
61. This Love Has No Ceiling

The rest of the flight back from Australia was a haze of intense fucking, knotting, and reveling in the joy of being together and tied. It was as if they were traveling in a pod over the oceans. No one dared knock or disturb them in any way. They found water and snacks the crew had stowed in a small cabinet, so there was no reason for them to even open the door through the rest of the flight.

Just as Kara suspected, Lena was very up to the task of 'accelerating'. Kara was immersed in her heat in a way she had never experienced. There were no baths, or lingering meals or hours of resting between, just cycles of rutting and knotting. It was exhilarating and exhausting. Despite the urgency, Lena was gentle and caring during the brief spaces between cycles. Kara felt completely safe, even when Lena's alpha was in full force. She enjoyed the sometimes rough treatment because she knew Lena would never hurt her. After their fourth cycle they were tied facing each other, Lena became very emotional, whispering how much she loved her, how she would protect her from anyone or any thing that might hurt her. That Lena would die before hurting her.

"Shhh, shhh. I know, baby. You're so strong. So good." Kara tried to reassure her alpha. "You're the only one for me. The only one who can take care of me the way I need."

"You're mine." Lena whispered desperately in return, and almost sounded like a question.

"I'm yours." Kara said with all the conviction she could manage, then kissed Lena gently. It felt very right to be reassuring Lena when she hit a vulnerable moment in her rut. They slept for a while, still tied. Kara woke to the feeling of Lena slipping out of her, and moaned at the loss. She twisted a bit to watch as Lena climbed off the bed and disposed of her condom, then guzzled some water. She turned around and saw Kara watching her.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm coming down a bit. I think you've just about fucked the heat out of me."

"I'm glad it's working. I've never tried accelerating before. It's even more intense. Sorry for getting so emotional last time." Lena bent next to the bed near Kara's face and began scratching the back of her neck and head. Kara closed her eyes to enjoy the welcome touch.

"Come on, Lena, of course I loved it. I loved everything you said. And, you know omegas love reassuring their alphas. It's very satisfying." Kara practically purred. She stretched her neck out for a kiss and soon they were in it again, exploring each other's mouths with their tongues.

"Not done yet." Lena whispered when they came apart for air.

"No, ma'am." Kara smiled and pulled Lena on top of her.


Lena woke to the feeling of the plane descending slowly. They were tied again, sleeping and feeling sated. This time Kara was on top of Lena straddling her and curled up on her chest with Lena buried deep inside. Lena teased fingers through her hair to wake her.

"Wake up, baby." She whispered and Kara lifted her head, confused for a moment before seeing Lena looking adoringly back at her. "Ready for the world?"

"Not really. But at least I'm not in full blown heat." She chuckled. "Thanks to you. You're fucking amazing, Lena. No pun intended."

"Thanks for noticing." Lena teased. "You're pretty fucking amazing yourself."

"I don't know about the walk of shame out of here though, marching to our seats in front of the team."

"It's OK. We can wait in here till they de-plane. I'll call the captain and let her know."

"Oh, thank god." Kara gave a sigh of relief and laid her head back down on Lena's chest. "I'll have to see them eventually, but at least they won't have to smell me before I have a shower."

"Well, I think you smell fantastic."

"You too." Kara nuzzled in to her neck and inhaled deeply.

"Wish we could stay like this."

"Yeah. Me too." Kara gave a deep sigh. They stayed tangled together, nuzzling and quietly taking in as much as they could in the time they had left.

"Are you coming to the press conference later today?" Kara eventually asked.

"No. I mean, not unless you want me to. It will be a enough of a circus without me in the mix."

"Yeah, I know. And there's no need for you to be there. I know you need to prepare for your board meeting tomorrow, not to mention, get some real sleep."

"Funny, I had planned on having time to work on it during the 18-hour flight." Lena chuckled.

"Sorry to mess up your plans."

"Anytime you want to mess up my plans with a fuck marathon, please do." Lena rasped.

"Yeah, that was phenomenal. Thanks for getting me back in fighting condition."

"My pleasure, darling."

Kara snuggled into Lena and dozed for a bit until the landing announcements began.


When Lucy woke she noticed Vaz was gone, but she felt warm at the memory that they'd been dozing on and off together through the flight. After landing she pulled out her phone. She barely suppressed giggle when she discovered a message.

VZ: Hope you got some rest. I know my arm did. It's still asleep.

