
63. Never Before and Never Since

"I'm ready, Kara. I want you to fuck me again." Lena rasped. "Want you inside me again."

"Oh, fuck...." Kara gasped. "Lena, are you sure?"

"I am. The feeling of you so deep inside me...I've never felt like that before. I guess I've been afraid. Afraid to give up that much control."

"Was it difficult for you? I mean...you were growling...your alpha must have..."

"I'm more than my alpha, Kara. I control my alpha. My alpha doesn't control me."

"You're amazing, Lena. I mean...Don't get me wrong. I love when you let your alpha take over. But that was...something else entirely."

"I know, baby. Believe it, I can tell." Lena chuckled, but then turned serious. "And you know I never could have done this with anyone but you. I've never really...never trusted someone the way I trust you. Even back when you weren't ready to be with an alpha...you were always honest with me."

Kara squeezed Lena more tightly. "You know I'm sorry about that, it wasn't fair not to give you a chance."

"No, Kara, that's not what I mean. You had every right to...especially after what happened to you with...you know what, let's not say that name right now. You were completely justified in your decision. And even then you were always worried about my feelings. I could sense that. And from the moment we got off the plane that first time - you were always straight with me."

"Well, straight isn't axactly the term I would use..." Kara teased. She kissed the back of Lena's neck lightly. "But I know what you mean. And from the moment I met you, you were looking out for me. Putting my needs above the drives of your alpha. And when I said I couldn't be with an alpha, of course that was before I met you. Thanks for not giving up on me."

"And don't you see, Kara?" Lena said, sounding excited. "If we can trust each other...because we trust each other...we don't have to be bound by the usual rules."

Kara shivered at the thought. She squeezed Lena again and then began to caress her arms lightly. "In that case...well. There is something else I thought we might try. If you're not too...sore. I know this was your first time to..."

"My first time. I like how that sounds. Like you took my virginity." Lena chuckled but sounded a bit breathless at the thought.

"Ohhh." Kara moaned, shifting forward, causing the toy to press against Lena's ass while creating pressure against her own clit, slipping shallowly into her cunt.

"Still hard for me." Lena husked, reaching behind her to grip Kara's ass, encouragingly.

"Yesss...you feel so good." Kara caressed Lena's arms where they curled against her chest. She ran her fingertips softly up and down, eventually to Lena's hands and then wrapped them around her fingers. Kara encouraged Lena to unwrap her arms from where they hugged against her body, so she could access her breasts. Once they were free, she palmed them gently, then teased her nails over Lena's nipples, causing them to harden with arousal. Kara continued to tease them gently until becoming more rough, squeezing more tightly.

"I wanna fuck you again, baby." Kara whispered into Lena's ear. "Are you sure you're not to sore?"

"You mean from getting reamed earlier? No, I'm not too sore, baby. I'm just right. You fucked me just right." Lena smiled and kissed the top of her hand where is covered Lena's breast "And here you are all strapped up...and there's no place else we need to go..."

Lena shifted her hips backwards, pressing the toy more tightly between her ass and Kara's abdomen. Kara groaned as the pressure from it shifted against her clit. She chuckled and released Lena so that she could kiss slowly down her back before leaning away from her.

"In that case, I'll be right back." Kara said, hopping out of bed.

"Don't be long." Lena said with a smirk. Her cock was already responding to Kara's treatment of her breasts.

Kara rushed to the bathroom down the hall for a quick rinse in the shower, grateful that Alex was staying at Sam's. She was enjoying strutting around all strapped up, but the thought of her sister catching in the hallway that way was slightly mortifying.

As she got out of the shower she stopped to look in the mirror. She liked what she saw. The way the cock stood proudly out from the sharp v-line of her hips, curving slightly in front of her washboard abs. Even she could see it was an impressive sight. She gripped the shaft near the base for a slow tug, enjoying the sensation of the end of it pressing against her clit while she watched. She jerked herself a couple of times in a way that forced the saddle inside, but she started getting too turned on so she rushed back to Lena.

As she entered she saw Lena had rolled over onto her back, and she was watching Kara intently as she stalked into the room, already revved up, ready to give Lena a thorough fucking. Lena looked so beautiful stretched out on the bed, one knee bent, opening herself to Kara. She was teasing her own puckered back entrance slightly, getting herself ready. And Kara could see the thrill in her eyes, just waiting and anticipating her return.

