
62. Switch

"Want you on your hands and knees." Kara rasped. "I'm gonna to fuck your beautiful ass."

"Oh...fuck." Lena gasped.

When she saw the desire in Lena's eyes, Kara stood immediately, lifting her onto the kitchen counter in the same motion. As she moved between Lena's legs their mouths immediately came together for an open, searching kiss. Kara eventually pulled back but still between Lena's legs.

"Are you sure?" Kara asked, looking up quizzically to search her eyes.

"Yes." Lena whispered. "I trust you, Kara."

"Why are you whispering?"

"I just. I've never..." Lena took a deep breath. "I've never done this before."

"But you're sure you want to do it with me?"

"Yes. And I want to do it for you."

"Do you?"

"I do."

"I don't want you to do it just for me. Are you sure you really want this?"

"Yesss..." Lena said, gripping Kara's hips and pulling her closer to her core. "I want it. Want you. I want you to...I want you to fuck me."

Kara caught her breath at the words. She knew that was something most alphas never said.

"Are you scared?"

"Just...maybe a bit nervous. Excited."

"You know I would never want to do anything that you don't want. Only want to make you feel good."

"I know." Lena gave her an almost shy smile.

"Just like you always make me feel." Kara reassured. "Safe."

"I know."

"You're worried about...how you might react. Your...alpha?"

"Maybe. It's just...."

"I know it's not easy to fight your instincts..."

"I promise I want it, Kara."

"I know. I can smell how much." Kara said, grabbing Lena's hips.

Lena nuzzled into her neck and as Kara's nails dug deeper. She breathed more than said: "Yes."

Kara took a deep, calming breath and ordered in a low tone: "Then I want you to go to my room. Take everything off. Get on the bed and wait for me there."

"Yes ma'am." Lena said with a supressed smile of excitement. Her heart was pounding. She was relieved that Kara was taking charge and she could stop battling her alpha. She felt herself letting go of control and it felt good.

Kara stepped back, taking Lena's hands to help her down from the counter. Lena started to lean in for a kiss, then remembered her orders to go and strip and get on the bed. Instead she gave Kara a long look, drug her fingers over lips and turned to head down the hall.

"Whatever you say." Lena said as she disappeared. Once again Kara had to catch her breath.

Kara took several gulps of her water, then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, not really believing what was about to happen. It felt like it was too good to be true. She took a deep, nervous breath and followed Lena to her bedroom.

As she entered the door way she saw Lena laying just as she'd directed, stretched naked across the bed. She watched her closely for several moments as Lena stared at her intently, waiting for Kara to tell her what to do.

"Close your eyes." Kara stated simply and Lena obeyed. "And don't open them until I say."

"Yes, ma'am." Lena said, initially thinking of it playfully. But as she said it, her stomach dropped in thrill and desire.

Kara knealt and pulled out a box that she hadn't used in a while from under her bed. Being on the road for so long, not wanting Alex to come across her toys, she had everything carefully tucked away. And she didn't want Lena to see her getting ready.

Kara's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her favorite strap. The one that most felt like her. How she imagined herself when she had this particular fantasy. It wasn't a fantasy she had often, and she'd never thought of using it on an alpha before. The thought of using it on Lena was making her blood pulse in her ears.

She took her time, carefully fitting the straps around her ass and legs, then seated the cock, which had a reverse 'saddle' that fitted tight against her own clit and slipped slightly inside her. It was designed to stimulate the wearer anytime they moved against something else. Kara groaned as she tightened it into place as she watched Lena squirm slightly on the bed at the sound. She was already aroused to the point of breaking due to her talk with Lena and the sight of her spread out.

She walked to the edge of the bed, resisting the urge to reach for Lena's cock as it strained before her. Instead, she opened the a drawer of her bedside table and took out a bottle of lube and set it on the bed.

Hearing all the movements, sensing Kara so close, was causing Lena's breaths to come more rapidly. She was having a hard time keeping her eyes closed, not to mention reaching for her cock to get some relief, but she held still with her eyes shut tight. She surprised herself with how excited she was, just on the edge of fear of the unknown. Her mind and heart were completely onboard for the idea, yet she did worry about controlling her alpha. The thought she was doing something new with Kara thrilled her.

"You can open your eyes." Kara whispered and at last Lena could see her.

Kara stood completely naked next to the bed, apart from the black leather straps over her hips, just below the well defined v-cut muscles where her abdomen met her thighs. She spared only a moment to marvel at the rippling muscles of Kara's abdomen, before her eyes fixated on the dark cock jutting proudly just below the rows of abs, angling up from Kara's pubic bone. It was an overwhelming sight and Lena found herself at a rare loss for words.

