

It's not so easy to make it as a superhero these days. In the golden age of heroes, it didn't matter what kind of ability you had. If you had an ability, dressed up in bright colors, and came up with a crazy name; you had it made. You were a hero. The world isn't so simple anymore. Kyle Kane is finding life as a teenage superhero to be worse than a pimple on prom night. Eliminated from his team and forced into normal classes, Kyle's F class powers have doomed him to harassment and mediocrity. Then one day, he gets a cranky message from a system. "I'm your system, congratulations, blah blah blah." Is this Kyle's chance or just another new way to be humiliated?

straythought · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Damsel in Distress

It was her first time. She had never been stabbed before, and it felt terrible. She didn't even know if she could survive the stab. This might be it.

Rajinn looked down upon his Jinn and laughed evilly. He liked this Jinn; he was ruthless, angry, and hated so easily. Taking over this planet and moving on would be much easier with such a slave.

It was at that moment that Rajinn could feel his ghostly figure warping. In fact, it felt as if part of his body was being sucked into something.

At that moment, Kyle and his dungeon team exited the warp gate. He finally managed to create the warp gate. As they were going out, part of Rajiin was going in.

Once the gate closed, half of Rajinn's whispy body was transported into the temple and the rest remained outside the temple.

It was like someone brutally sliced him in half! As the dungeon team was coming out of the gate they went through a bloody mist.

"Wha...what is this?!" Kyle's eyes were closed and he was trying to wipe the blood off of his eyes. Another problem presented itself as he was able to open his eyes.

"Why did we appear in the sky!" Kyle yelled as he and his team plummeted toward the earth. Although they were high in the air; they weren't so high that they couldn't land properly.

Kyle landed and bent his knees to absorb the impact from the landing and rolling it out to dissipate more of the energy from the impact. As he stood up, he saw the now completely buff Baron.

He looked at the feet of the Baron and saw Sif laying there looking dead.

"Sif!" He screamed as he ran at his quickest speed. He even released the suppressers and was by her side in a flash. Didn't he and Sif have plans? Weren't they going to get married?

He was only fifteen, and there was no telling how seriously he took these thoughts, but to him right now these thoughts were certain. Seeing Sif's quiet and still body created fear from the bottom of his heart rise up!

"Sif, are you okay? Sif, answer me!" There was so much blood on the ground and more was coming out. If he didn't treat her soon, she would die.

He zipped her away from the Baron fearing he would attack as Kyle helped her. Barely conscious, Sif could hear Kyle, but she thought she was dreaming.

"G-Hawk, I'm sorry I couldn't see you again," she said weakly.

"Sif, I'm here, Sif don't go to sleep," he yelled. He started fishing through his bag of holding and took out one of his last recovery pills and fed it to Sif.

Rollins rushed over at that time and saw some strange boy holding his sister.

"Who are you, unhand my sister!" He yelled at Kyle. Kyle was surprised before he realized he wasn't wearing the costume and mask they were familiar with. He looked much different out of costume.

Using the equip and unequip function, Kyle changed into his updated costume.

"G-Hawk?" Rollins said as he saw the transformation.

"Sif is recovering, I just fed her a pill, but she's very weak and needs to rest. Can you get her somewhere safe?" He asked Rollins. Rollins was surprised but it seems it was G-Hawk.

"I'll get her somewhere safe," Rollins promised.

"Who stabbed her? Was it the Baron? Kyle asked.

"Yes, a lot has happened. Do you know about Rajinn?" He asked.

"Rajin?" Kyle was clueless.

"Here, dumb kid, let me bring you up to speed," Gramps said as a series of images and a summary of the battle appeared in Kyle's mind. It was like watching a movie trailer.

When the trailer was done, Kyle gently laid Sif down and looked at the Baron.

"I understand. Get Sif out of here, the farther the better. I'll take care of this," he said. Rollins nodded and took off with his sister.

The recovery medicine was working well and Sif could already open her eyes.

"G-Hawk, he's here!" She was so weak but knowing Kyle was there and even helped her caused the warmest feelings to bubble up into her heart. Her injuries were severe and she quickly passed out.

Kyle looked at the Baron for a moment before disappearing from his place. He suddenly appeared in front of the Baron and smashed him in the face with a strong right.

His fist connected with the Baron's face and the impact not only caused blood to explode from his nose; his whole body lifted off the ground and he was punched backward. He crashed into a wagon.

That wasn't all, instead of giving him a chance to recover, he continued to punish the Baron. An unrelenting series of punches smashed into the Baron's face as his face became like flattened dough.

The more Kyle attacked, the more energy was used by the Baron to defend. He was quickly losing the immense powers Rajinn gave him. Without the medallion, he had no means for charging himself back up.

The one-quarter body of Rajinn in the sky reformed into a human-sized man. The reformed Rajinn was enraged. He saw Kyle's savage beating of the Baron.

"How dare you attack my servant!" Rajinn yelled as he flew toward Kyle. Sensing the approaching Rajinn, Kyle dismounted from the Baron and got into a ready position.

It was natural for Kyle to automatically activate his HUD to view the new enemy.

<Rajinn Lvl 72 Interdimensional Being>

"That doesn't tell me much," Kyle thought to himself.

The most important piece of information was that the bad guy in front of him was about ten levels above him.


"Yes," Kyle said and it was at that time that the rest of his team gathered around Rajinn.


It's a new week and we already have 4 power stones! Only 96 power stones to go for a bonus chapter!

Today's power stone heroes are: Timestronaut and matteo_briccolani

Thank you all for your support! This book wouldn't be possible without you.


It's a new week and a new opportunity to earn extra chapters!

If you would like to read more chapters, I'll do a big release on Sundays if we can reach the weekly goal.

This week's goal is:

100 power stones for 1 extra chapter.

200 power stones for 2 extra chapters

250 power stones for 3 extra chapters

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