
Supremacy In Multiverse

In the thrilling fanfiction "Supremacy In Multiverse," we follow the extraordinary journey of Nathan, a seemingly ordinary individual who is granted an unparalleled opportunity. When Nathan is chosen to become the champion of the deity Dorr, his life takes a dramatic turn. Dorr, a powerful being from beyond the realms of reality, offers Nathan a chance to travel through the multiverse, exploring countless worlds and dimensions. The condition is that Nathan must prove himself in the deadly contest known as the Death Game. In this high-stakes competition, each deity selects a champion to represent them. The champions are pitted against each other in a series of perilous challenges, where only the strongest and most cunning will survive. With the fate of entire universes hanging in the balance, Nathan must face not only skilled adversaries but also the enigmatic powers of the deities themselves. As the multiverse unfolds before him, Nathan finds himself embroiled in a web of intrigue, alliances, and betrayals. He encounters other champions, each with their unique abilities and motives, ranging from noble aspirations to sinister desires. In the midst of this cosmic battle, Nathan must navigate the complexities of trust and deceit, choosing his allies carefully as he strives to fulfill his destiny. Throughout the journey, Nathan's character is tested, and he discovers hidden strengths within himself. He embraces the teachings of Dorr and learns to harness newfound powers, which propel him towards becoming a formidable force within the Death Game. Amidst the trials and tribulations, Nathan forms unexpected friendships, discovering that even in the vast expanse of the multiverse, bonds of camaraderie can transcend the boundaries of reality. As the Death Game reaches its climactic finale, Nathan faces not only the champions of other deities but also the divine beings themselves. The outcome of this battle of champions will determine the fate of the multiverse and the very existence of reality. Mc has the shadow monarch power Note: All of the characters are not mine so credits to their amazing creator.

Baya_baya · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Hell no

In the days to come, the memory of his hard-fought triumph over the goblins would inspire Nathan to face each obstacle with renewed strength and resolve. The echoes of his celebratory shout would linger in the forest, a testament to the indomitable spirit of a young warrior on a quest for adventure and self-discovery.

"Fuck you goblins"

(Nathan pov)

Man those fucking goblins really scare the shit out of me, their appearance I can't even describe.

I should go back to my cave while picking some fruits to fill my stomach.

While traveling right now I felt that my strength improved because of my fight earlier but the one that mostly improved after my battle against those 3 goblins shoul be my courage and battle instinct.

Finally after walking for a few minutes I saw some fruits that looks like eatable, I grabbed some peach and apple to fill my stomach.

"I should rest here while eating"

*Munch Munch Munch*

Man I really don't know why did I pick this horrible inhuman prohibition. Maybe just maybe if I didn't pick this prohibition I can enjoy this babies.

Well maybe destiny wanted me to pick this prohibition because some prohibitions might get me killed in this magical forest instantly.

Looks like in the upcoming years I need to get use to this shit like taste palette.


As Nathan finished his suffering because of eating he immediately went to the direction where his cave is, You maybe wondering how the fuck can he navigate inside the forest? Well he leaves a signs while making towards the heart of this magical forest.

A few more minutes of walking he didn't encounter any magical beast.

"That's surprising, yesterday while I'm traveling I always encounter some small beast" Nathan spoke wondering why he didn't encounter any of those beast and continued "Well maybe this is a blessing"

After saying this he finally saw his cave.

"Home sweet cave" Nathan murmured while making his way inside the cave.

As Nathan returned to his cave, his senses heightened by the echoing goblin scream, he realized that the last confrontation had alerted other goblins to his presence.




Fear gripped his heart as he heard the distant sounds of approaching footsteps and chittering whispers drawing nearer.

"Hell no, Please spare me" Nathan said when he heard those noise coming throughout inside the dense forest.

An overwhelming number of goblins blocking his path, their malevolent gazes fixed upon him. Panic surged through him as he realized that he was outnumbered and surrounded.

With his heart pounding in his chest, Nathan knew he had to think quickly to defend himself against the relentless onslaught of goblins.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck I need to take advantage of this cave" He assessed the cave's layout, searching for any advantage he could use to turn the tide in his favor.

As the first wave of goblins charged towards him, Nathan positioned himself near the cave entrance, where the narrow space limited the number of attackers that could come at him at once.

He focused on blocking their strikes with his knife, carefully parrying their attacks and looking for openings to counter.

"FUCK YOU ALL" The goblins number looks like never end.




Using his speed and agility, Nathan darted around the cave, staying just out of reach of the goblins' sharp claws, arrows, spear and dagger.

He targeted the most aggressive ones first, aiming to break their formation and sow confusion among the group.

With each goblin he incapacitated, more seemed to take their place, their relentless assault showing no signs of abating.

'I can't let this continue, my arms are getting tired, my legs are shaky, If this continued I'm one hundred percent sure that my breath will run out'

Nathan's arms burned with fatigue, but he knew he couldn't afford to relent. He had to keep moving, keep fighting.

The cave's walls offered limited cover, but Nathan used them to his advantage, ducking and weaving between the goblins, using the tight space to evade their attacks.

He noticed a small alcove to his left and decided to lure some of the goblins inside, creating a bottleneck that would give him an opportunity to take them out more efficiently.

As the goblins funneled into the alcove, Nathan struck with precision, taking advantage of their momentary disarray. With a combination of swift strikes and evasive maneuvers, he managed to thin their ranks.

Despite his best efforts, the sheer number of goblins continued to pose a daunting challenge.

"I need to break their morale, kill many of them at the sametime, scaring them"

Nathan realized that he needed a decisive move to break their morale and scatter their ranks.

In a burst of inspiration, he reached into his satchel and retrieved a small vial of a luminescent substance he had acquired on his journey. With a swift motion, he shattered the vial on the cave floor, releasing a brilliant flash of light that temporarily stunned the goblins.

Seizing the moment, Nathan pressed forward, taking advantage of the confusion to strike down several more goblins. The light also revealed a narrow opening in the cave wall that led to a hidden passage.

With a surge of determination, Nathan made a daring decision. He dashed towards the opening, slipping through just as the disoriented goblins recovered from the light's effects.

"I'm get back, I will kill you ALL you made me lose my hime, I WILL FUCKING EXTERMINATE YOU RACE IN THIS WORLD" Nathan shouted as he make a decision to abandon his cave.

As he navigated the hidden passage, he could hear the goblins' frustrated cries echoing from behind him. He knew he couldn't stay in the cave forever, but he had gained a precious moment of respite.

Emerging on the other side, Nathan found himself in an unexplored part of the magical forest. He knew that this was not the end of his encounters with the goblins, but for now, he had managed to escape their relentless pursuit.

Drawing a deep breath, he steeled himself for what lay ahead, knowing that the journey through the magical forest would continue to test his courage and resilience.

"Just you wait you fucking goblins, after I get my first power- No in few months I will get stronger, stronger than the rest of you, I will exterminate your whole race"

But Nathan didn't know that the goblins are determine to kill him no matter what the cost is.


Hearing this Nathan looked at his back and saw tons of goblins running towards him.

"Hell no"


Yo, Sory for the bad grammar

Also if you like this story don't forget to put it in your library also if you are generous enough give me some of those stone. thanks!!!