Lucy quickly typed out a reply.

LL: Sorry! What can I say, your arm makes a great pillow.

VZ: I'm glad. It's not easy getting to sleep with a gorgeous woman sleeping on your arm, but the view is fantastic.

Lucy felt her heart melt.

LL: Well, if you think me sleeping on your arm was a sight, I have a few other positions you might enjoy.

VZ: I have no doubt, Ms. Lane.

"Fuck." Lucy whispered out loud to herself, trying to pull herself together for a clever retort. In the end she decided to go with what she was feeling.

LL: Can't wait to see you again.

Lucy heart twisted a bit when she got no response, worried she had seemed too eager. She tried to peer towards the front of the plane. She reminded herself that the plane had a small crew, and that Vaz was probably helping with their last minute duties before landing.

"Fuck." She said out loud to herself. "Why are you getting so worked up?"

She put her phone away for the rest of the flight and landing protocols. After they landed she gathered all her belongings and couldn't help but check her messages again. She beamed at the sight of one in particular.

VZ: Me too.

At that Lucy smiled and stowed her phone. She decided to wait and respond once she was closer to her right mind. 18+ hours and traveling half around the world was exausting. The knowledge that the charming driver wanted to see her again was enough. For now.


Kara and Lena managed to make it off the plane after the rest of the team had departed, avoiding the dreaded 'walk of shame'. As for the crew, they were less than shocked. Given Lena's previous affairs it wasn't the first time the cabin had been used for private activities. And of course they were all tightly NDA'd, so there was little to fear there.

Several hours later Kara found herself seated in front of a large room full of reporters. She was naively surprised to find herself the object of many of the questions. She did her best to answer in ways that would honor the whole team, and directed questions to others as much as she could.

Unlike other press conferences, this one seemed to be more of a celebration than an attempt to get anything new out of the players. But at one point Sara called on a reporter who Kara recognized. She had been the one asking questions on the field after the championship match, right before she kissed Lena. Kara smiled at the memory.

"Kara, I noticed, well, the world noticed, you with Lena Luthor after the final. How long have you two been together?"

Kara's eyes went wide. She should have been prepared for that one and thought through her response, but the flight was a heat-fueled blur. She'd barely managed to make herself presentable for the press conference. Before she could answer another reporter spoke up with another personal question.

"Kara, everyone knows now that you are dating the CEO of L-Corp. But do they know that L-Corp has been and continues to be a top donor for both your teams?"

Kara's mouth opened to protest, but before she could respond Sara called a stop to the proceedings.

"We informed everyone here that we would not be taking any personal questions. But apparently that agreement was not honored. Let me ask you, have any of you ever asked a member of the men's team about their girlfriends?" Sara looked ready to spit fire before adding. "Or boyfriends?"

She waited for a response but the reporters just just looked at her sheepishly. "These women are professional players. What they do when they aren't playing is no one's business! This press conference is over."

The reporters began to complain loudly and a few yelled at the two reporters who broke the rules. Sara signaled to the team and they quickly got up and left. Once outside they circled up for some last words from their coach.

"Listen up, team. That's just a taste of what there is to come. You've inspired the country, even people around the world, with what you've done. So they want to know more about you. Everything about you. And about your teammates. I've said it many times now and I'll say it again - you would be wise to keep your private lives private. Ultimately, what you chose to say about yourselves is your own business. But I don't want to find out about anyone talking about the private life of another player. Capiche?"

"Yes, Coach." They all murmured.

"OK, then. You're all free until our next P.R. event. Get some rest. Have fun. Do whatever you feel." She smiled at them. "You all deserve it. I'm so, so proud of you."

The players shouted out their excitement, then huddled up for a big group hug before heading their separate ways.

Sara watched as the players said their goodbyes, and disappeared one by one. When she turned to go she found one player remaining, standing at a distance across there room.

"You're still here?" She smirked at Ava.

"I don't have anywhere I'd rather be right now. And you said to do whatever you feel." Ava said with a shrug.

"Damn right I did." Sara said, walking steadily towards her. "And what I want to feel right now is you."

"Whatever you say, Coach." Ava said, breathless at the sight of Sara advancing.

"And stop calling me Coach." Sara rasped as she gripped Ava's shirt collar.

