
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasy
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19 Chs

8 : Power of Seir

      Seeing Seir alone in the sky, they sent some people into the sky to face her...Meanwhile, on the ground, Gremory asked Cai Ying to explain what realm or what stages of power the people who faced Seir...Cai Ying explained that Seir was currently facing people from the Emperor realm...

      Without knowing it, Seir seemed to not worry about what these realms were...Her opponents started to surround her in all directions, forming a tight circle. As they closed in, Seir's expression remained calm and determined, ready to face whatever challenges awaited her...At once, all of them dashed to Seir with lightning speed, launching a coordinated attack...With all of their attacks connected to every part of Seir's body from bottom to top and shockwaves emitting around it...

      People on the ship showed some smiles as the attacks connected to her body...Yet, that smile was only a second away and faded to concern as Seir stood her ground, seemingly unscratched...At once, scared, the people who attacked Seir backed off...

      Seir showed a big mischievous smile, "Ha Ha Ha Ha are the demons in this realm so weak??" Seir mocked them, and her laughter echoed through the air...

      Someone from the ship ordered the people who faced Seir to retreat...With speed, they were retreating...Seeing they were retreating, Seir didn't waste any time...In the blink of an eye, all of the people who faced her were knocked to the ground...In Cai Ying's eyes, she saw all the emperor realm people in the sky suddenly just fall to the ground so fast without any reason...Their bodies lay motionless on the ground...Everyone's eyes just saw Seir didn't move from her spot as the people were knocked to the ground...

      Because Cai Ying didn't see anything in what Seir did, she asked Gremory, "Was she the one who knocked them to the ground?"

      "What do you think??" said Gremory, who just showed a smile...

      Cai Ying's confusion grew as she observed Seir's calm demeanour amidst the chaos...she asked Gremory again, "Is it the angelic power you said, and you were born with this?"

      Gremory chuckled and replied, "Yes...This is angelic power, but what you watch right now is a small fraction of our power...Like Yu Lei tried to shatter the stone, that small fraction of power I gave to him is equal to what you saw in here..."

      Cai Ying's eyes widened in astonishment. "So you're saying that what Yu Lei did was just a fraction of this angelic power you possess?" She asked, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of their abilities. 

Gremory just nodded, her smile widening, and said, "But every demon has different angelic power, and the capable are different from each other; maybe my fraction of power is bigger than Seir's fraction power, or it can be inversed...Just keep this sentence in your heart: 'We aren't humans who seek power; we were born with power.'."


As everyone on the ship was shocked by what had just happened, they showed some concern after seeing their fellows just easily knocked to the ground and laid emotionless dead...Yet, six people were approaching and surrounding Seir...Gremory asked Cai Ying what their realms were...But, Cai Ying told Gremory she couldn't tell it because she couldn't identify higher realms than emperor realms, and she told Gremory that they were the elders of the sect...Gremory showed a big smile...

Without knowing this, Seir didn't show any worry while facing them... Seir remained calm and composed, unaware of the true power and status of the six individuals...

      One of them unleashed his technique; he took a deep breath and controlled his breath. With his hand raised and pointed at Seir, he shouted, "Heavenly Flame Burst!!" his words flowed like molten silver, laced with the energy of the heavens...Yet, he was a demon in camouflage...In response, the atmosphere seemed to ignite with fire around Seir....its intensity and heat intensifying with each passing second...The flames danced and swirled, taking on the form of a majestic dragon, ready to bite Seir... The dragon's fiery eyes locked onto Seir, emanating a sense of ancient power and wrath...As the dragon lunged forward, its scorching breath engulfed everything in its path, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake....Seir just took every fire from it and raised her two arms, like welcoming the fire from it...

      As the dragon passed her...Seir was unscratched, and her clothes didn't get burned by the dragon of fire...With just punching her fist into the air, a massive shockwave erupted, making the dragon's fire immediately disappear without any trace...

      The people who faced were shocked to find their Heavenly Flame Burst. Yet, one of them seemed to try something else for Seir...He pointed his finger at the sky, and invocated, "Nine-Heavens Sword..." as his voice echoed through the sky and the atmosphere around...The sky began to darken, as dark clouds gathered and swirled above...Nine swords with massive size appeared from the dark clouds... Each sword glowed with a blinding light, emanating an aura of immense power...

      As the nine swords had appeared, the person who called it, pointed his finger at Seir...At once, all nine swords dashed and sliced through the air towards Seir with incredible speed and precision, leaving thunder trails...The swords were moving towards Seir in every direction; Seir couldn't evade it...She just stood in there like nothing happened...Seeing Seir didn't do anything, all six people showed some smiles, and with high hope, that the swords would slash her...Yet, it wasn't like they hoped that there would be blood on Seir and limbed severed on her...Instead, the swords just went through her like nothing happened...There was no scratch on Seir, the swords pierced her like water...

      Cai Ying didn't believe what she just has seen...She asked Gremory, "What is that?? Why did the swords just go through her?"

      "I have said to you right, Seir's power is on speed...She can circle the world in a blink of an eye. What she did was simply move... Yet, our eyes couldn't see it; what we saw was the past of Seir, so it was like the swords pierced through her.."

      "Past of her??"

      "Yes, Seir's speed is so fast that our eyes can't track her, so when she moved around, she would leave a shadow of her, which is her past in that spot...Until Seir stops moving, that shade will be gone, and we know where Seir is..."

