
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasy
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19 Chs

7 : Spirit's Nature

      Cai Ying began to explain to me what had just happened in these past two weeks...After I got passed out, Seir began realising what would happen to this place, and with a big smile, Seir asked Gremory, "Is this true??"

      Gremory just nodded...Cai Ying was so confused and asked, "What is this true?"

      "This is Seir; her power is similar to mine... When my power focuses on the dimensional gate, her power focuses on her speed; she can go around the world in just a blink of an eye...Yet, the most important thing is that she is a prophecy demon, which means she can see the past, present, and future, like me...Even the treasures' location..."

      "It means..."

      "Yes, we have seen the future of this place...Which people from your called sect will come here..."

      Seir started to circle Cai Ying and took a closer look at her...Started to say, "Is she his childhood friend?" Without hearing any word about Cai Ying as a childhood friend, she immediately knew...

      "If you are referring to him, yes, we are childhood friends..." Cai Ying looked at my body, and she was surprised because, while they were talking, one of the spirits took my body inside..."Where is he?" asked Cai Ying...

      "One of my spirits took him..." Gremory answered...Which surprised Seir...

      She looked at Gremory and asked, "You summon your spirits in this realm?"

      "Of course I am..."

      "Well, if you summoned them, let me summon mine, too..." She snapped her finger, and just like Gremory, a shitton of portals appeared...

      Seir has the same legion as Gremory; it's 26 legions of spirits...

      Cai Ying was shocked and terrified, as the spirits began to appear one by one in those portals...Cai Ying watched in awe as the spirits emerged from the portals, all of their presence overwhelming the area. They still didn't have any appearance, just plain white humanoids...The sheer number of spirits was astonishing, and it was clear that Seir possessed immense power like Gremory, in Cai Ying's eyes...Seir took a look at Gremory's spirit, for which they used a beautiful maiden appearance, so she ordered her spirits to take the same appearance as a beautiful maiden...One by one, they changed their appearance and started to leave the garden...

      After all the spirits left, Seir and Gremory followed it, relaxingly leaving the garden...

      Cai Ying stopped them and asked, "Why are all of you two just acting relaxed? In two days, there will be my sect attacking this place..."

      Gremory and Seir just exchanged some glances, and Gremory said, "Just take a chill; they are just no matter what their nonsense powers are, if they are just humans, they are just weaklings in our eyes..."

      Seir nodded in agreement, adding Gremory's words, "Besides, we were born with these powers, not like you humans who chased power in any way, even sacrificing other living souls...our powers are far superior to anything they possess...We have nothing to fear from a mere human group like you called the sect..." With confident smirks on their faces, they continued their walk inside...

      Cai Ying was left behind in the garden; she didn't know what to say or how to react... She felt a mix of anger and frustration at their arrogant attitude...After Seir came to the world two days before the sect attacked this place, Cai Ying began to observe Seir and Gremory...Cai Ying observed Seir, and she kept standing beside me without moving while I was still unconscious...Except she would take a nap or be asleep beside me...She told me that sometimes Seir did something inappropriate to me while I was unconscious...She couldn't tell me the details of it because of what Seir did...

      Hearing that, on the table, I immediately took a glance at Seir...She avoided my glance... I noticed a hint of guilt on her as she purposefully avoided my glance...Became clear to me that there was more to her actions than met the eye, and I couldn't help but wonder what exactly she had done while I was unconscious...

      Gremory suddenly gave me a suggestion to check what she did to me, "Why don't you use the stone like before? If you can shatter the stone more than before, it means..." She began to lick her lips, and her voice suddenly became honey-inviting. "You know what I mean, right?"

      I stared heavily at Seir and said, "I will take your advice later; now, I want to hear the rest of the story from Cai Ying..." with Seir still avoiding my eyes...

      Cai Ying continued; after observing Seir, she started to observe Gremory...Which Gremory just took a relax...Especially in the garden, below the pavilion, Gremory was just sitting and enjoying the sound of ponds and fish, with treats in front of her...

      After what she observed, Cai Ying decided to take a look at what the spirits were doing... She noticed that the spirits were diligently working, each one assigned to a specific task. Some were tending to the plants, while others were cleaning and organising the surroundings. Cai Ying was impressed by their dedication and efficiency...Yet, what most amazed her was their efficiency in building something...

      Next, she told me about how my place became bigger than before...When she took a stroll outside the main building or my place, she noticed the streets and the roads were different inside the village; my place was the only place left where all the people were gone...They weren't the same as she knew; when she was still a child, the streets and the roads were completely dirt. But now they were fully stone, with ditches beside them...She was amazed by how the spirits made the roads...There were three layers of it, the bottom layer was sand with some large stones, the second layer was pebbles and gravel, and the third layer was stone, which she had never seen before...She was amazed at the intricate patterns formed by the stones as if they were carefully placed by the spirits themselves...

