

Monday, Jun 10th 2019. My first day of school. The hard work that I've put in so far has finally yielded the desired results. At least the place where I go now can help ease the burden on my family, even just a little. The distance from my house to the school is not too far, it only takes about 7 minutes by foot. I live with my uncle, my parents have died decades ago. The Monday ceremony went on as usual although it felt a little long considering this was the first day of school at the beginning of the semester.

"It's finally over ..." said Lala as she stretched her body.

When she entered her classroom, her books was scattered everywhere. She looked around her but there was no sign of someone who'd been teasing her. Calmly, Lala tidied up her book again and put it in her bag. Day after day, her books always scattered, sometimes her tracksuits were placed in random places. But she couldn't find out who did it. Until one day, to be precise 2 weeks after the first day of school. A girl who is a classmate comes to her table invites her to the cafeteria and treats her, and she accepted. After few minutes, suddenly Lala's stomach hurt and she went to the toilet. After she was done with her business and wanted to get toilet paper, it turns out that there was no toilet paper and she didn't dare go out to get toilet paper from another room. Then they heard the sound of stomping in the toilet. Then Lala tried to ask someone who came.

"Sorry if I'm being rude, but can you give me some toilet paper? Because it's empty here."

No one responded to what Lala said, when Lala tried to ask for help again suddenly someone watered it.

"A poor girl like you is better off using water than tissue. Here's the water and the bucket."

While throwing the bucket at the bathroom door that was occupied by Lala, she laughed with her friends.

"Take that. Don't be arrogant, Poor girl." said the other girl's friend who watered Lala.

Lala could only cry while trying to take tissue from another room. Because she suddenly became ill, she was taken to the medical room for treatment. After her condition become better, she went home because it's already evening. When she took his bag from the locker, she saw various kinds of writing as well as letters in the locker that filled mockery about her. There was even a letter telling her to leave school. In her bag contains plastic trash and rocks around the school grounds. The group of girls who made fun of her came bullying Lala.

"Leave this school, don't have to come back again."

Her friends also badmouthing Lala, including the girls who treat her. Lala leaves and then cleaning her bag while walking back to her house. When she got home, she made dinner and ate alone while waiting for her uncle to come home from work. After eating, she washed the dishes, did her homework and then went to sleep. Lala remembering what she had been through so far, and she feels difficult to sleep. She looked at the photo of her parents even though she was not there in the photo. She only knows it from her uncle.

"Mother, father. Am I better off living in this world or the world you are in now?" said Lala, crying looking at the photo of her parents.

When Lala sleep, she is dreaming that she meet a man who tried to calm her down. He approached Lala and stroked her head.

"Don't be afraid, I'll be beside you ..."

Hi, I'm Tommy from Indonesia. First of all sorry for my bad english. Actually this is my first debut on webnovel and after all i'm still newbie. This story might be special for me because it's based on my life experience combined with some japanese novel style probably (Because i like anime, and their story was really good). I hope you can enjoy my story and please give some support or comments about this story to makes me better.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Tommy_Facreators' thoughts