
Girl Meets Prince and The Beast(Part 1)

Since that day, Lala has been absent from school for almost a week. Sometimes a teacher from the school tries to call Lala, but no one answers. Lala just shut herself in her room and never came out except when her uncle came home. Her uncle didn't know at all about her current condition because she was busy working, even when he came home Lala always behaved as usual on his eyes. Lala didn't want to make her uncle worried, so she acted like that.

On Sunday morning, Lala feels so tired physically and mentally. It was difficult for her to waking up but she tried to get up, Lala walked to the kitchen blankly. She cooks while chopping the vegetables. When she's cooking, she imagined about what she had experience at school. Having no friends, being bullied, being humiliated, there is nothing happy in school. Lala paused for a moment and tried to subconsciously aim the knife towards her heart. But when she tried to commit suicide, she heard the voice of her uncle who had just woken up.

"Hooo ... hmm ... uhm..hm ... Ehm ... EHm ... EHMM ..."

Her uncle walked to the bathroom and on the other hand, Lala was shocked and confused by what her uncle was doing. When Lala regained consciousness, she continued her activities. After cooking, she prepared the food on the dining table while waiting for her uncle. After her uncle starts eating, Lala starts eating too.

"How was school? Good?" asked the uncle.

"As usual ..." replied Lala, trying not to lie to her uncle.

"I was actually given a free ticket to Taman Wisata from a colleague from work, but only one."

"It's okay if you want to go, I will look after the house as usual."

"Uncle wants you to go there, uncle is too old."

"Uncle's age still hasn't touched 40, right?"

"Even so, uncle wants you to go there, to find new experiences. After all, you've never been there, have you?"

Lala was silent. Uncle Lala got up from his dining chair and went to his room to find the free ticket.

"Just take it, I'll take you there later." said her uncle, handing Lala the park ticket.

Lala and her uncle went to the tourist park around 2 pm by motorbike. The distance is about 15 minutes using a motorbike based on the prediction of the map application. Due to the traffic jam, they arrived about 25 minutes.

"Uncle will waiting here. You have the ticket, right?"

"Aren't you coming in?"

"If i come in, i can't buy gas for my motorcycle."

"Okay then ..."

Lala enters Taman Wisata alone. After entering, he saw a lot of flora and fauna around her. Starting from endangered animals that are protected to plants that really attract the attention of visitors. Lala go around to see what's in the Taman Wisata, she feels amazed to see the natural wealth around her. He photographed everything he saw without a single part left behind. Lala then tries to enter a place called Secret Garden. Where the place is a maze around which there are hundreds of beautiful and charming flowers. Since the place is a labyrinth, visitors are given a map that will help them for not getting lost. Because Lala was too excited, she just enters the place without taking the map, until she began to realize that she was lost.

"Where am i..." said Lala, while she's looking around.

Then she saw a man from a distance and tried to ask for help.

"SIR...WHERE IS THIS ...?" shouted Lala.

"SHUT UP! THIS IS THE PARK..." answered the people around her.

Because Lala felt bad asking other people for help after what she did earlier, she tried to find a way out by herself. She's trying to jump, hopping every time she moves forward so she could see her way out, unfortunately that didn't help her because it wasn't enough. And then she tried to marks the ground with her footsteps, then walked continuously until she felt tired and stops at the place that she already marked before. She feels hopeless, and tried to break through the labyrinth filled with flowers, but she give up because the walls are too thick. And suddenly a man dressed as a rugby player appears and using his body to go through the wall. Lala who was resting feel shocked and dumbfounded to see him, even when the person was not seen again. Lala realized that she had to return as soon as possible. Suddenly Lala saw a letter lying where she stood. She took the letter because she thought it belonged to the strange person and she wanted to return it. Lala tried to chase him by passing the path that was passed by him. Until Lala arrived at a water fountain filled with clover leaves, which was in the middle of the Secret Garden. She met a man who was riding a white horse dressed like a prince. The man came over to see Lala.

"Are you lost, my sweet rabbit?" said the man as he stretched out his hand.

Lala didn't know what to act like, seeing what she experienced was like a fairy tale. Lala unconsciously grabbed the man's hand, then the man pulled Lala and went together towards the exit. Lala can only be silent, like hypnosis. When she managed to get out of the Secret Garden, Lala began to regain consciousness and give a thanks to him.

"Thank you..."

The man just smiled and then he left. Lala tries to ask his name but he is no longer visible from Lala's sight. Lala's cellphone suddenly rang, when it was checked, it turned out that her uncle had sent messages to Lala 10 times.

"It's already late. I must hurry, my uncle has been waiting for a long time..." said Lala hurriedly.

Lala finally left the Park after being there for about 1 hour. Her uncle, who was chatting with the other people seeing Lala coming out of the place and went straight to him. They both finally returned home. Lala then thanked her uncle for giving her the ticket.

"Thank you Uncle." said Lala, hugging her uncle.

"Actually i want to give a thanks too, because i can see your cheerful face ..." said her uncle while stroking Lala's head.

Lala went to her room and tidied up the place. She still imagined who she had met earlier. Lala remembered that she had not returned the letter which was deemed that belong to the person who wears the rugby costume. Lala was curious about the contents of the letter.

"Meet me at school tomorrow. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you"

Seeing the contents of the message, Lala finally found out that this message was actually for her.

"Perhaps?" said Lala, while holding the paper.

I know that my english ability is not good at all. Everytime i want to translate the language, i must use google translate. But i hope you'll always help me to make me better by write a comment or something like that. i hope you'll enjoy my first story...

Tommy_Facreators' thoughts