Kara paused next to the bed and reached for the bottle of lube. She took her time carefully covering her shaft, stroking slowly while Lena's eyes widened with lust. Kara agilely climbed onto the bed to lean over her for some deep, open mouthed kisses. They remained engrossed in each other's mouths for quite a while, until Kara pulled back slightly.

"I want to try in this position. So I can see your face when I fuck you. Feel what it's like inside you. While I make you fountain all over me."

"Holy christ, Kara." Lena whispered

"Let's leave him out of it, don't you think?" Kara said with a wink.

When Kara descended on her again, Lena lost her words. The feeling of Kara's welcoming mouth, the mental image of fountaining all over her, the thought of Kara fucking her so deeply again, it was all she could do to hold for the ride.

"Mnnhpf.." Was all she managed as Kara wrapped a lubed hand around cock, while pressing a finger against her ass. Eventually Lena's hand reached for Kara's hip. She slid her fingers under one of the straps and tugged.

Kara got the message and began to work her way downward. She felt Lena's cock growing and bumping against her abs as she shifted lower down Lena's body with her mouth. As she got lower Lena's fully hard cock pressed underneath her breast, causing her to gasp. Kara shifted and looked down at the sight of Lena's cock, now visible between her breasts. It was quite a sight, and she filed it away for later exploration. Right now she had a mission, though she did pause her downward progress for a moment to enjoy the view of Lena's cock cradled between her breasts. She looked up and smirked when she saw that Lena was clearly enjoying it as well. She took a moment to grip the side of her own breasts, pressing to bring them together, effectively trapping Lena's cock briefly between them, causing Lena to catch her breath.

"Just an idea for the future." Kara husked, winking seductively and giving the tip of Lena's cock a slow lick before releasing her own breasts and continuing downward again, kissing carefully along Lena's abdomen until reaching the top of her groin. Kara paused to smile up at Lena, then bent for a long lick of her cock, spreading her tongue along from base to shaft for a sumptuous taste.

"Ohhhhh...." Lena moaned in surprise. Her eyes closed in ecstasy as Kara slid the tip inside and began to suck diligently.

"God, Kara, you're going to make me cum...I'm so turned on right now..."

Kara ignored her as she hungrily sucked on the tip of Lena's cock. She relished the throbbing pulse and pre-cum leaking from Lena, even as she ached to press closer, to be inside Lena again. She continued the pressure until she felt Lena was about to cum, then pulled back, giving off a quiet 'pop' as she let Lena's cock out of her mouth.

"You're not allowed to cum yet, baby. I want you to wait until I'm inside you again." She said, giving her an impish grin, then descended on Lena's cock again with her mouth.

"Oh god, Kara!" Lena gritted her teeth, her hands gripping the sheets, trying with all her might not to cum. Just then she felt Kara's fingers teasing her ass, easing slippery fingers inside to loosen her up.

"I can't...I can't hold out." Lena said, nearly sobbing in pleasure.

Kara eased Lena's cock out of her mouth. "Yes you can, Lena. Wait for me. Try for me?"

Lena bit her lip and nodded desperately, determined to give Kara what she wanted.

This time Kara licked the sides of Lena's cock just with the tip of her tongue as she simultaneously thrust two fingers deeper into her ass. She could tell by the throbbing pulse of her hot cock that Lena wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

Kara reached to line up the toy with Lena's entrance. She gave a loud moan of pleasure as she slipped in, just the tip, but the pressure against her clit was delicious. She had to begin thrusting and chase more of that feeling.

"Ooohhh god. God you feel so good..." Kara moaned. Lena was mostly non-verbal at this point, fighting her orgasm and calling out in ecstasy with each thrust.

Lena gritted her teeth against her careening orgasm. In the next moment Kara pushed Lena's thighs up to get better access to her ass. Kara gripped Lena's wrists, pressing them heavily down into the bed as she pushed deeper inside Lena. Kara thrust roughly several times, forcing Lena to spread for her as she continued to grip her wrists tightly.

"Gonna fuck you so good..." She rasped.

"Yes...god yes." Lena said as she gritted her teeth against the internal demand, the rushing pressure to cum. She released one of Lena's wrists, keeping the other held tightly to the bed.

"Stroke your cock!" Kara demanded. "Imagine it's my hand."

Lena did as she was told, making slow, long strokes to try to prolong the pleasure and hold off her orgasm.

"Oh fuck...fuck yes..." Lena was starting to lose control of her words, even her thoughts. It was a bright light of pleasure across her brain. A pleasure she was fighting to stay just shy of falling into.

