
Supernatural Beast Tamer

Join Chris as he tries to overcome all obstacles and emerge Victorious in the onset of the supernatural. Chris's Hot Night with his girlfriend Anna ends up, with him almost losing his soul, travelling into another world, and a transmigration into the body of a lowly Demon avatar. How will he escape from one of the most impenetrable spaces in the universe, and handle the Dungeon breaks threatening to tear apart his castle? Will he ever make it back to earth? What will happen to Anna now? P.S - A bit of Smut and Sensitive content read at your own risk.

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30 Chs

A Gruesome Experience

"Pant, Pant, Pant."


Chris woke up in the chamber where he was currently being tortured.


They rubbed him strange fluids all over his body, with his entire body drenched they poured him animal blood, then his body began to burn. He felt as if he was experiencing a pain worse than death, and asked to be killed, "Ahh, kill me, just kill me you m********"


The cell he had slept in last night overflowed with animal blood, especially on the floor. He had laid in it completely fine, so the trigger for this pain was the strange fluids covering his entire body, but even if he knew that, he couldn't do anything as his hands and feet were restrained.


The searing pain continued for hours until he finally collapsed.


Chris awoke shortly after to discover that the red tribe had cleaned his body, his skin glistened as if he was waxed. A woman with purple skin was staring at him silently, she had a crestfallen face as she let out a sigh.


'D*** it, what are they going to do now,'


"Why are you doing this to me?" he asked, hoping to buy some time.


She gave him a charming smile, and turned to one of the attendants,


"Kip jaim lene§."


With that, a large tray which contained thousands of well-crafted silver needles appeared before her, the woman seemed to be inspecting them, then she nodded with a satisfied look.


Chris on the other hand marvel at how such thin, and finely crafted needles could appear in a place like this.


'What will, they do to me now,' Chris shuddered. He had attempted to distract them for a while to escape as his hands, and feet had become loose from his movements when he was in pain, but she didn't even take the bait.


Before he could think of any other method, the soldier's standing guard had already bound his hands, and feet, even more tightly than before.


The purple skinned woman began shouting out incantations as her eyes became white, hot purple energy erupted from her hands, and thunder and lightning began to fill the sky.


Everyone knelt down and began to shout, "Apa fáķáş, Afi k;^ªpá§, ćśí ó; ọkק."


'Just what the hell are they doing…,' before he could think, the needle in the woman's hand entered right into his d*** hole.


"Ahhh!" he let out a blood-curdling scream, nearly passing out, his entire genital area throbbed from the pain that never ended. It felt stimulating at first, but as she continued to insert more needles into his d*** hole, pain after pain began to erupted within him. He began to released waste products from his body as he couldn't endure it any more. When no more needles could enter, she moved from his meatus to his glands. Inserting pin after pin the pain continued to grow wildly, she moved to his balls making sure it reached every inch of his testis. She put them into every single area in his pelvic region, moving on to his abdomen and from there into every part of his body. The needles pierced, and entered his body as if becoming one with him. She mercilessly stabbed them into his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, tongue, and throat. She made Chris swallow the remaining needles. Thousands of needles moved on their will, stabbing into every single inch inside his body, from his, brain, lungs, digestive organs, and nervous system.

Chris had to endure unimaginable pain and suffering as he passed out and woke up again and again, throughout the whole procedure, and yet he still hadn't died.

By the time she was done, Chris had turned into a bloody mess and was dragged back into his cell. Chris couldn't help but wonder how skills she had to be not to have killed him.


Three days later.


Chris found himself back in the chamber after being feed raw meat and water. He had given up on escaping, his body couldn't handle the aftermath of what had happened. The purple skinned woman began removing the needles from his body. This time his screams were even more pronounced as the needles had already merged into his body. She applied strange fluids on him and began taking the needles out one after the other, one by one she picked them out of his skin, no matter how deep they were or where they were located. They had made sure to bind his body tightly, and feed him paralytic substances to prevent him from moving, but he could still feel the pain. Chris was going crazy, he didn't understand why they were doing this to him, or what they hoped to achieve. It felt like he would have to bite his tongue to die since he could still move his mouth, but he was unable to do that. They had already tied each of his teeth with thin strings to force his mouth open, attaching the strings to iron rods across the floor his entire jaw threatened to dislocate if he moved his mouth carelessly.


The woman leading the ritual began to shout louder and louder in a rich voice filled with vigour. She poured more fluids into his mouth after she had taken half of the needles out of his body. He attempted to close his mouth as the pain burnt his inside, but the strings held him in place, she called upon fire which began to engulf him little by little. Chris felt himself burning, he began to singe from the heat, the pins in his body began to react worsening the pain, he felt himself melting, then he thought to himself,


'Is this how I'll die?'


'I haven't even done anything I wanted to yet.'


He spent the past few years of his life working low paying jobs, as he couldn't gain employment even after graduating from a top university, and acquiring numerous skills. He was disowned by his father after his mother died in a car accident while coming to see him, which ended up becoming an irreparable relationship with his Father,


"You ungrateful child, you killed your mother, get out I would prefer not to see you ever again, from now on, you are not my son. Don't come near me ever again, I feel it would be better not to see you."


Chris wept loudly, his whole life had been a disaster, even the flames burning him up couldn't compare to what he felt at that moment.


Even when he borrowed loans to start a business, he got duped and ended up in debt, he felt like nothing was going his way, and then one day he met Anna. She was the only thing that seemed right in his life.


Anna was a graduate of Hale University and had a well-paying job, he couldn't believe that she had taken an interest in him. He hoped that with Anna's help he could finally pay off his loans, have a fresh start, make his mother proud, start a family, and even reunite with his dad.  All these things seemed possible if he had Anna, but all those dreams were long gone now. He would get killed even before he did anything, in a place where no one would ever find him. He felt bitter, and remorseful, he vowed to never live his life like that ever again, nothing had gone well for him even though he had done his best.


As he burnt to ashes he wondered if things would have been different if he had never met Anna. He had enough time to think after being locked in a cell for three days, strangely enough the pain had helped him organize his thoughts. Now that he thought about it, there were many strange things about her which he had never noticed before, he wasn't the type and didn't understand why he had slept with her like that, they didn't even know each other that well, the pain and torture he went through further strengthened his beliefs that, she was in one way or another the cause of all his suffering, at that moment he made a vow, "If I get a second chance, in my next life I would rather be celibate."

 His life wasn't perfect, as he had numerous debts and no one to turn to, but he'd never ended up in another dimension until he met Anna.

As the last embers of him turned into ash, he heard a voice. "Man entrapped in Sin. I have done all I can for you. I have purified your entire being and freed your soul from the grasps of evil. Whatever you do now will depend on you. Choose wisely and be careful, as evil lays quietly, lurking in every Corner."




Thank you for reading chapter 2 of G.B.T,

have you a lovely day.

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