with vertical black slit pupils. Sprouting from the side of her head were two gray draconic horns that twisted upward toward the sky. The futanari's two bottom teeth extended just a bit above her bottom lip, but it did nothing hinder her beauty at all.

Standing at an impressive, towering height of over 8 feet, her body was completely eye-catching. She was very toned and muscular, and her breasts were fairly large considering her size.

The futanari didn't care about any of this as she was too busy smiling in excitement, as today was the day she would seek out civilization and someone other than—

"Well done, Mistress. As you know, today is the day we search for civilization and take our training elsewhere." A golden-holographic woman appeared out of the corner of her eye and hovered in the air as she waited for her response.

Nodding to the holographic woman, the green-skinned futanari, Ruka, replied happily, "Yes, Luna. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. But don't forget that I would like to learn magic!"

Ever since Ruka had heard about magic, she wanted to learn it right away but couldn't, as Luna wouldn't allow her. Luna claimed that her body was not powerful enough to contain the quality of magic she possessed, so she had to train it long and hard over the years.

Giggling softly, Luna replied, "Fufufu~ how can I forget after being reminded every day with you pouting and asking? You'll learn very, very soon. Just trust me, okay?"

Sighing, Ruka nodded and walked back to her house, where she had taken and stored some things she needed for the road. It wasn't much, just some fruits and vegetables.

When she was finally ready, Ruka took one last look at her house that she had lived in for 13 years, and two small tears fell from her eyes before she wiped them off with her left arm.

Closing the door and turning her back to the house, Ruka followed a golden trail, thanks to Luna, and it would lead her throughout the forest. This forest had been her home, but now it was time for her to leave.

Most of the living creatures kept their distance as they were not only scared but wanted peace between them and Ruka, while others sought her demise and tried attacking her, only for them to be quickly slain with a quick fist to their necks.

She would then store the bodies in her storage unit, which seemed to be infinite, and continue to travel on her guided path through the forest. Though, after walking upon miles upon miles, it was starting to get annoying.

"Ugh, this forest is stupid! Why is it so damn big?" Ruka couldn't help but vent her frustrations aloud while kicking a rock with her foot, sending it like a speeding bullet as it pierced through tree after tree until it turned into dust.

Luna showed herself to Ruka and explained, "Don't worry, Mistress. We'll be able to find a road within the hour, so please be patient. I suspect that all the nations avoided this forest thanks to the dense amount of animals and mana, all thanks to you."

Pointing toward herself, Ruka asked. "Me? What did I do? I just lived here and minded my own business, all thanks to you."

Laughing, Luna told her, "I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just that your magical aura had leaked out and spread throughout the forest, strengthening everything in the environment while scaring and keeping anyone from entering."

Stopping in her tracks, Ruka asked, "Wait, are you saying that even if I find civilization, they'll just be scared of me?" which earned a shrug from Luna.

"When people meet you, it's more than likely they will not sense the quality of your mana, but they will be intimidated by your natural height and your draconic features. The only reason they're scared of the forest is because your magical aura changed the environment's mana into something stronger that they can sense. But your magical aura is so potent that they can't sense it." Luna finished off her explanation with gestures from her hand.

Sighing in relief, Ruka thanked her. "Yeah, I don't want my first chance to interact with another person to be confrontational." Stretching while putting her hands on the back of her head, Ruka kept walking until something amazing happened.

"Is that...?" Ruka rushed toward the sight of a dirt road, and she couldn't help but get on her knees and hug it. "Oh, you're so beautiful! Oh, I thank you for putting an end to my troubles!"

Getting back up to wipe off the dirt that clung to her clothes, Ruka looked to her left and right and wondered which direction to take before she saw the golden trail pointing in the left direction. "I guess that way."

"Gee, aren't you smart?" Luna teased and continued to hover as she traveled with Ruka, who was the only person who could possibly see her.


A few hours later, Ruka eventually spotted something interesting yet concerning at the same time. Up ahead was a broken carriage, which was in the process of being raided by a bunch of humans who appeared to be bandits.

They were equipped with shabby iron swords and knives, while one rather large bandit in particular carried a large shield and flail as he sat and watched his men abuse the carriage with their weapons.

"Wow, they're so tiny!" Ruka was amazed at how small humans appeared to be since she heard incredible stories about them from Luna. However, these ones in front of her looked so weak, tiny, and pitiful.

Luna hovered in front of her and sighed, "No matter where we go, there will always be evils who seek to benefit no one but themselves. Use your thermal vision, Mistress."

As advised, Ruka concentrated her vision, and she was able to see the group of five bandits out in the middle of the road, but four more in the bushes along the side of the road, all carrying and aiming their wooden bows at the carriage if anything happened.

That wasn't all; inside the carriage were five people, or more accurately, five women, who were bracing themselves from the bandit's attacks. This was confirmed further as the people inside the carriage tried communicating with the bandits.

"You are attacking Her Highness's carriage! If you do not wish to be executed, please leave immediately." A woman yelled from inside the carriage at the men, but it fell on deaf's ears. It seemed like they didn't care; in fact, they were laughing at their poor display.