"How are you feeling?" Kara asked gently after several moments of quiet from Lena.

"I...you...you look magnificent, Kara. So hot...I guess I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I wasn't expecting...I just never thought of you with a cock before. It's somewhat of a shock to my system, I think. And not in a bad way. You look phenomenal, Kara. Absolutely glorious in all your rippling muscles and...your huge cock."

Kara swallowed hard at Lena's words. Seeing the desire in Lena's eyes, she felt an overwhelming urge to press Lena against the mattress fuck her senseless, but knowing this was her first time she held back, determined to take it slow.

"Such a good girl. I'm going to make you feel so good." Kara reached for the bottle of lube, wanting to be careful not to cause Lena any unwanted pain. Before she could open the bottle Lena spoke up.

"Wait, I..." Lena surprised even herself with her urges. "I mean. I can get you ready."

Kara watched in amazement as Lena sat up from the pile of pillows she was leaning on and began crawling towards her. At the edge of the bed Lena reached for Kara's hips, grasping the straps of the harness and pulling her until her thighs were flush with the edge of the bed, her mouth now very close to Kara's cock.

Kara gulped and felt herself clench against saddle of the cock at the sight. She held her breath as Lena leaned down and engulfed the tip in her mouth.

For a few moments Lena struggled with her desire to please Kara colliding with her alpha, which she could hear in the deep recesses of her mind, indignant that she was kneeling before an omega. Lena growled back, getting her alpha under control as she had so many times in her life. Her heart and mind winning out over her instincts. She began to suck harder, pulling Kara slowly deeper.

"Oh my god, Lena..." Kara murmured in disbelief. A flash of a devious smile passed over Lena's face before she began to to bob her head slightly, wrapping the shaft with her tongue, steadily working her way further down Kara's cock.

Kara watched in amazement as Lena continued to bob her head, pushing Kara deeper into her mouth until Kara could see it pushing out against the inside of her cheek. Kara suddenly remembered to breathe and took a much-needed breath.

Lena wrapped a well-manicured hand around the base of it, then pulled back to look up at Kara through fluttering lashes.

"Don't forget to breath, darling." Lena said, then took a long lick from the base to the tip.

"Fuck, Lena..." Kara gasped.

"That is exactly the idea." Lena gave her a wink before engulfing her again, her hand still wrapped firmly around the base as she resumed sucking. Kara watched mesmerized as Lena sucked and bobbed, her saliva began to coat the shaft. Kara reached down to grip Lena's hair roughly, gripping it so that she had control as her hips began to shift and move almost of their own will. Lena made an encouraging sound when Kara gripped her hair tightly, even as her mouth was thoroughly filled, making it impossible to respond verbally.

Each bob of her head was forcing the toy against Kara's clit and entrance, making her groan with pleasure as Lena began to swallow and suck harder. Kara could feel herself near the edge, and nearly let herself go before stilling Lena's head in her grip.

Without releasing her completely, Lena slowed and looked up at Kara. The sight of Lena looking up, her mouth full made Kara moan. She reached one hand around to cup Lena's chin, then traced her finger around Lena's stretched lips.

"So beautiful, baby. Giving yourself to me this way." Kara said gently. "But I want to come inside you."

Lena blinked up at her, unable to speak since one of Kara's hands still gripped her hair tightly. Once again her alpha surged in complaint, and once again Lena conquered it, blinking her eyes in acquiescence to Kara.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Kara asked, releasing Lena's hair so she could respond.

Lena eased the cock out of her mouth and looked up at Kara, looking thoroughly debauched and dishelved from her efforts and Kara's treatment. She looked into Kara's eyes as she leaned down for another long lick along her shaft. In the same movement she used her grip on the shaft to press it further into Kara, tightly against her clit and causing the saddle to slip inside.

Kara groaned in the absolute pleasure at the sight of Lena licking her so deliciously while at the same time being stimulated by the pressure she was creating against her sex by gripping the cock. She waited with bated breath for Lena's answer. Maybe she was having second thoughts about taking it so far. How was her alpha handling all this very un-alpha like activity?

Instead of a verbal answer, Lena turned and crawled to the center of the bed. On her hands and knees she looked over her shoulder and rasped:

"Fuck me, Supergirl." Putting her head down on the bed, raising her ass higher, she whispered urgently. "Please."

In a flash Kara was up on the bed and behind her. She gripped Lena's ass and pulled it towards her. Despite all the lubrication Lena had just provided by sucking her off, she went the extra step of lubing herself up thoroughly. She marveled at Lena's ass as she began to stroke it.

