
Girl Meets Prince and The Beast(Part 2)

The next day...

The alarm on Lala's cellphone goes off, but Lala hasn't woken up from her sleep yet. The longer the sound of the alarm gets louder until finally Lala wakes up. Lala goes to the bathroom with disheveled hair. After taking a shower, she goes to the kitchen. His uncle was drinking coffee while reading the newspaper at the dining table.

"Morning uncle ..."

"Oh, Lala. Want to go to school?"

"Eh? Mm ... Yes."

"May Uncle to escort you?"

"N ... No need. The distance is also not far from the house. I'll just go alone."

"Well then. Uncle may come home at the midnight, you bring the house key."

"Yes uncle."

Lala goes to her room and then changed her clothes into her school uniform. She actually didn't want to leave because she was still afraid. But because she doesn't want her uncle to know, Lala is forced to go to school. When Lala arrived at the school gate she immediately met a group of female students who were teasing Lala at that time.

"Hey stupid girl, still dare to come here. Do you have the guts?" Said one of the girls who was the leader of the gang, approaching Lala.

Her friends also approach Lala. When the leader approachs Lala, a limousine car appears which accidentally splashed the leader of the gang so that her clothes became wet and dirty. The limousine stopped at the school gate. A group of girl gangs who did not accept their leader being humiliated came to the car, so as the leader. When they approach it, the car door opens and a man dressed as a driver appears out of the car. And then he opens another part of the car door. A few moments later someone come out of the car. That person is none other than a guy who helps Lala when she gets lost. He approachs the gang leader with a calming aura.

"Are you ok?"

"Eh, aa ... It's okay. I'm fine."

He gives the handkerchief to the leader's gang.

"Don't be like that. Even if you dress like this, behave like this, your health needs to be maintained. You don't want your sister to worry, right?"

"How do you ..."

And then he orders the driver to take her to the nearest clothing store and changes her outfit into a more appropriate outfit.

"I'll wait less than 2 minutes, do it."

The driver calls the maid in the car. The maid quickly bring the gang leader into the car and then left. The people who see the incident just remained completely blank. Lala silently walked into the school to her class while they were focused on him. Lala finally got to her classroom without any problems, that's what she's thinking. A few moments later, Lala's homeroom teacher calls Lala to come to her room. After Lala put down her bag, Lala goes to the her teacher's room. Lala's homeroom teacher asks her condition and the reason why she is not going to school, which Lala then fully explains based on what she experienced.

"I understand your feelings, but if you have a problem don't just stay quiet. At least report to the teacher or anyone who can help you. You came here not just aimlessly, right?"

"Mm ..." said Lala, nodding.

"Fine. Now you're going to come in, don't give up, okay ... Teachers always help you. Trust me."

Lala then came out of the room and then returned to her class. The bell rings, all the students enter their classes. After Lala enters the classroom and sits down in the chair, she's trying to looks around her.

"Not much has changed ... There are students who always chatting each other, playing games, even someone who are upset while looking at the window too ..." Lala said.

The teacher who taught Lala's class appears with a boy.

"Today we have a new student. Maybe a lot of you have heard about him. Please introduce yourself first."

"My name is Samuel Romeo, nice to meet you."

The female students in the class became interested in Romeo, even other girl students who saw Romeo from outside the window also heated up the atmosphere.

"Rumors come true ..."

"I never thought I could see the prince with my own eyes ..."

"Romeo, will you be my boyfriend?"

The voices of the female students outside the window were heard in the teacher's room, so that the teachers tried to get the students to come into the classroom. Even though it took a while, the atmosphere finally died down. The girls in the class behaved differently than usual. There are those who smile while looking at Romeo, some are tidying their hair, some are even wearing cosmetics secretly. Meanwhile, the male students could only sigh or pretend they didn't know anything. Lala then woke up from her chair and tried to ask Romeo.

"Romeo, the letter ..."

But the teacher who taught in the class interrupted Lala because she didn't want her time to be wasted.

"Please calm down, don't be noisy. If you want to ask and answer questions later during the break. Romeo, please sit on the seat that is still empty." Teacher said.

Romeo then looks for an empty seat and after that he sits in a place that is behind Lala. Lala tries to ask Romeo again about the letter. But the teacher again made Lala cannot ask him.

"If i'm not mistaken, there is another transfer student that still not introduce his name. Please come forward and introduces yourself to your friends."

A man who sit in the very back corner stand up and walked over to the teacher's table.

"My name is Roni, nice to meet you ..."

All students in the class act normal when Roni speaks, except Lala.

"The one who was upset earlier was a new student ..." Lala said to herself.

The boy in front of Lala is whispering, talking about Romeo with his friend.

"You know the rumors about him? If I'm not mistaken he has rejected girls more than 100 times."

"Wow ... I see? Could he be a playboy?"


Lala was silent. She thought that what the male classmate said had some truth. Lala remembered the time when she first met Romeo and also at the school gate earlier.

"Wait a minute, if I ask about this letter, does that mean I was consumed by his bait? But from his words he seems to want to help me. A prince or a crocodile? Which is true ..." Lala said confusedly.

While Lala is in a state of confusion, someone is monitoring Lala's school from a distance.

"Finally i found you ... DEVIL !!"

First of all Happy New Year everyone(although it's too late for me to say this i think). Sometimes i must do my job in real life that makes me forgot to write the new chapter. I hope you can understand my situation. Anyway i'll try to clear this story until it ends, because i think every story must have a conclusion or the ending. So enjoy yourselves and always support me, maybe(it's up to you actually, i'm not popular at all XD)

Tommy_Facreators' thoughts