
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

nine steps of the dragon god

The cultivation insights Li Tian received from the system gave him all the knowledge he would require while in the Xiantian realm. This included the method for opening a Dantian. He closed his eyes and even following the method described by the system it still took him hours before he was able to successfully complete this step and immediately he did, the undulations in the air indicated his rising power.

As Li Tian entered the qi refinement realm, he found himself faced with new challenges and opportunities for growth. The qi refinement stage focuses on refining and purifying the qi within the body, increasing its quality and potency. It was a crucial step towards reaching higher realms of cultivation.

Drawing upon his newly enhanced bloodline and the dragon qi vein he had acquired, Li Tian delved into his cultivation with unwavering determination. In the secluded cave, the dragon qi vein played a pivotal role in his cultivation. By connecting with the vein, Li Tian was able to absorb the purest and most potent dragon qi directly. This accelerated his progress, allowing him to refine his qi at an astonishing pace. The energy from the vein coursed through his meridians, strengthening his body, and nourishing his bloodline.

As Li Tian's cultivation deepened, his physical attributes underwent remarkable changes. His senses sharpened, granting him heightened perception and reaction speed. His body became more resilient, capable of enduring greater physical strain and recovering from injuries at an accelerated rate. This was obvious from the wounds inflicted upon him by the Draco-lizard, the injuries had completely disappeared without a single scar remaining.

A day later Li Tian opened his eyes and as he did a terrifying aura emanated from his as if he was an ancient beast that had just woken up from many years of slumber. 

The first thing he did after waking up was to check the system notification because while he was cultivating he had heard a system notification sound.


[ congratulations to the host for taking one step further on the path to becoming supreme, you are rewarded with

100 Dragon Qi pills

Dragon fist technique

Nine steps of the dragon god


Seeing this Li Tian was filled with joy, with the dragon qi pills he did not have to take the dragon vein out each time he wanted to cultivate. That would be plain recklessness and he was not interested in losing his life for the second time—one time was more than enough.

Then his eyes fell on the 'dragon fist' technique he understood that this was a battle skill that focused on close combat. He remembered having seen it in his previous life though he never cultivated it, but all he knew here was that it would be of great help now.

His eyes moved down by one step again and then a technique entered his eyes, 'nine steps of the dragon god'.

Just from the name and the system description Li Tian understood that this was a very profound movement technique. If cultivated to the peak all distance can be ignored. It was divided into ten levels and as information about the technique entered his mind he realized that the system only revealed the first level of technique—rising waves-departing winds.

As the name suggests if successfully cultivated your movements will be as unpredictable as waves yet as swift as wind, Unobstructable and untraceable.

Li Tian was left stunned where he sat, this technique was too great. He could not wait for the day when he reaches the peak of the technique and sees what it really means to say distance does not exist.

He stood up and soon noticed that he had grown taller and even his hair had grown longer. He stretched a little to get a feel of his new physique and was quite impressed, he had grown more muscular, and sensing his strength he felt that even facing that lizard at peak strength now would be very much easier than last time.

"system show me my status"



Host: Li Tian

Cultivation level: Xiantian (low-level qi refinement stage)

Bloodline: Dragon bloodline, 10% awakened

Bloodline ability: Dragon transformation

Cultivation method: Supreme Dragon Descends

Battle skills: dragon claw, dragon fist

Movement techniques: Nine steps of the dragon god( first level–rising waves-departing winds


As the information registered in his mind, he could not help but beam in glee. 

It was only now that he remembered he had never used his bloodline ability. He tried it once before but it was a total failure, upon verifying from the system he was told that only when he breaks through to the Xiantian realm can he use this ability, and now was the time. He was very eager,

He activated the technique and right before his eyes saw how his hands turned to dragon claws and as he kept on watching green scales gradually grew and covered his arms up to the level of his shoulders before stopping. He bent his trousers up only to find that scales had also grown all over his legs right up to the level of his waist. This left him bewildered. 

"I thought dragon transformation meant I was going to transform into a giant majestic dragon. What the hell went wrong…system, can you explain to me what is happening?"


"Certainly. The transformation depends on the amount of bloodline awakened. Seeing as the host has only awakened 10% of your bloodline, you are only able to manage this level of transformation"

  "so you mean in the future as long as my bloodline is pure enough I will be able to undergo complete Dragonification?" Li Tian asked

"yes" replied the system

"what percentage of my blood do I have to awaken to achieve complete Dragonification?" asked Li Tian

"the system estimates that the host will be able to undergo complete Dragonification upon awakening 50% of his bloodline"

As these words entered Li Tian's ears it did not make him sad since he knew that if it was for different people it might take them thousands of years but with the help of the system it was going to take him a much shorter period.

With that out of the way, he decided to test his new state. He bounced up and down on the same spot and feeling the strength within his legs only left him happier, what made him even more happy was the strength and sharpness of his claws that left him in complete shock. He undid the transformation, then took out a dragon qi pill and threw it in his mouth before heading out.

It has been four days since the start of the trial and as he walked out of the cave and sunlight landed on his face he felt like a new man.