      It wasn't just the roads and the streets that got transformed...Because the houses in the village were not inhabited by the people...The spirit renovated all the houses and started to build another house for them...

      Hearing that, I was confused...The spirits were a shitton of them, more like tens of thousands of spirits...If they built houses here, it would be like a city...Before Cai Ying continued her story, I asked Gremory and Seir, "You two have a shitton of spirits like tens of thousands. If they build their house here, this place will become a city...Do they need housing like humans?"

Gremory and Seir exchanged a knowing glance before Gremory replied, "Indeed, there are countless spirits under our command...While they may not require physical housing like humans, providing them with a sense of belonging and a place to gather is important for their well-being." Seir added, "The spirits find solace in having a designated space where they can connect and support each other....It also helps maintain order and organisation within their realm...." 

      "So they will not use the houses..."

      "Yes, they didn't take a rest, sleep, eat, or drink like humans...Yet, they need to find something to do, like errands, so they build something...If they don't find anything to do, they will simply leave the realm...Waiting, we called them back..." replied Seir...

      " I see..."

      Cai Ying continued...Two days had passed; the day which Gremory and Seir had seen had become reality...After the sun rose, Cai Ying sensed some heavy QI power coming towards the place, she told Gremory and Seir about it...Cai Ying and Gremory walked outside, while Seir was going somewhere...

      On the outside, Cai Ying and Gremory were standing waiting for them, but they were suddenly surprised by what Seir brought to the outside. She was with one spirit, which brought my body, which was still unconscious, and with spirit, brought a chair...The spirit put the chair in front of everyone, and Seir put my body on the chair like I was still sitting in there...And she put a white blindfold on me to make sure the enemies did not know I was unconscious...

      Cai Ying was confused and asked Seir, "Why do you bring his body in here?? He is still unconscious...

      "The master's presence is the power for his servant..."

      "I am not his servant, so I don't need him to be here.." Gremory instantly said...

      "You are still the same as before, Gremory..." Seir took some time to change my position of sitting to be more intimidating..."There, look how magnificent he is right now...The enemies will think how powerful he is..."

      While they were waiting, from the distance of a valley between mountains, five big flying ships appeared from there...Gremory and Seir were shocked to see those flying ships...

      "This world is surely so weird...How the fuck did they build that? With the condition of normal humans, they are so backwards...Even I don't find any pipe of water from any easy material like bamboo in this world...Yet, they can build those giant flying ships...WHAT THE FUCK!!" Said Seir with unbelief...

      "Ha Ha Ha Ha, you are right, Seir...Because they are so blind to chase this nonsense power, they forget about daily necessity development or their brain development..." answered Gremory...

      After some time, finally, all the ships were in front of my place...At once, one of them shouted, "We come here; we want to seek vengeance after what happened to our people...We demand justice for the destruction caused by your kind!" The tension in the air was palpable...

      "Look at that; one of their voices could reach here without any tools; that's quite impressive..." said Seir, impressed.

      "You want to address it, Cai Ying?" asked Gremory to Cai Ying...

      Cai Ying stepped forward to the front of Gremory and Seir; she shouted at them, "Dear fellow disciples, senior brother and sister, martial uncle and aunt, and great elders, I hope all of you can turn your ships back to the sect...And avoid any problems with this place...Deep down in my heart, please leave this place..." Cai Ying's voice resonated with determination and concern as she pleaded for their attention...

      One of the people from the ships addressed it: "You are the new inner disciple, but you have no authority to command us. We have our reasons for being here and will not be swayed by your pleas...Which you still don't know the secret of our sect..." Immediately everyone in the ships, changed their appearance, like the other members did before; they changed their appearance to a demon appearance...

      "I don't believe it, that the sect that invites me, guides me, and teaches me is deceiving me..." Cai Ying was shocked and bewildered by the sudden transformation of the ship's occupants...

      Seir found it unbelievably and amusing; she turned to Gremory and asked, "Are those demons in this world??"

      "Unfortunately yes..." Gremory said with a low tone...

      "HA HA HA H A HA" Seir started to laugh her ass off, unable to contain her amusement. "You mean, they just changed their skin colour and hair colour and grew horns and called it a demon? Ha Ha Ha Ha" 

      Once again, Cai Ying tried to persuade the people on the ships to go back...Yet they didn't hear it...

      "Back off, Cai Ying...It's useless now..." said Seir...

      "But..." Cai Ying looked at Seir's fierce expression and a big smile, and she immediately backed off...

      Seir turned her face to Gremory and said, "You want to take care of this?"

      "I think you want to take this...Your smile disgusts me..."

      "Oh!! It seems I have been caught...Am I smiling that hard??" 

      With the blink of an eye, Seir was in the sky, flying...Which everyone was unaware of it, especially the people from the ships, who were staggered after seeing her immediately fly in front of them...

      "Instant transmission or teleportation, huh??" said one of the people on the ships...