
The lull before the storm

Jun followed Emolga to a large tree, and the small Pokemon gestured for him to follow. He nodded and motioned for Eevee and Beldum to be quiet, sensing that Emolga wanted to show him something.

After scanning the area, Emolga leaped up above the large tree and vanished, leaving Jun confused. But before long, Emolga reemerged, appearing worried and uncertain of what to do. She glided down towards a nearby bush and began rummaging through it. After a moment, still appearing flustered, Emolga turned to face Jun and stared at him for a few moments. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she leaped into the air, gliding towards Jun with her wings outstretched.

Emolga usually lives in trees and can use the inner side of her cloak-like membrane to glide. The funny thing for Jun was that Emolga was still holding the Poke muffin he gave her earlier.

As Jun saw this little guy gliding in his direction, he was taken aback and instinctively opened his arms as the little Pokemon glided towards him. Just a moment ago, Emolga had been scared and crying, and now she was willingly flying into his embrace. As a tree-dwelling Pokemon, Emolga was able to use her cloak-like membrane to glide through the air.

"Emoo~!" Emolga blinked her eyes, with an indescribable grievance on her face, and dropped her Poke muffin on the ground, making Jun more confused with the situation.

"Hey there, what's going on?" Jun asked as he hugged Emolga.

"Emoooo~!" Emolga's dark eyes rolled, and her cheeks flushed slightly. As Emolga gathered her courage, she immediately leaped from Jun's arms and flew towards the south.

Seeing Jun didn't move, Emolga flew back and stretched out her short hands, pulling on Jun's trouser legs and staring at him with wide eyes.

"What's the matter?" Jun squatted down, staring at Emolga.

"Emoo~!" Emolga said a series of words while pointing in the direction she just ran.

Jun realized that Emolga was trying to tell him something, so he asked, "Do you want me to follow you again?"

Hearing Jun's words, Emolga was overjoyed and nodded eagerly and tugged on Jun's trouser leg, urging him to come with her.

"Okay, okay, take me there then," Jun smiled helplessly and nodded in response. However, before that, he didn't forget to bring the Poke muffin Emolga dropped.

To Jun's surprise, Emolga led him deep into the forest, and he found himself out of breath after running for a while. However, thanks to the physical training he had been doing with Eevee and Beldum over the past week, he was able to keep up.

Eventually, Emolga brought him to a beautiful area near a small lake. Jun looked around at the untouched greenery and made a mental note to bring Yuna camping here someday. Jun then approached the lake and grabbed a handful of water.

"The water is also very clean. Many wild Pokemon probably drink from this lake. Eevee, no!" Jun noticed his Eevee sniffing the lake water. If not for Jun's quick response, Eevee might have already jumped into the lake.

"Kyuu~" Eevee's ears dropped like a withered leaf.

At this time, Jun noticed that Emolga seemed to be frantically searching for something. Thinking that she looking for her Poke muffin, Jun offered her the Poke muffin. "Here you go," he said, handing it to her.

However to his surprise, Emolgatook the muffin from Jun's hand and placed it on the ground instead. Then, she used her tiny hands to pull away the bushes in front and pointed at it.

"Emoo~emoo!" Emolga gestured with her tiny hands, but Jun couldn't understand what she was trying to convey.

"Kyuu~" suddenly it was Eevee who was approached Emolga and both of them engage in their conversation.

Curious about what Emolga was trying to tell them, Jun crouched down in front of the spot she had pointed at. He noticed that the area was filled with bushes, and there were some signs that a Pokemon might have been there previously, such as flattened grass and scattered leaves. Jun wondered if there was a hidden Pokemon in the area, and he decided to investigate further.


As Jun and his Pokemon explored the area near the lake, they remained completely unaware that a Xatu had appeared not far away. The green Pokemon stood motionless while staring at them, using its small stature and quiet nature to remain hidden.

Meanwhile, Jun searched the bushes for clues while his Pokemon engaged in a heated conversation. They still had no idea that they were being watched.

After observing them for a while, Xatu quietly moved towards the depths of the forest and flew away, soon disappearing from sight. It was a silent observer, and its intentions remained unknown.



Jun, who was in a serious state of looking for a clue, was suddenly startled by a cry for help. 'Which fool dares to yell in this kind of forest? Do you think you've lived too long?' he thought to himself. However, the voice sounded like that of a girl around his age.

It was highly unusual for a kid who had not yet received their graduation certificate or adventure pass, to venture deep into a forest like this. Jun himself had to sneak through Mr. Psychic's house, which happened to be vacant at the time, to get here. Forest borders were typically guarded by Pokemon rangers and Officer Jennys from both inside and outside, making it impossible for a young girl to appear alone in a place like this.

Despite the danger, Jun walked with his Eevee and Beldum, making sure to keep Emolga safe inside his jacket since it was still small. As he approached the source of the sound, he saw a Blaziken carrying a girl on its back, with a group of Mightyena chasing after them. When the Blaziken saw Jun, it showed a pleasant surprise and called for his help.

Jun's face became serious as he realized the situation.

"This is Kanto, How are there so many Mightyena in the Vermillion forest?

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