Ava opened her mouth for a retort but never got a word out as Sara pulled the taller woman down towards her mouth. Ava's reply became nothing more than a whimper as she melted into the kiss.


As Kara and Lucy made their way out of the building where the press conference was held, they were swamped with paparazzi, flashing photos and shouting questions. Kara, not wanting to be rude, began responding to them until Lucy grabbed her arm and dragged her away. They darted into the parking garage and found Lucy's car.

"That was crazy!" Lucy said as she pulled away from the building. "You have to be careful, Kara. Those vipers will never let you rest. You have to ignore them. Don't even look at them!"

"Yeah, that...I wasn't expecting that."

"I don't think you fully realize what's up, Kara. Your life...is going to be different now. People will want things from you. Pictures, signatures, information - even just to touch you! You're going to have to be less trusting."

"Things will settle down. It won't always be this way."

"I know you've had people recognizing you and wanting things from you before. But this thing is about to kick off at a whole other level! I don't think you understand what a big deal this is. And the fact that you're dating a famous billionaire, well, you know how people go mad for famous couples."

Kara just sighed and let her head fall against the headrest. All she wanted in that moment was to stop thinking and curl up in bed with Lena.

"Holy shit!" Lucy said, looking in her review mirror. "I think we're being followed."

"Oh no. I'm so sorry, Lucy."

"No worries. This is going to be fun."


After leading the paparazzi on a wild chase, they finally lost them. Once they were in the clear, Lucy dropped Kara at Alex's apartment. Alex had texted her to let her know she was staying at Sam's place. Kara felt happy for her. Seeing them together over the past few days in Sydney, she could see Sam was crazy about her, and treated her sister as she deserved to be treated. Still, she was disappointed she wouldn't have any sister time. And even though it was a relief to finally have some peace and quiet, she couldn't help but feel a bit lonely in the empty apartment.

Walking in to the quiet space, she dropped onto the couch and felt the weight of the world falling away. It was the first moment she didn't need to be doing, thinking, or preparing for the next big thing. No practice, no match, no Cup, and no press. No hiding, no heat, no...well,...no Lena. In that moment she felt a pang, her body still hung over from the intensity of her accelerated heat. She started to reach for her phone, but knew Lena was would be working, trying to catch up from her time away and preparing for her Board meeting the next day. She decided not to disturb her. She thought of wine and wondered if there was any food in the fridge. She thought of her bed that she hadn't slept in for weeks, just down the hall. But she couldn't make herself get up. She just closed her eyes and went to sleep.

She woke hours later to the sound of knocking. It was pitch black and for a minute she couldn't figure out where she was. Picking up her phone she saw it was after 2:00 am. Her eyes came into focus realized she was on Alex's couch, feeling hungry and alone. She decided she had dreamed the knocking since it was the middle of the night. As she let her head fall back on the couch she heard it again.

As she neared the door she detected Lena's scent on the other side and threw it open excitedly. On the other side she saw a very worried-looking Lena.

"Oh, thank god." Lena gasped and moved to take Kara in her arms. Kara nuzzled into her neck and took a deep breath.

"You're here." Kara murmmered. "Why?"

"I was just...worried." Lena said, breathing heavily and squeezing her tightly. "Vaz told me about your car chase with Lucy - that she had to drive like mad get away from the paparazi! When you didn't answer my texts or calls..."

"You called?"

"Several times. It doesn't matter..."

"Oh! Yeah...sorry, Coach told us to silence our phones for the press conference. I just forgot to turn it back on. Sorry, Lena. I didn't mean to worry you."

"Not your fault, Kara. Maybe I have a little PTSD since you were kidnapped. I just...got into my head and needed to make sure you were OK."

"I'm OK." Kara said "I promise."

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me." But squeezed Kara tighter.

"Hey. It's understandable. It wasn't very long ago that I was 4 stories underground..."

"Thanks to my brother!" Lena said, pulling back, her eyes raging.

"It's OK, I'm OK. Sorry I scared you." Kara pulled back from the embrace but held onto Lena's hands and pulling her through the threshold. "But I'm really glad you're here...I missed you."

"Me too." Lena said, taking a deep breath and giving her a relieved smile.

"Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

"No. Just you. You're all I need."

"Oh my god - cheesy!" Kara said, pulling Lena further into the kitchen and maneuvering her against the counter.

"Can't help it." Lena said as Kara pushed against her and began kissing her gently.

