
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Breakthrough, Xiantian Realm

Li Tian's heart raced as he unleashed the formidable Dragon Claw Technique, his bloodline surging through his veins. Unbeknownst to him, his aura radiated with an intensity that even the demonic Draco-Lizard before him could sense. This cunning creature had sensed his unique bloodline while slumbering in the depths of the forest and had sought him out for a sinister purpose. Devouring Li Tian would purify its own dragon bloodline, propelling it closer to its ancestral power, and bypassing years of cultivation.

The Draco-Lizard, possessing an exceptional intellect, knew that its presence here was no mere coincidence. Initially confused upon its arrival, it now confirmed its suspicions upon sensing the suppression emanating from Li Tian's bloodline. The sacrifice of an eye had been a small price to pay for this opportunity.

The bloodline suppression weakened the Draco-Lizard, reducing its strength to that of a Qi Refinement cultivator. However, its determination to kill Li Tian remained unwavering. With astonishing agility for its size, the creature lunged ferociously toward Li Tian, its gaping maw and razor-sharp teeth aimed at his head. But Li Tian was prepared. Swiftly, he rolled under the lizard's massive frame, striking at its vulnerable belly. Although his attack left a shallow cut, the difference in realms between them made it difficult to inflict a deep wound on the sturdy creature.

In any ordinary confrontation, this fearsome beast would have vanquished its opponent long ago. Its imposing presence and warlike physique were enough to paralyze most with fear. However, Li Tian was resolute in his determination to survive. With each passing moment, he relentlessly attacked, using the only battle skill he knew. Wounds accumulated on both combatants and the beast grew increasingly bloodthirsty. Yet, Li Tian refused to relent.

Despite sustaining injuries, including a direct hit from the lizard's claws on his chest, Li Tian refused to let the creature escape. He unleashed a renewed onslaught, denying it any chance of withdrawal. The battle raged on for fifteen grueling minutes until, finally, the lifeless carcass of the Draco-Lizard lay before Li Tian. Pride swelled within his chest as he beheld his triumph. And then, a resounding sound echoed in his ears.


The system's notification resonated, signaling Li Tian's completion of the quest and rewarding him with a bountiful array of treasures:

[ Congratulations to the host for completing the quest. you are rewarded with

1. Breakthrough cultivation insight into the Xiantian realm.

2. Acquisition of a low-level Dragon Qi Vein.

3. A 5% increase in bloodline strength.

4. Opening of the system's storage space.]

A wide smile graced Li Tian's face as he relished the rewards bestowed upon him. He recognized this as the opportune moment for his long-awaited breakthrough. Hastily, he extracted the core from the fallen beast and set off to find a secure location for his ascension.

After an hour's search, he stumbled upon a secluded cave, hidden from prying eyes. Without hesitation, he stepped inside and sought out a suitable spot. Settling into a lotus position, he invoked the name of Azura, calling upon the system to bestow him with the rewards he had earned.

Instantly, a torrent of information flooded his consciousness, guiding him on his path. Gradually, his senses sharpened, and he detected a majestic Qi permeating the air—a tyrannical and imposing energy that could only be described as dragon Qi.

Unlike others who cultivated spiritual Qi, Li Tian's chosen path, the "Supreme Dragon Descends" cultivation method, led him to harness the power of dragon Qi. Determined, he endeavored to draw this energy into his being. Hours slipped by unnoticed as he persisted in his efforts. And then, a surge of energy surged into his body, tracing a path that unleashed an awe-inspiring aura.

A sense of relief washed over Li Tian as if he had unshackled himself from invisible chains. His aura soared to new heights, stabilizing after a minute. Yet, he yearned for more. He realized that relying solely on the dragon Qi in the world would be a lengthy process. Although spiritual Qi formations existed to enhance concentration, he knew that the dragon Qi was a rare commodity. Resolute in his desire, he beseeched the system to reveal the dragon vein.

In his hands, a golden vein pulsated, exuding a terrifying draconic might. Li Tian recognized its value and understood that such power could drive others to commit unspeakable acts. To avoid tempting fate, he ventured deeper into the cave until no trace of light reached the outside world.

Seated once again, he immersed himself in the dragon Qi. The concentrated aura surrounding him facilitated his absorption, allowing him to reap greater rewards with each inhalation. His body underwent a gradual transformation, adapting to the potent energy coursing through him.


The system's notification sounded once more, but Li Tian remained oblivious to its message, lost in the euphoria of the Qi flowing through him. His focus was unwavering.

"Azura, I am ready to receive the bloodline enhancement reward," he declared.

A thunderous boom resonated deep within Li Tian's being as his bloodline underwent a 5% augmentation. There was no pain, only a gradual strengthening of his body and spirit. Two days had passed since the trial began, and now, on the third day, as Li Tian opened his eyes within the confines of the cave, he knew that he had completed the Qi Sensing Realm. It was time to embark on the Qi Refinement stage.

With the newfound insights bestowed upon him, Li Tian understood the path that lay ahead.