
Sunshine High

A son and mother has moved in to his mother's childhood home in the town of Sunshine Valley. They believed that this will bring them a new opportunity, especially for Scott Smith enrolling in Sunshine High. However, things don't add up as the students as well as the town are being manipulated by its high school making its people act up. Unravel the mysteries and horrors with Scott as he finds the truth about his new high school

FantasticNovels · Horror
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42 Chs

Lesson Begin

It was now less than a week before the midterm exam. Scott had finally gained a tutor to help him for his precalculus exam. There was so much for Scott to cover as he didn't want to feel behind and with what happened to Ashley's death, he had missed a lot of class. 

The best way for both Scott and Jimmy to study was at the school library. There were people in the library that really didn't care about their exams as there was some making out between the bookshelves, some ripping papers out of their notebooks and turning them into paper airplanes, and some not even minding their own tone as the library was being louder than the classroom they were in.

"S-so if you l-look at q-question t-thirty you c-can see-" Jimmy was interrupted when he got hit by a paper airplane.

"O-ow. What the heck." Jimmy looked around him.

Soon he realizes that it was one of the football jocks that were laughing at him.

"Aw score. Nerds are extra points."

"Yeah for sure."

Both jocks half fiving each other.

"Hey can you two knock it off. We are trying to study here."  Scott looked at the jocks.

"Wait, you guys actually study. What are you two? Nerds. Why can't you just have some fun."

"Well, how can we have fun if there's a midterm exam coming up. Don't you guys also need to study for your midterms?" Scott looked at both the jocks as they didn't have anything they are studying with.

"Why should we study? The King of High School told us we should believe in ourselves."

"Believe in yourselves?"

"Yeah. The only thing we should believe in is ourselves. He thinks that faith will bring us a very high score on the midterm exams. Right dude." The jock looking at the other jock

"Sure thing dude." Both of them are leaving the library.

"But how will faith make you successful?" Scott looked at them in disgust.

"Just ignore them. Those jocks are just a bunch of meatheads who can't think for themselves." A guy sitting next to them holding a geology book.

Scott looked at who that person was.

"Hey aren't you the guy who passed out from the refreshments from the homecoming dance."

It was the guy he saw back in the homecoming dance devouring the snacks in the homecoming dance. 

"Oh...you remember." The guy was in disappointment.

"A-also, aren't you the person who got k-kicked out of t-the football t-team b-because of T-Troy." Jimmy adds something as he remembers something about him.

"Please don't mention him. He framed me for consuming the energy drink mix and now I'm just a stupid towel boy for that guy. I should've been a quarterback, not him." The guy's tears came down while hiding it with his textbook.

"Framed you? How was that possible?"

"Well, it all started back before school started when practice was happening the day after school was over on the first day as I remember it. The coach told me to check up on the sports drink mix in the shed. I came to look at them. But when I opened the door, they were gone."

"Gone? How's that possible? It was the first day of school." 

"That's what I was wondering. But Troy. He did this. When I was looking all over the shed to see where the mix was, the coach called me in."

"I ran towards the coach of what was going on."

"Coach. The drink mix. They are gone. I don't know where they went."

"Oh I know where they went." The coach threw the guy's bag on the floor.

"Explain this to me? Why is there a bag of blue raspberry sports drink mix in your bag."

The guy looked at his bag confused

"I don't know. It wasn't me sir. How did that get in my bag?"

"Oh I'll tell you why coach!" Troy came out of nowhere.

"This guy took all the drink mix for himself. His gluttony couldn't handle the pounds of mix that was in the shed. All the flavors and he couldn't pick which one. So he instead drank all the mix and now there isn't anything for us to be freshened by."

"What! Coach that's a lie I-" The guys now interrupted by the coach.

"Enough. If you want to be a gluttony on my team, then I think you shouldn't be playing football at all and since you are already on the team, I'm now putting you to towel boy. This is how you should pay for your consequences." The coach then left both Troy and him.

"You hear that you fat fuck." Troy whispered to his ear.

"You shouldn't be a quarterback because that's my fucking job. I prefer strong men on my team. Not pigs who devour the drink mix."

The guy finally realized what was going on.

"You did this."

"Yeah I did. The drink mix was instead dumped in the toilet and it's so retarded how the coach didn't notice it." Troy smiled at him.

"You son of a-" he was interrupted by Troy

"Na uh. We are at school grounds and I don't think swearing is appropriate for our school."

"So do me a favor fat ass and kill yourself. We don't need fat fucks like you on my team."

The guy then came back to the present.