"Well, you've got me." Kara continued kissing her in a bit of a sleepy daze, lips gentle and lingering until eventually she leaned back from her.

"But unlike you, I do need food. I passed out on the couch when I got home before eating dinner."

"No dinner?! Wow, you must have been exhausted!" Lena teased.

"Hey! You know how I hate to miss a meal."

"I do." Lena said, smiling widely. "And you know how I love to watch you eat."

Kara made her way to the fridge and made a disparing sound at the sight. "Ugh, nothing but eggs and pickles! Should have known..."

"Why don't you go take a shower? I'll make you some pancakes."


"Of course."

"God, I love you." Kara said, kissing Lena again.

"And I love you. Now go." Lena said, slapping her on the rear. "And take your time."

Kara laughed and turned to go. By the time she returned Lena had a stack of pancakes on the counter. Her eyes went wide at the sight.

"Wow! These look amazing..."

"No syrup, but I found some honey." Lena said, piling some on her plate.


"Me or the pancakes?"

"Both." Kara said with her mouth full.

Lena watched contentedly as Kara plowed through the food.

"You did a phenomenal job at the presser, by the way."

"You think? I felt awkward. So many questions were directed at me..."

"You didn't sound awkward. You sounded totally at ease. And the way you recognized and passed questions on to your team mates - you were a total class act, Kara. I would never have known you're such a newby to the limelight."

"Wow, well...yeah, glad to hear that. I didn't feel at ease at all. And I want the team to get the credit they've earned. It wasn't just me out there, you know."

"I know. And you made that clear at the conference. You're a star, baby. There's not much you can do about it. The public wants to eat you up."

"It's kinda unnerving to think so many people think they know me now. And that car chase - that was insane! How can someone think that's an OK thing to do?"

"They're bottom-feeders, Kara. They can get a lot of money for the right shot of you, especially if you're with someone. And they don't care who they hurt. I've been dealing with them for years."

"I don't know how you do it."

"Well, I'll teach you. There are some things you can do to cope. But it's something you're going to have to accept, Kara. You're famous now. A national hero, really. And you can't put that back in the bottle. Getting frustrated and angry about it is natural. But the sooner you figure out how to deal with it emotionally and practically, the better."

Kara stopped chewing, seeming to lose her appetite. Lena got down from her perch on a nearby stool and came close. Kara's hair was dangling in her face on one side. Lena pushed it behind her ear and cupped the side of her face.

"I'm here, Kara. For whatever you need. We're going to figure this out. Together."

At that Kara dropped her fork and dug her fingers into Lena's thick hair. She maneuvered her face to look into her eyes.

"Stronger together?" She asked, looking suddenly very serious.

"Absolutely, baby. Stronger together." Lena stated and angled her head so their foreheads came in contact, while her eyes remained intently searching Kara's.

"Thanks. I'm just feeling a bit like there are a lot of changes coming. A lot of things...out of my control." Kara began rubbing up and down Lena's thighs, and Lena could feel her scent changing from anxiety to something more...aggressive.

"I'll always be here for you. For whatever you need." Lena's toned got deeper. "And whatever you want."

Kara's eyes flashed at her words, and Lena could almost see the steel of a new idea flashing through her brain.

"What's going on behind those beautiful blue eyes?"

"Nothing, I..." Kara took a deep breath and continued, her eyes darkening. "Well. What I really need right now is you."

"Talk about cheesy..." Lena teased, but her voice was raspy, responding to the change in Kara. "And what do you really need?"

Kara's eyes darkened as well, but she didn't say anything.

"What do you want to do to me?" Lena asked, suddenly understanding what Kara wanted, without her saying. Kara's hands moved further and around her back. She gripped tightly, digging her fingers into Lena's ass but she still stayed quiet, seeming to struggle with the words.

"Tell me, Kara." Lena had moved forward so that their mouths were almost touching. Kara's lips were parted, her breathing increasing.

"I want a be inside you." Kara whispered, her voice dropping an octave.

Lena's breath caught in her throat. She lost her words but she nodded to tell Kara 'yes'.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Lena breathed into her mouth. "Tell me...tell me what you want."

Kara moved one hand to grip the back of Lena's hair. She gripped it tightly before rasping out her orders.

"Want you on your hands and knees." Kara rasped. "I'm gonna to fuck your beautiful ass."

Lena nearly whimpered at the words before gasping out her response.
