
Stronger than anything

Zilae has known Mateo for over 10 years now. Best friends and has a strong and great friendship with each other. Zilae has a girlfriend named Lumina that’s been with him since high school. Zilae, Lumina and Mateo are all 3rd years in college. Zilae being insanely rich and loving to spoil his girlfriend and Mateo. There was one day that was very off about Mateo… he didn’t know what to do or to say but he knew that he would always be there for him, no matter what.. and Lumina felt the same way.

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12 Chs

Distance.. (Zilae POV)

Zilae's hand tightened around the phone as he heard the click of Mateo hanging up. He stared at his phone for a moment, a mix of worry, frustration, and helplessness swirling within him. Despite his desire to reach out and continue talking, he knew he had to respect Mateo's request for space.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Dammit, Mateo, why won't you let us be there for you? I'm worried about you, and I don't like this feeling of helplessness. I just hope you're truly okay...

With a heavy sigh, Zilae slowly placed his phone down on the table, his gaze lingering on it for a moment before turning to Lumina, his expression a mixture of concern and determination.

Zilae: Determined, yet filled with a tinge of sadness, he spoke softly to Lumina. "Lumina, maybe Mateo needs some time alone. Let's respect that for now. But I won't stop worrying. We'll keep checking in on them, support them from a distance until they're ready."

Lumina nodded, her own worry and understanding mirrored in her eyes as she reached out to gently hold Zilae's hand in hers. "You're a good friend, Lei. Mateo is lucky to have you. We'll be here for them in whatever way they need us."

Despite the uncertainty, Zilae found solace in Lumina's comforting presence, knowing that they could face whatever challenges lay ahead together.