
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasy
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19 Chs

6 : Summoning Seir as Prince or Princess?

      I forgot and failed to think that I had never considered the possibility of summoning a king demon with my ceremonial magic...Fully, cautious, I looked at the ground of the ceremonial circle...A few seconds later, a light appeared on the ground...And slowly, a figure appeared riding on a winged horse...

      With a winged horse, immediately I knew who he was...It was Seir...

      Gremory was surprised and said, "You found a carriage...Great one..."

      I asked, "What do you mean carriage?"

      "Well, because of his power."

      I see that Gremory refers to the power of Seir, with which he can travel anywhere in the blink of an eye, especially that winged horse...

      Seir was looking around in awe, checking in on the surroundings of the ceremonial circle. Then he turned his gaze at me and spoke with a deep, commanding voice, "You have summoned me, mortal..." After he looked at me, Gremory walked beside the circle, Seir noticed her and turned a glance towards her "Well, is it the Archduchess Gremory?" Seir's voice echoed through the air as he addressed Gremory, his eyes filled with recognition.

      "Thank you; you are still recognising me, Prince Seir..." Gremory responded with a warm smile, her voice filled with gratitude...

      "May I know what is happening right here? Where am I? And what is this world?" asked Seir, His voice was full of curiosity as he looked around, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings...

      "As you can see in front of you, you have been summoned by this human...And about this world, you need to ask this human too..."

      Seir got off the horse and started to get closer to me...As he was right in front of me, separated by just the circle, the only barrier between me and him...He opened his mouth and said, "You had summoned Gremory; it means there is something different in you...I don't demand anything for the cost of your summoning me or the cost of our contract...Still, I need to know where I am and what this world is."

      "Let me answer those questions. Right now you are in a realm of the world that's different from the human realm, you know...In this realm of the world, humans have a power; it's QI, which is their soul power, different from your power which is angelic power...And from this power, humans can prolong their lives, never age, never get disease, and the most important thing is being immortal..."

      His face showed a full sense of unbelief and astonishment as he processed this information...He turned his face towards Gremory to get a sense of what I had told... Gremory's expression remained unchanged, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and scepticism...

      He showed some giggles and said, "Ha ha ha...You summoned me to a world that I never knew...I like it...You may have finished this conjuration...And I am willing to do anything for your desire..."

      Gremory said, "You still have that good nature and are obeying as usual, huh, Seir..."

      Seir nodded, "Well, Gremory, you know me too well. I may have been summoned to a new world, but my nature and desires will remain the same..."

      I continued the last conjuration, "O thou Spirit N. because thou art the servant of fealty and obedience, and because thou art he that obeyeth my power and thy creation; therefore I say, Descend unto thy dwelling, obey the law which has made, without terror to the sons of men, creatures, all things upon the surface of the earth. Descend therefore, I say, and be thou as stewards of time; come forth in a moment, even as servants that hearken to the voice of the Lord; in the moment in which I invoke thee and stir thee up and move thee in the mysteries of the secret wisdom of the Creator! Descend unto thy dwelling place in pleasure; let there be the mercies of God upon thee; be friendly in continuing; whose long continuance shall be comforters unto all creatures. Amen..."

       Both of our bodies were shining a light...Yet, there was a twist and something different than I did with Gremory...As the light shone in his body, slowly, his appearance changed...Slowly, all three sizes—hips, busts, and waists—were changed...He was slowly changing into a woman...With her hips becoming wider, her bust became bigger yet not bigger than Gremory's, and her waist became smaller... After that, her face changed the most; she became more beautiful with delicate features and illuminated skin...Her clothes changed and became more feminine... It was as if a divine touch had transformed her into a breathtakingly beautiful woman, her height a little bit shorter than Gremory...Her eyes sparkled with newfound femininity, captivating anyone who dared to meet her gaze...And the ceremonial magic circle was gone from the ground...

      Seeing that, I immediately turned to Gremory, and asked, "What just happened?"

      She answered, "Like I said, the demon used the appearance that the summoner liked...It seems you like women, so they changed their appearance to women...." and she leaned her lips into my right ear, and whispered warmly and invitingly, "~~With the changed appearance of him, or I call her now, you can bind your relationship with her easily...Especially, she is the obedient demon at...She even already said she would fulfil your desire; what a great catch, right? ~~"

      I immediately flustered red after hearing those words...Meanwhile, I looked; Cai Ying kept circling and looking around Seir and the winged horse...

