
Supernatural Beast Tamer

Join Chris as he tries to overcome all obstacles and emerge Victorious in the onset of the supernatural. Chris's Hot Night with his girlfriend Anna ends up, with him almost losing his soul, travelling into another world, and a transmigration into the body of a lowly Demon avatar. How will he escape from one of the most impenetrable spaces in the universe, and handle the Dungeon breaks threatening to tear apart his castle? Will he ever make it back to earth? What will happen to Anna now? P.S - A bit of Smut and Sensitive content read at your own risk.

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30 Chs

The Beginning

Chris inserted his thick M****** into Anne, she screamed in delight as he thrusted deeply into her, filling her with himself, they were both enchanted with each other, desire brimming in their eyes.

They had met the day before at a bar, and arranged another date as they had a bit of chemistry, they did not think they would end up in bed with each other after a night together. He held her tightly in his arms, and slammed himself deeply into her while fondling her breasts. He rode deeper into her like an animal in heat, frantically trusting his hip as if he would die if he ever stopped. She felt like velvet, silk velvet, he felt it would be better not to stop, it felt like his whole life had only led up to this moment.

She wrapped herself around him and flicked her hair back, riding him even harder than before, not letting go of him, receiving every inch of him they became bound to each other.

 "Ah…ah…ah." Moans escaped sweetly from her mouth as the rain fell softly outside the window, gently setting the beat as they moved to the rhythm,

 "Anne, I love you."

Chris brought her closer, kissing her from her pelvis all the way to her neck, gently suck on her breasts, finally stopping at her lips, engaging her in a passionate kiss as he whispered those words to her.

 "I love you too Chris, I've never felt this way ah."



 "I've never felt this way about someone in my life," Anna looked at him with glazed eyes, tears trickling down her cheeks.

"More Chris, give me more, give me everything," Anna said as she locked hands with Chris.

 "I want to c** in you, Anna, can I?" Chris asked with bathed breaths while still trusting deeply into her,

 "Yes Chris, yes, ah…" moans escaped her lips as she approached her climax, "come into me, fill me with you, make me yours, Chris!" she said frantically kissing him.

He held her in his arms even tighter, slammed her into the bed and began digging into her with every fibre of his being, every blast left her with pleasure as she shook in ecstasy.  Even after this they still couldn't let go of each other, as they kissed each other passionately, their hands desperately caressing their bare skin, edging each other provocatively, and with that, another bout of love making ensued.

As they reached another climax, Chris fell to the bed.


Haa, haa, haa, he gasped for air, he was out of breath and severely exhausted, but he still wanted more.

Chris turned around to reach for Anna, but she wasn't beside him, instead he found himself butt-naked in the middle of a desert.

An hour later.

Chris had been wandering around trying to figure out what to do, he was lost in a desert with no end in sight, as soon as he felt like giving up he came across a group of strange-looking people with red skin and straw masks. He tried to ask them for help, "Excuse me, I'm looking for the way out? Do you know the way out of the desert? Can you hear me?" He said, trying to make signs with his hands, then he heard a strange language coming from their mouths.

"*éé puľt yª," the elderly woman among them spoke, she appeared to be the leader of the group.

"Ahhį gª è;ůůj** y eb ą ahhį gª èğ;ûœ yª," she kept on relaying orders to the rest as the brought out a rope to bind him.

"O y kam ą sī ;ū ohhé nj* k×ªŕª ikķœ," they looked at him with disgust as they quickly tied him up and carried him away. 'Why were they tying him up?' He couldn't understand. 'Was it because he was naked?' He had to get away, but how?

Nğ×nğ× kª ahhi *ee nª ñkə onyə nç&ûª*ª kª o bªřvªdə ahhi qůë ahhi gª ĕmə." The leader gave the command and the group began to march forward, moving deeper into the desert.

While they moved, the group began chanting what sounded like a ritual,

*żo;ů nø;ů, əñy> #;ª əñy>

*źø;ů, əñy> #;ª əñy>

*żo;ů nø;ů əñy> #;ª əñy>

 'źø;ů, əñy> #;ª əñy>

Žø;gů n×øə əñy> #;ª əñy>

Żło;gů nתnï> əñy> #;ª əñy>

Nźø;ů, əñy> #;ª əñy>

Nźø;ů, əñy> #;ª əñy>



By the time the group finished chanting, they arrived at a cave in the middle of the desert.

An old man, cladded in black clothes, look at him and nodded his head. That was when he felt a chill, 'did they know I was coming?'


"O y kọ j* y *bə a gª *g;< y," the man in black spoke.

With those words Chris exited out of the cave into a what looked like the settlement of the red skinned people, they began moving towards the centre of the settlement. Wherever they went, gasps rang out as the children, adults, and the elderly walked into their houses, and slammed their door while letting out gross noise as if they were disgusted by him.

"Tů^ kת"

"O;úŕ ogת ořə oª ŕəķת"

"G<ņ> ;ųķ ņ< įə nķª"



Some spat at him whenever they came close enough, but they kept their distance as if he was a plague, this continued until they reached an abandoned cave which was shrouded in blood marks and emitted a rotten stench.

"Kopf ch>ə y n ' ə;ə ªů," with that they locked him up.

"Ahhi ^ª æ;ī nannie əcî >ķö pụ y"

"łye y *ọ eaun kª ọ ṅụọgm nnªụ ə§> be ģ> ə§>ß,"

With that, he was thrown into the Prison.


Chris wondered why this had happened to him,

'What did I do?'

'Why am i here?'

'What happened?'

Still, he was much more worried about someone else,

'What about Anna?'

'Where is She?'

'Is she alright?'

'What if something happened to her?'

'Why is this happening?'

The guards came later and feed him raw meat and water.

'Ugh, what is this? Are they so uncivilized that they eat their meat raw? That can't be, I'm sure I saw some women roasting meat with a fire.' This meant that the treatment he was getting was not coincidental.

"S***! Those ba****** they won't even give me food, huh," he said to himself.

He gritted his teeth and began to chew the raw meat.


That was not something one should taste.


He barfed.

Nevertheless, he continued to chew, "I'm going to die anyway, might as well go on a full stomach."

The Next Day.

Chris woke up to the sound of footsteps, he had terrible stomach cramps and a high fever probably from eating the raw meat, thankfully there was no sign of diarrhoea, food poisoning or pneumonia; from sleeping naked on the cold floor. 

The red skinned guards dragged him up from the cell floor, and pulled him by the hand to a deeper location in the cave.

"Sh! Kpaaa y ņ*ø!"

It was a torture chamber.





Thank you for reading, supernatural beast tamer enjoy.

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