      "But, I feel Seir's energy in that spot...."

      "That's the biggest mistake if you face an opponent with agility or speed like Seir...When she faced them, one of them said Instant Teleportation...That was their biggest mistake...When you did a teleportation, you could track the energy from here to the destination of the teleportation...Yet, if you are still moving at high speed, the energy will also be moving at higher speed...If you said you felt Seir's energy in that spot, it means you couldn't track Seir's speed..."

      "What!!" Cai Ying was in disbelief...

      "You know the craziest part is...Right now, Seir isn't in that spot; what you see right now is the shadow of her past...When they did all the flame until these nine swords, Seir was moving until right now..."

      Cai Ying's disbelief grew even stronger as she struggled to comprehend the information...So right now, what they were against was just a shadow of her past...Not the real-time or the real of Seir...


      A devastation blow to the six people who faced Seir...They didn't realise how strong Seir was...And still, one of them was trying with their technique, one by one, until the technique of Dragon's Roar...The sound that escaped her lips was not merely a human roar; it was a declaration of his indomitable will and the embodiment of the dragon's might...The very air seemed to tremble as the resonance of her vocal release built in intensity...For instance, a shockwave erupted from her body, sending a massive vocal and shockwave towards Seir... The force of the shockwave just went through Seir...Even everything around her was devastating, like debris flying around... 

      Meanwhile, Gremory hearing that technique, immediately asked Cai Ying, with the biggest smile she had shown, "Is there any dragon in this world??"

      Cai Ying answered, "It's a legend from the upper realm, but some cultivators believe they have encountered dragons...As you have seen before, the fire which shapes like a dragon, that's the dragon we believe..."

      "Really!!! That is interesting.." Gremory showed some excitement...At once, she shouted at Seir, "HEI SEIR, DON'T KILL THE ONE WHO USED ROAR!! LET HER LIVE!!!"

      "I can't accommodate your request...This is my fight..." answered Seir out of nowhere...

      "Argh! Why do I need to do it by myself..."

      Cai Ying said, "Wait!! Does that mean you??" She immediately looked at the sky...Like what she scared off...

      A dimensional gate suddenly appeared from behind the person who used the Dragon's Roar Technique...

      Seir was surprised to see a dimensional gate suddenly appear. "YOU!!! GREMORY!!! WHY YOU MEDDLE IN THIS FIGHT???" Seir, with an angry voice, shouted at Gremory, who caught one into her dimensional gate... "You always have to interfere, don't you?" Seir's frustration was evident in her voice as she glared at Gremory...The dimensional gate immediately disappeared with the person who got pulled to it...

      "It's not that I want to interfere with your fight, but there is something I want to know in this world from that person..." Said Gremory...

      "Yeah yeah yeah..Yet, you don't need to do that..."

      "Just focus on your fight then, finish it fast, and stop whining about it....."

      Cai Ying seeing Gremory took the person, wondering what her purpose was, asked, "Why did you catch her in your dimensional gate?"

      "You said there is some chance that Dragon is real in here, right? I want to know their whereabouts..."


      "The War of Heaven, of course...You won't understand and know it..."

      Cai Ying was wondering what The War of Heaven was...She had never heard of it before, maybe because she was just a mere mortal...

      After some time, they were trying to harm Seir with their techniques, and suddenly the atmosphere and the sky became different... The air crackled with otherworldly energy, and the once clear sky was now filled with dark clouds swirling ominously with a lot of thunderous lightning...A dimensional gate suddenly appeared... 

      Seeing that, Seir immediately shouted at Gremory, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO INTERFERE WITH MY FIGHT!!"

      "It's not my gate..." answered Gremory...

      "What??" confused Seir...

      Seeing that gate, everyone on the ship, all the six people who faced Seir right now, and Cai Ying immediately took a kneel towards the gate...Gremory and Seir were puzzled...Gremory tried to ask Cai Ying, yet Cai Ying's face was so terrified that she couldn't emit a single word from her mouth...

      A dimensional gate was opened, and a glance of foot appeared from it... The foot belonged to a woman figure dressed in regal attire, emanating an aura of power and authority. Gremory and Seir exchanged bewildered glances...Because they didn't see this gate or even this figure in their prophecy...Without any explanation from Cai Ying, Gremory flew towards Seir's shadow and face-to-face towards the gate...

      Seir's sound of nowhere said, "Don't you dare meddle in this fight!!" to Gremory...

      Suddenly, the figure faced nowhere, Gremory took a big smile and said, "Ha ha ha she knows where you are; just quit moving around....."

      The figure's head was moving around as if seeing something invisible moving around...

      "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, even she can track you, Seir..." Gremory said...

      Suddenly, her eyes were quickly seeing her beside her, and she raised her hand...In a fraction of a second, a massive shockwave appeared in her hand and revealed she blocked Seir's kick...Seir tried to follow up her kick with another strike, yet the figure just blocked it with her other hand...

      After both of Seir's feet got blocked and gripped by her, she immediately threw her out with massive force, and all the ships got carried away in the force...The impact of the throw sent Seir flying through the air, crashing into the surrounding ships and causing chaos among them...As Seir struggled to regain her footing in the sky, Gremory calmly watched from a distance...

      Seir and Gremory didn't know who they were facing...