"So beautiful. Has anyone ever fucked this ass before?" Kara asked, digging her nails in slightly. She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it from Lena again.

"No one. I've never wanted anyone to take me like this. No one but you." Lena gasped, her head down against the bed. "I want your big cock. Let me feel it."

Kara groaned and began to press her slippery fingers against the pink, puckered opening of Lena's ass. She squeezed her cheeks to encourage her to open and relax further, then leaned in to lick from the base of Lena's cock and across her opening.

"Yessss..." Lena encouraged. At that Kara began to lick more firmly and delve deeper, eventually probing her tongue slightly inside, causing Lena to squirm with pleasure.

Kara began to work a finger in as Lena writhed.

"So good. So tight." Kara murmured. "Gonna make you feel so good."

"Yes, Kara. Please. Want you deeper inside." Kara continued her slow and steady pressure and soon she was as deep as she could be with her finger.

"More." Lena rasped. Kara eased out and exchanged her finger for the tip of her cock.

"Oh god." Lena was suddenly filled with a conflicting feelings of intense arousal while also pushing down the alpha inside, reeling at the realization that she was about to get fucked.

"Still OK?" Kara read the conflicting feelings in her scent. "Do you want me to slow down?"

"No, please no. Fucking do it, Kara!"

Kara immediately pressed forward, moving the head of her cock inside, while at the same time reaching around to grip Lena's rock hard cock.

"Oh, fuck yes!" Lena had not been prepared for that, pleasure shot through her and seemed to thoroughly please her alpha as well.

Kara started jerking her up and down each time she thrust. Each time moving deeper inside Lena. The tight resistance began to ease the more she pushed herself inside and the more she jerked Lena's cock.

"Oh my god, Kara!" Lena's voice was high with shock and pleasure.

For her part Kara was gritting her teeth against the desire to cum. Every thrust was pushing the cock roughly into her clit and slipping inside her. That along with the visual of actually fucking Lena was nearly too much. But she was determined that Lena cum first. And by the sound of it, that wouldn't be long.

Lena found she had no control of the high-pitched screams coming out of her mouth. She'd never felt so completely under someone's power, so thoroughly aroused yet with so little control. Her pleasure so completely under Kara's control, on top of that she could tell Kara was close as well, which only drove her higher.

"Yes...yes...yes...yessss..." Lena called out. "I'm cuming, I'm....please don't stop..."

Kara increased the speed of her thrusts, releasing Lena's cock to allow herself to move even faster and harder inside. Just when she thought she couldn't resist her own careening orgasm, she heard Lena call out as she slipped over the edge.

Kara reached to grip Lena's cock, wanting to feel her release, and then last let go and felt herself squirting her release around the cock seated tightly against her, soaking Lena's ass. She continued thrusting as they rode out their orgasms.

Eventually Kara eased out and fell against Lena's back, catching her breath against her neck. Lena collapsed against the bed and they rolled onto their sides with Kara wrapped tightly against her back. As Lena recovered from the overpowering orgasm she began to sob quietly.

Kara felt her body jerk and went into high alert.

"Lena! Lena, are you OK? Did I hurt you?" She could hear the panic in her own voice.

"No, baby, no. Of course you didn't." Lena said, taking some trembling breaths. "That was just...intense. Phenomenal. That...I've never felt anything like it before."

"Me neither. That was...incredible." Kara began to kiss the back of her neck. "Thank you for trusting me, Lena."

Kara wiped at tears on Lena's cheeks with one hand, while the other massaged her hip. Kara then began began tracing her fingers over Lena's lips, swollen from the rough treatment of sucking Kara's cock. Lena kissed the tips of her fingers before Kara moved down to her chin, then teased them down the side of her neck. Lena sighed contentedly as Kara continued caressing her, down to her collar bones and then lower to her breasts. Lena gave a gasp of pleasure when Kara teased her nails over her nipples, then taking them between her fingers.

"Thank you, Lena. You've fulfilled yet another fantasy of mine." Kara said.

"And a new one of mine." Lena smiled as Kara teased the taut buds between her fingers, then slid her hand lower, down Lena's abs and even lower.

"Oh." Kara gasped as she wrapped her hand gently around Lena's cock. She could feel it pulsing, surrounding it as Lena's shaft began to pulse and respond to her hand.

"What have we here?" Kara asked into Lena's neck.

"I'm ready, Kara. I want you to fuck me again." Lena rasped. "Want you inside me again."

"Oh, fuck...."