
Supremacy In Multiverse

In the thrilling fanfiction "Supremacy In Multiverse," we follow the extraordinary journey of Nathan, a seemingly ordinary individual who is granted an unparalleled opportunity. When Nathan is chosen to become the champion of the deity Dorr, his life takes a dramatic turn. Dorr, a powerful being from beyond the realms of reality, offers Nathan a chance to travel through the multiverse, exploring countless worlds and dimensions. The condition is that Nathan must prove himself in the deadly contest known as the Death Game. In this high-stakes competition, each deity selects a champion to represent them. The champions are pitted against each other in a series of perilous challenges, where only the strongest and most cunning will survive. With the fate of entire universes hanging in the balance, Nathan must face not only skilled adversaries but also the enigmatic powers of the deities themselves. As the multiverse unfolds before him, Nathan finds himself embroiled in a web of intrigue, alliances, and betrayals. He encounters other champions, each with their unique abilities and motives, ranging from noble aspirations to sinister desires. In the midst of this cosmic battle, Nathan must navigate the complexities of trust and deceit, choosing his allies carefully as he strives to fulfill his destiny. Throughout the journey, Nathan's character is tested, and he discovers hidden strengths within himself. He embraces the teachings of Dorr and learns to harness newfound powers, which propel him towards becoming a formidable force within the Death Game. Amidst the trials and tribulations, Nathan forms unexpected friendships, discovering that even in the vast expanse of the multiverse, bonds of camaraderie can transcend the boundaries of reality. As the Death Game reaches its climactic finale, Nathan faces not only the champions of other deities but also the divine beings themselves. The outcome of this battle of champions will determine the fate of the multiverse and the very existence of reality. Mc has the shadow monarch power Note: All of the characters are not mine so credits to their amazing creator.

Baya_baya · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


As I sprinted through the enchanted forest, the goblins hot on my heels, fear surged through my veins. I had decided to leave my own cave, and now they were relentless in their pursuit. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to stay ahead, but their wicked laughter echoed behind me, making it seem like they were gaining ground.

Desperation gripped me as I realized that I couldn't outrun them forever. My mind raced, searching for a way to escape their clutches. In a moment of instinct, I turned sharply, my knife gleaming in the dappled light, and took a stand against the first goblin to reach me. With a swift, well-aimed strike, I dispatched it, but the others closed in, undeterred.

My mind was a whirlwind of adrenaline and fear as I fended off the relentless attackers.

*Stab* *Slash* *Swoosh*

Arrows and spear chasing me because of those damn goblins.

I managed to take down a few more goblins, but it seemed like for every one I defeated, two more appeared in their place.

Suddenly, the forest floor trembled beneath my feet, and a deafening roar filled the air.


"What the fu-" I glanced up, my eyes widening in awe and disbelief.

A massive wyvern descended from the skies, its majestic wingspan casting an ominous shadow over the goblins.

With a mighty sweep of its head, the wyvern unleashed a torrent of scorching fire breath, engulfing the goblins in flames.

'This, I might get roasted alive' The heat seared through the air, and I shielded my face from the intense blaze.

The goblins' wicked laughter turned into panicked screams as they were consumed by the wyvern's fury.

In mere moments, the forest clearing was filled with the smell of charred flesh, and the once-pursuing goblins were reduced to lifeless ash. The wyvern let out a triumphant roar.


Hearing this I got scared but at the sametime excited on what kind of beings I might encounter in this world if I survive.

I stood in awe, watching the magnificent creature soar back into the skies, its powerful wings carrying it away from the clearing.

My heart still racing.

*Ba-dum* *Ba-dum* kBa-dum*

I could hardly believe what had just happened.

The wyvern had saved me from the relentless goblins, wiping them out with its terrifying fire breath.

I don't know why would the wyvern save me from those goblin, but even though, Wyvern I will not forger this moment in my life, I will repay you someday even though I don't know anything about you other than your a wyvern.

Taking a moment to catch my breath, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and wonder. I knew that I had witnessed something extraordinary, a powerful force of nature intervening on my behalf.

With newfound determination, I decided to continue my journey through the magical forest, knowing that there were more mysteries and dangers awaiting me.

"I should look for new homes and train more to defend myself and my home"

(Wyvern pov)

As the mighty wyvern descended from the skies, hunger gnawed at my insides. My wings beat with a sense of purpose, seeking prey to sate the primal urge that drove me. I scanned the enchanted forest below, my keen eyes spotting a group of goblins chasing a lone figure.

I don't care about that lone figure, I'm starving.

The goblins scurried through the undergrowth, their malicious laughter echoing through the trees. Little did they know that they had become my next meal, and I could feel the anticipation building within me.

With a thunderous roar, I descended upon the unsuspecting goblins, their wicked grins turning to terror as they realized the doom that loomed over them.

My massive form blocked out the sunlight as I unleashed a torrent of scorching fire breath upon them.

The goblins scattered, trying to evade my fiery onslaught, but it was futile. My flames licked at their bodies, consuming them with relentless ferocity.

The forest floor crackled and burned beneath my fiery wrath, and the scent of charred flesh filled the air.

As the last of the goblins succumbed to my flames, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. The hunger that had driven me to seek prey had been satiated, and I knew that I had claimed a formidable victory over those who had dared to trespass in my domain.

I paid little attention to the figure that had been the goblins' initial target. My sole focus had been on my meal, on quenching the burning hunger that resided within me.

I knew not the name or purpose of the lone individual, for my purpose was simple - to survive and thrive in this magical forest.

(3rd person pov)

Our main character didn't know that the wyvern doesn't have the intention of saving him but only just wanted to have some meal before continuing his journey.


Yo, Sory for the bad grammar

Whatchu think guys about the story??

Also if you like this story don't forget to put it in your library also if you are generous enough give me some of those stone. thanks!!!