"Since that day, I couldn't play football because of some misunderstanding. I wanted to be a quarterback so badly and that bastard took it away from me." The guy was crying more than ever.

"Aw geez I'm sorry to hear that." Scott showing more empathy.

"Look I understand how I feel against Troy I really do. Troy is just some guy who thinks is better than others." 

"Yeah he really is and now I'm trying to study hard for my midterm so I can at least get into a decent college." The guy looking at his book.

"But hey. I wish you luck in midterms man." Scott looking at the guy

"So what's your name by the way."

"My name?" The guy uncovered his face.

"My name is Dwayne. You?"

"Scott. Scott Smith. Good luck on the exam Dwayne.?"

"Thanks." Dwayne stopped crying and started to focus better on his textbook.

When Scott and Jimmy went back to studying, they still couldn't focus as not only did those jocks weren't the only loud ones in the school, but many others who were neglecting their midterms.

"Ah, I can't focus." Scott put down his textbook

"M-me too." Jimmy is also being irritated by the noise.

"Hey. Do you think we can study somewhere else?" Scott holding on his book

"S-sure, but where can we s-study."

"Well, is there a library nearby? I bet that would be a quiet place for a study session."

"Actually, this is the only library not just in the school, but all of Sunshine Valley."

"Wait what! How is that even possible? Back in Des Moines, there were not one or two, but seven libraries. What kind of town doesn't have a library?"

"Who k-knows. Sunshine High is what this town needs."

Scott looked at Jimmy as if he was crazy.

"Then what about your place? Maybe we can study at your place?" 

"M-My place!" Jimmy's eyebrows rose.

"Why a-at m-my p-place?"

"Well I really want to know you more and I bet you have better studying habits when you have a good place to study at."

"I-I see."

"So Jimmy, what about it? Should we study at your place?"

Jimmy looked outside of the library. "S-Sure."

"Great. Let's get out of here and head there."

Jimmy and Scott got out of the library and headed out of the school.

Meanwhile, football practice is happening on the football field and the cheerleaders were practicing for their next game against The Badgers.

"Alright girls! Let's cheer as loud as we can for our players! The Badgers got nothing on us!" Laura cheering on her teammates as captain of the cheerleading squad. 

"But Laura, what about midterms? Exams are coming up and I want to focus on my grades." Another cheerleader questioning Laura.

Laura cartwheeled to the cheerleader. "What's important girl?! Stupid midterms or forever lasting cheering!" Laura got very close to her, smiling at her to the point where she felt uncomfortable.

"Um...… Cheering?"

"YES GIRL YES!" Laura cartwheeled back to her position

"Who gives a crud about midterms girls. Remember like my boyfriend says! Faith will save us all! So keep cheering girls!"

Although half of Laura's squad was looking at her in confusion, they just kept practicing as they tried to keep their heads off their midterm exams.

On the field, Troy and his teammates were finishing up practice for the day as they finish their last practice game.

"And that's game my guys! Keep up the good work!" Troy tells his whole team. As everyone, including Troy was packing up, Troy saw something outside of the football field. 

"Is that Jimmy being with Scott?" Troy looked closer.

"What the hell are they up to?"

As Scott and Jimmy walked on the street, Jimmy looked at Scott.

"S-Scott, b-before you came to Sunshine High, what were you like? I never saw you before last year?"

"Well Jimmy, before I came to Sunshine High, I used to go to a school in Des Moines called Frederick College Prep. Over there I didn't fit well with others due to my anger. My anger had gone to the point where I got expelled from school."


"Yeah, but it was only the beginning of my consequence. Besides being expelled, I had been detained and banished from the neighborhood where I grew up in. Since then, me and my mom moved here to start over and settle here."


"So what about you Jimmy, why did you come to Sunshine High?"

"W-Well............. I actually don't know. ALl I remember is coming and being a part of Sunshine High. Besides that, I really don't know how I got in here."

"What about your parents? Do you tell your parents why you came to Sunshine High?"

"Actually, I-I don't know who my parents are or where they are. I just remember being here and that's it."

"I see." Scott looked at himself.

"All I remember is being considered the nerd of the school and that's all I remember."

"So Jimmy. You don't have any memories of where you came from?"

"Yeah all of that is just a blur to me."

Soon, Scott and Jimmy got near the house Jimmy was staying in.

"W-We're a-almost here." Jimmy speed walked.

Following Jimmy, they got to the place where Jimmy was living.

But was the place even livable?

"Here's my home." Jimmy showed Scott.

When Scott looked, it was something that was. INHUMAN.