Just then Kara released Lena's other hand so that she could use her own to maneuver her strap-on deeper. As she thrust her hips more roughly forward, nearly bottoming out as she moved deeply inside.

Lena howled in pleasure, half sitting up as her cock surged. Her mouth dropped open in shock, something coursing through her like she had never felt. She felt Kara's power deep inside her, just as she lost complete control of her orgasm. Her eyes went wide as she felt herself cumming, and watched herself painting Kara's chest with her white cum, some even reaching her lips, which Kara licked off enthusiastically. At the same time Kara continued thrusting in earnest, pounding deeply until she was fully hilted, then pulling nearly out and fucking her deeply again, chasing her own orgasm even as she was being covered in Lena's cum.

So many new sensations were crashing over them both as Kara moved into a steady but rough rhythm. Despite her long-lasting orgasm, spraying over Kara's chest, Lena could feel herself rolling into another, even deeper orgasm just as Kara called out her own trip over the edge. Lena felt the hot liquid as Kara squirted around the toy cock, covering Lena in her own deluge of cum.

At that her hips sped up even more, jerking and pounding until she pushed Lena to crest with yet another orgasm, and now finally they were cumming together, grunting and calling out as they climaxed.

Kara continued her pounding until she felt they were both overly sensitive. She slowed to a stop, then pulled out carefully as the both moaned in relief and pleasure. Kara flopped forward onto Lena's chest and Lena wrapped her legs around Kara's back. Now they had both had their 'cocks' trapped between them. And nearly at the same time they both started laughing in joy and surprise, and at the unusual feeling of the two burning cocks pressed between them.

"Oh my fucking god." Lena said hoarsely. She realized she had been calling out so loudly she nearly lost her voice.

Kara turned her head to kiss the side of Lena's face gently, then whispered hoarsely into her ear. "Fucking magnificent..."

"I've never..." Lena started but them lost her words.

"Me neither, baby. Me neither." Kara whispered into her ear.

They both were breathing heavily, glazed with sweat from their exertion, and gradually catching their breath. Kara started laughing again, which was infectious as Lena soon joined in. They laughed for several moments until they fell into kissing playfully.

"I can't believe we've never done that before." Lena rasped.

"Well, it's not exactly your typical alpha-omega activity." Kara chuckled.

"God, what time is it?" Suddenly realizing she lost all track of anything but their bodies coming together.

Kara rolled over to reach for her phone. "After 4 am."

"Hell, I really better get some sleep." Lena yawned, feeling completely fucked and worn out.

"I'm going to get you some tea and water. You're voice sounds rough. Wanna make sure you're ready for the big Board meeting tomorrow."

"Don't remind me." Lena said, sounding annoyed.

"Sorry. You probably should have gotten more rest."

"Don't apologize. I got exactly what I wanted." Lena winked at Kara as she rolled away.

"What time does it start?"

"Not till 1:00. I'll be fine. I've done more on less sleep."

"I'm sure." Kara smirked. "But I'm going to grab a shower and get that tea."


Kara rushed through her shower then, slightly reluctantly, unstrapped herself. The straps were starting to rub marks into her hips but she had had a lot of fun with it. She reminded herself they had all the time in the world to explore their bodies and desires together, and smiled to herself. She was a bit amazed at all that had happened that night.

She brought Lena tea which she sipped, looking very sleepy. Kara carefully cleaned her up with warm wash cloths.

"I could get used to this kind of treatment." Lena smirked.

"You deserve this kind of treatment. I just hope I didn't wear you out too much. I know it's an important meeting."

"Yes, well...I know I've been very worried about it. I hope I haven't worried you too. The last thing I want is for you to feel pressure about what my stupid Board may think about us."

"I don't mind, Lena. I'm more worried about you. I know how important it is and..."

"It's not that important to me anymore, Kara."

"What do you mean?" She asked with surprise.

"I mean...I've given it some thought. That bullshit the reporters pulled on you at your press conference. Bringing up our relationship, distracting from the celebration of your win. I just...I don't want this hanging over us."

"We'll be fine, Lena. And I'm sure you can handle those asshats..."

"Of course. I'm sure I can. But..." Lena hesitated. "You know when you were...when you were gone. Kidnapped..."

Lena stopped again, unable to continue.

"It's OK, Lena. Of course I remember. And I remember you were the one who got the information needed to find me."