The leader, the man with a large shield and flail, shouted to them. "Stop resisting and come with us! Don't make us use any more force than we already have to. After all, your bodies are worth a pretty penny."

Hearing all of this, Ruka spat on the ground and was disgusted by the leader's words and the bandit's actions. "Wow, are all humans like them?" and Luna explained, "Thankfully, not all of them. There are a lot of good people in any race that you come across, but there are also an equal number of bad people as well. Try not to let this experience sour your views of humans."

Nodding, Ruka didn't want to harm anyone if she didn't have to, so she walked up slowly to the bandits, and the archers in the bushes alerted the bandits of her presence.

Putting up her hands, Ruka frowned and said, "Listen, why don't you go and pick a different hobby, hmm? It's not nice to attack others, you know."

The bandits all looked at her in confusion, since they were a bit intimidated by her rather strange appearance, but after hearing what she said, they all laughed and mocked her.

"Did you hear that, guys? It's not nice to attack people!"

"Oh, no. What are you going to do? Tell our mommies that we're being bad little boys."

"Hahahaha, yeah, right! If she thinks this is bad, wait until she hears what we did to those women we captured a few days ago! Hahaha, I wonder what she'll say then."

In the carriage, the five women looked out the window and saw a very tall, green-skinned 'woman' with gray horns protruding out the sides of her head. They've never seen someone that matches her description before, but they assumed that she was "some kind of evolution of a goblin."

Thankfully, Ruka didn't hear any of that and just focused on the bandits, who were now even more revolting than when they first appeared. "Are you saying..." she was about to ask before a bandit interrupted her, bringing up a knife to his mouth before licking the blade clean.

"Kekeke, Yup! That's right! It was a family, you see. There was a father, a mother, a brother, and a sister. Before we killed the men, we ripped off the woman's clothes in front of them before sticking our—Kugh!!" The bandit was about to finish his story until Ruka couldn't take it anymore and quickly threw a premade dagger at his throat as if it were a speeding bullet.

All the bandits were completely shocked since they didn't even see her move or even the blade that flew in the air. However, they were sure that she was the one who threw it, judging by the look on her face—her angry, very angry face.

The archers in the bushes had shot their arrows toward her, and Ruka flicked her fingers at two of them before grabbing the last two and throwing them toward two of the bandits near the carriage.

Trying once more, the archers shot at her, and this time, Ruka caught all four of them and decided to throw two of them at the last two bandits near the bandit, a grunt, and their leader, but unfortunately, the leader had blocked the arrow with his shield while the grunt had perished since he couldn't block or dodge it.

The last two arrows thrown were sent to two archers, who ended up dying with Ruka's perfect accuracy. "Dammit! How does she know that we're here?!" The last two archers claimed and kept launching arrow after arrow, but none of them landed on her as she would just catch it with her hand.

With a straight face, Ruka caught the arrows and kept throwing them at the leader's shield before it eventually broke with how fast and strong the arrows were being sent. Now the leader could do nothing but try and deflect the arrows with his flail.

Unfortunately, he could only block a few, but some of them managed to pierce his arms and thighs. This caused him to yell, "Cease your fire, you idiots! Do you think you'll get a lucky shot? Obviously not! She's just toying with us!"

Taking matters into his own hands, the leader decided to pick up and throw one of his men's dead bodies at the green-skinned 'woman', who only caught their legs and threw it back at him, but this time even harder and faster than he threw his.

Luckily for him, though, he dodged and started sprinting toward Ruka with the intention of getting personal. He knew that he was either going to survive or die in this battle, as this 'woman' was strong. She is so strong, in fact, that he cannot even sense her strength.

"Dammit!" The bandit leader finally arrived near Ruka before he tried to swing his flail at her body. Though with Ruka being two feet taller than the leader, it was child's play. She allowed the nanobots to cover her hand before she caught the spiked metal ball with her hand, disarming him in the process. She then used her other one to pick up the leader by his neck before throwing him to the ground and pinning him with her left foot.

With the flail in her hand, Ruka threw it over to one of the archers and struck his head with the metal ball while the other shot an arrow at the same time, which she only used to kill the same archer that shot it.

Looking down at the bandit leader, Ruka couldn't help but say, "Of all things you could've done, being a disgrace is what you chose to do with your talents. How utterly shameful."

The bandit leader gave a mocking laugh, "Is that so, you green-skinned freak? You have no idea what I've been through or what this "magnanimous" kingdom has done for its citizens. Stop being so self-righteous and kill me already!"

Looking at him, Ruka just sighed and shook her head. "No, death is too great of a mercy for you. I'll hand you over to the proper authorities. Take a nice, good nap." Just after she said this, she used her left foot and kicked his head with just enough force to knock him out.

After knocking out the leader, only then did Ruka realize what she had just done. She had never killed a human or something with intelligence before, but for some reason, she didn't feel bad for killing these men. Sure, she didn't like killing, and if she could in the future, she would avoid it, but these men had no hope for redemption.

In the midst of her thoughts, the five women who were in the carriage stepped out and were conflicted with Ruka's appearance but were thankful to her. Ruka, on the other hand, was too busy being shocked by how beautiful these women were.