      Seir finally spoke some words after her transformation, "Well, now I have become a princess, Seir, not a prince anymore..." Seir's voice sounded confident as she continued, "But don't worry, my loyalty and devotion to you remain unchanged. I will do everything in my power to make you happy as your obedient demon princess."

      Gremory whispered warmly and invitingly again to me, "~See, she is an obedient demon as she said; surely she will fulfil all your desires...~~"

      I ignored Gremory beside me and walked towards Cai Ying, who showed some curiosity about Seir and the winged horse...As I walked towards her, my mind and my body became heavier. I remembered that the summoning magic took a lot of willpower and mindpower...As I took a step towards Cai Ying, everything became more deterrent in my vision and my hearing too...The light around me faded, and the sounds became muffled as if I were underwater...With a snap of the finger, my vision became black and dark...



      I opened my eyes...And I was looking at the ceiling of my room...I realised I was passed out after summoning Seir...I got up from my bed and, out of nowhere, felt some movement, like a small kick from beside me. I turned my head to the side beside me...There was Seir, who was still sleeping beside me. My mind was going everywhere after I saw Seir on my bed with me beside her. I immediately looked at my body, still fully clothed...

      *sigh* I am still fully dressed. Wait, what about her? Is she still fully clothed?

      I looked at the blanket that wrapped her, thinking of the worst scenario. She maybe wasn't fully dressed or undressed...I took out the blanket that wrapped her, fully prepared if she wasn't fully dressed... After I took it, fully relieved, she was fully clothes...

      I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that nothing inappropriate had happened while I was unconscious. I began questioning how Seir ended up in my room and on my bed...A few seconds later, after I took out the blanket, she became uncomfortable and slowly opened her eyes...With a doze-off, she looked around...After her eyes became closer to mine, she immediately widened her eyes...

      "FINALLY YOU HAVE WOKEN UP!!" She said it with a cheerful tone and a bright smile...

      I blinked in confusion, trying to process the situation..."How did you end up here?" I asked...

      "Well, the...Gremory told me to sleep with you, to keep an eye on you..."

      That bitch sent her on purpose...

      "So how long was I unconscious?"

      "About two weeks..."

      Disbelief, shock, and surprise after hearing that...I immediately thought about the other people from Cai Ying's sect who must have come here, and what about Cai Ying? Swiftly, I asked her, "What happened while I was unconscious?" 

      "Everything is done and under control..."

      "What do you mean by under control??"

      Out of the blue, the door of my room was opened with a slide...I looked at the figure who was opening the door; it was Cai Ying...If Cai Ying was still here, what did it mean? 

      She walked towards us, and beside the bed, she just looked at me like everything was normal and said, "Come downstairs; the breakfast is ready..." After that, she started to walk away from me and left the room...

      What the hell was that? She is still in here after two weeks, and she looks Seir on my bed like it's the normal thing...

      I went down to have breakfast like Cai Ying said, and Seir kept staying beside me...Yet, while I was walking around my home, I felt there was something different...It seemed the spirit was increasing...When I put my feet in the room to get breakfast, Cai Ying and Gremory had already taken seats, yet the room became bigger than before I was unconscious...It wasn't just that; my feeling was about something different; it was that my place became bigger than before...Seeing everything inside become bigger, I walked past them and looked at the outside of my house...To my surprise, the outside of my house appeared to have transformed as well. The once familiar surroundings—training grounds, gardens, even ponds—now seemed vast and expansive, as if the boundaries of my property had expanded overnight...I looked, and all the spirits were walking around doing some errands...

      I turned back to the others in the room, which were Cai Ying, Gremory, and Seir, who had already taken seats at the table...I went to the table, took a seat...I asked,

      "What just happened in the past two weeks while I was unconscious? and it seems my places and my farmland became bigger, wider, and expanded." If it becomes bigger and wider, this place will become like the forbidden city...

      Cai Ying, Gremory, and Seir exchanged glances and looked at each other before Cai Ying spoke up, "You want to know what happened?"

      "Of course, I want to know, and especially the reason why you are still in here?"

Seir is a prince of Hell, yet in this chapter I want to twist that...But the power is still same, if you know who is Seir or Seere..

Yakusucreators' thoughts