"Yes. And I know I didn't tell you any details about that part of it. But to figure out about the bunker, I threatened Mother. I was sure she must know something that would help us. So I threatened to walk away from L-Corp. To shut the whole thing down and ruin the Luthor name."

"Wait, you...what?"

"And she knew I could do it. And ultimately she decided that she wanted the security of her shares in the company and her 'good' name more than she wanted to protect her baby boy."

"I'm sorry, Lena. Sorry you went through all that."

"That was nothing. You should know I would have done much more. Anything in my power. To get you back."

Kara laid her head down on Lena's chest and Lena combed fingers through her hair as she sipped her tea with the other. Kara eventually whispered:

"I know."

"Good. And I'm done with the L-Corp Board causing us trouble." Lena said, setting her cup down and curling around Kara. "Life is too short. And I want us to enjoy all the time with have. Not worry about what some "asshats", as you call them, have to think about us."

Kara chuckled gently against her. "I just don't want you to risk your life's work. Do something you regret."

"I'm doing this for us, which is more important than my career. And anyway...I have a plan. And that Board is not going to know what hit them."

Kara smiled against Lena's naked skin and whispered with quiet awe:

"Oh, fuck..."


Just nine hours later Lena stood resolutely in front of her Board. She and Kara had managed to squeeze in a few more orgasms, and long shower together after a couple of hours of sleep.

Despite the fact that she should be feeling exhaustion, Lena felt pure adrenaline coursing through her veins. She looked around the room at the wide range of Board members looking at her expectantly. Half of them were new, brought in when she cleaned house of all those that had supported production of Lex's neurotoxin and antidote production. Still, many of them she didn't know well yet and had no idea how they would react. There was a chance that the issue of her relationship with Kara and the conflict of interest in having the company support her teams wouldn't come up. That they would just accept all the benefits to L-Corp and let it slide. There was a chance it could all just be water under the bridge.

In the chair to her right there was Sam, present as her COO but not a voting Board member. She noticed Andrea near the end of the long table. She had moved onto the Board after the big turnover. Lena could only hope she wasn't holding on to a grudge due to her refusing to have sex with her after Lena inadvertently triggered her heat. Lena shuddered at that near miss, but reminded herself that Andrea was a business woman first and foremost, and she hope for the best.

And then there was her mother. Sitting just to her left, clearly trying to hide a smirk. She was likely relishing the idea of the blowback that could be in store for Lena.

Lena began with her usual updates. Stock prices, deals, new products nearing completion. She answered the usual types of questions and there were a few cursory votes on various issues. She was starting to think she might get through the thing without any issues around her relationship with Kara. But once she moved on to report out on the impressive public relation metrics around their sponsorship of the national team at the World Cup, it was Morgan Edge that spoke up.

"Ms. Luthor, I don't argue there has been some positive publicity..."

"Some positive publicity?" Lena interrupted. "Team USA won the World Cup! In a very dramatic fashion. Half the world was watching that match. And the L-Corp name was very visible in many key ways, making us visible to new markets around the world. I call the more than 'some positive publicity'!"

"As I said, there was positive publicity. But in light of the revelation that you clearly have some sort of...inappropriate connection...with the Kara Danvers..."

"Inappropriate relationship? Do you mean because we're two women?"

"Ha!" She heard Sam let out a burst of laughter, clearly seeing Lena's attempt to change the subject and direct the issue towards Edge.

"Of course not!" Edge pushed back. "It has nothing to do with that and you know it. I'm talking about the fact that you've been pushing L-Corp to support first the National City Spirit, then the US National team, both teams that include the woman that you are fuck..."

At that Lena jumped to her feet, her eyes blazing.

"I mean...the woman that you are...in a relationship with!"

"Who I'm in a relationship is no one else's concern..."

"It is if it's a conflict of interest in decisions of this Board." Now it was another member speaking up. "You insisted we provide financial backing - very high levels of financial backing, I might add, in support of your...whatever."

"And without disclosing the conflict of interest..." Another piled on.

"Enough!" Lena yelled. She couldn't bear for them to speak so disrespectfully about Kara. "First of all, Kara and I were not in a relationship when I first approached the Board about sponsoring the team."

"Oh so you only became involved very recently?"

"Not exactly, but..."

"How are we supposed to trust your judgement when you pull something like this? How can continue to have faith in your leadership?" It was Edge again. Lena noted he was always angling for more influence and clearly was smelling her blood in the water.

"What about the blowback from the public, once this becomes more widely known? Are you still associated with Kara Danvers?" Yet another member, this from one she thought would be on her side.

