
Supernatural Beast Tamer

Join Chris as he tries to overcome all obstacles and emerge Victorious in the onset of the supernatural. Chris's Hot Night with his girlfriend Anna ends up, with him almost losing his soul, travelling into another world, and a transmigration into the body of a lowly Demon avatar. How will he escape from one of the most impenetrable spaces in the universe, and handle the Dungeon breaks threatening to tear apart his castle? Will he ever make it back to earth? What will happen to Anna now? P.S - A bit of Smut and Sensitive content read at your own risk.

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The Missing Soul

A petit woman with long blond hair,  and Emerald green eyes, stormed into a luxurious penthouse and began to take off her clothes.


"D*** it, just a little more, and it would have been a done deal." If Chris were here, he would have recognized her immediately, she was Chris' girlfriend Anna.


She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, cold water blasted at full speed as she larded herself with soap.


When she was done, she grabbed a towel and began to dry her wet hair.




She sighed, walked over and grabbed the phone.


"What is it?"


"We lost possession of his soul?"


"What?, that's impossible," She yelled into the phone.


"We don't know what happened, but you need to fix this," the caller replied.


"Wait, what do you mean you don't know what happened?"




"F***, how is this happening?" She had made sure to do everything properly, she had bound his soul. It was clearly impossible for it not to have worked, she had even applied it multiple times to be sure that it worked properly, "It worked, so how?"


She was so tired after doing it multiple times, by the time she woke up he was already gone, and he hadn't been picking her calls, 'd*** it, what on earth could have happened."


 Chris, who had been drifting through nothingness, woke up to find himself in a dark room in the arms of a dozen beautiful women, it might be a stretch to call them women as they either had horns or wings. Some were performing provocative sexual dances as their hips swayed from side to side, making them appear edible like fruits. While others were gently touching their naked bosom's softly in a rather erotic manner, allowing it to sway, bounce, and jiggle to the rhythm of the music. The rest all surrounded him naked, stroking his M***** in their hands while exchanging turns, they all giggled excitedly and winked at him while getting ready for more extreme sexual activities. "Master, please be a bit patient with us, we all know how impatient you can be," said the curvaceous female who was gently stroking his d*** in her hands. She gently climbed on him and attempted to put it in, "Master it's my turn today, I hope you enjoy it," she said as she plunged herself downwards in an attempt to ride him but,


"Huh?" she missed.


"Get out!"


"Master? What's wrong? The girl looked at him in surprise.


"I said leave, don't make me repeat myself," Chris said getting up from the bed.


"Master, do you not like it? Did I make you wait too long? Don't worry, I'll make it up to you," the curvaceous female begged.


"I wish to be alone ," He replied.


The girl clenched her hands, "I understand," with that the girls began to gather their things to leave.


"You, what's your name?" Chris asked the curvaceous female.


She couldn't hide her surprise, "Huh!, Master don't you remember me? I'm Mephistelle. Is anything wrong? Are you OK?"


"You stay behind, the rest leave," he ordered.


"Yes, Master"


It didn't take long before all the girls had left the room.


Chris stayed still, he was shocked. It hadn't been long since he vowed that if he was given a second chance he would leave a life of celibacy, and he had almost started off on the wrong foot. That was more than just a close call. He had to admit those women were all lovely specimens. He had no doubt that Anna wouldn't even come close to one-tenth of anyone of them. Even his groin was begging to get in on the action, and he could still feel his d*** throbbing strongly in excitement. He wanted to have them just once, but he stopped himself.


Master are you really OK, you've been out of it for the past few months. If you are feeling burdened by anything, please let me know, when she bowed down the towel on her chest came loose once more revealing her luscious breasts. As she had been on top of him prior to his arrival in his current body, he had an even more pronounced reaction to the festive sight in front of him.


"Ugh," blood began to trick from his mouth as he bit his tongue to prevent himself from getting excited.


"You don't have to worry, just pick up your towel and cover yourself," It was just a feeling but he felt his sex drive had grown more compared to before.


"Huh! Master I thought I was your favourite," she said with a worried face, "you never used to be satisfied until you had me at least 10 times, why are you acting like this?" She said while boldly walking up to him and placing her bosom between his legs, he was so hard that his member supported the weight of her massive chest.


"Mm," he let out a moan as she began to squeeze his d*** in between her boobs, the sight of her sitting in the floor and taking him with her boobs, while fondling her nipples set him ablaze.


'F***, I had no idea I was even into this,' he thought, before things took a turn for the worse he had to stop her.


"Don't worry, Master. I'll take good care of you, it's not good to hold it in, it's bad for demons. I know you've been unhappy with me for ignoring you. I'll make you feel better so trust me," she said and began sucking the tip of his M****** provocatively.


"Mm," he was really starting to get into it.

"Master, to tell you the truth I've never hated you. I always wanted it to be just the two of us, but you always wanted to be around the others too. I never thought you would finally understand," she chuckled sweetly, "well, better late than never, I'll let you have as much as you want today for making me so happy. I'll be OK with just 20, but I know you'll want more, so we can stay together as long as it's just the two of us," she winked.


"D***, why is this happening now, if it had happened a bit earlier, before I almost lost my soul, I wouldn't have given to a second thought," he wanted to let this sweet misunderstanding continue, but he had to end it; otherwise there would be no going back.

First took his d*** away from her, pulled her up from the floor and sat her on the bed, "I don't want this, and I'm not your master."

Thank you for reading Chapter 3 of S.B.T. Don't forget to vote.

Couldn’t sleep since I entered late, I've been trying to meet up. Wish me luck.

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