"This is kind of thing is like a bone to a dog for the public. And it's very likely to affect stock prices once they start to hammer on it! It's amazing it hasn't happened yet..."

Now there were members calling out and interrupting from around the room - some disagreeing and supporting Lena and others loudly insisting there was a problem. Lena looked directly at her mother, who was no longer even attempting to cover her smirk. As members broke out into person-to-person arguments Sam stood up and called for order.

"Who the hell are you to call order?" Edge asked.

"I'm the goddamned Chief of Operations! And this is getting us nowhere. Now please, everyone - sit down! Give Lena a chance to respond."

As the room got quiet Lena didn't speak for several moments. Morgan Edge fidgeted, clearly trying to refrain from speaking up again.

"You're right." Lena eventually said and the crowd started erupting again. Lena turned to her chair and sat down, unwilling to fight the noise to speak.

Eventually Sam demanded quiet again. This time it was Andrea who spoke up before Lena spoke again.

"Regardless of what went on with Ms. Danvers, Lena's encouragement to sponsor both teams was correct. It's been a huge boon to our reputation, especially at a time when there was a lot of negative publicity around Lex's breakdown and..."

"It's OK, Andrea. You don't need to defend me." Lena stood up again. "I have a plan that I think will alleviate all your concerns about stockholder worries about myself and Kara Danvers. And it's very simple."

The group waited with apparent bated breath to hear the solution. Lena took her sweet time.

"I will be resigning from L-Corp, effective over the next 10 days as I transition out. Then you can all continue to run this company however you please. Your concern about my "tainting" the sterling reputation of the company because of my relationship with Ms. Danvers will no longer be of concern."

"Wait...what?" Sam asked incredulously. Even her mother looked speechless.

"Let me guess. You'll be expecting a huge golden parachute. A buy-out to beat all buy-outs." Edge spoke up again.

"I don't expect any buy-outs. And I certainly don't need any of the company's money, or to be beholden to any of you."

"Lena please, this is crazy. You can't just walk away from something you've dedicated so much to building..." Sam argued. Andrea and others began speaking up as well until Lena cut her off.

"I'm not the only one that built this company. I inherited it from my father. Actually, it went to my brother first before I had to step in and..."

"Save it from ruin!" Andrea practically yelled. "I just got on this damn Board. And it was because of you I had the confidence to join. Now you're jumping ship? Talk about rattling the stockholders!"

"I won't live with this group judging me, or telling me what I can or can't do in my personal life. And I certainly won't give up Kara Danvers for this load of bloated..." Lena caught herself. No need to personally attack them. In all the pandemonium she couldn't even tell at this point how the majority would have been leaning on the issue. "And we won't hide. We won't look over our shoulder or try to remain out of the public eye unless we feel like it. I don't owe you any of that. Because I won't be working here."

"Lena, you love this company. This company is your baby. You can't just...walk away." Now her mother seemed to have found her voice.

"Worried about your shares, Mother?"

"That's cold Lena. I'm worried about you. This is what you were born to do. You won't be happy unless you have your research, your plans to save the world...you have so many goals, very laudable goals, that are within your reach here at L-Corp."

"First of all, Kara means more to me than any of this. Far more. Secondly, I don't have to give up my dreams. I don't need any of this to accomplish what I want. Sure, it would be much easier with the company assets, labs, and staff. But sometimes the easiest way isn't the best way. And half of the patents produced here at L-Corp are in my name. I saw to that, especially during the time my brother was running things. So those belong to me, and will come with me, whatever I decide to do. Those are my personal advancements and I will have many more in my lifetime. After I take a nice long vacation with Ms. Danvers...I'll begin building my own company. With my own hand-picked staff. I'll build my own labs. And I and my staff will have a better work-life balance. Because there's a lot more in my life besides work now."

"Lena, you can't be serious. All the infrastructure, the staff, we have some of the finest scientists..." Andrea spoke up again.

"Sure, it will take some time. But you know I can raise the investors. And then I can really do it my way. And who knows. Maybe some of the fine scientists will want to join me someday."

"Don't be ridiculous, Lena! This is the most absurd pipe dream I've ever..." Edge spoke up as most of the room remained stunned speechless.

"Save it, Morgan. The fact is...you need me much more than I need you. And you all know it."

At that Lena picked up her tablet and phone, and before anyone managed to speak up again she was gone from the room.

Lillian looked directly at Sam sitting across the table, and said with wide eyes:

"Oh, fuck!"