
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
Not enough ratings
150 Chs

93.) Maliik's Mission.

A day of competition between students of every major school in every civilization that's based around combat, which is every civilization, hahaaa. The day had went by with a rouzing success with many students settling scores without ANY real consequences. We tests of faith, personal matches between friends and people looking fir answers out of certain opponents all throughout. At the end of the day, many alphas were chosen throughout Colossaverse I. It was truly a joyous and successful Challenge Day.

But now as we were to hear the announcements of Luminaria's top school and its ten alphas. Dante is interrupted by shocking news. Maliik ran back into Lumiaress Castle to finish the recon on King William. A dangerous situation for anyone to be walking into. This sent Dante into a state of worry. But Maliik never falters and enters after successfully knocking out a group of guards without a hint of detection. They were all piled into a hole very neat-like and buried underground. Gods don't truly need any substance to fill their lunges so there was no need to poke holes. They'll be fiiine! *Hand wave*

Maliik sprinted down a long corridor that led to a great room full of Lumiaress personnel. He uses his birthright and control of lightwaves to perfectly replicate the appearance and presence of a guard he knocked out. Leisurely strolling through their base's lounge without so much as a hitch. He was able to even ask a guard about their base's no access rooms. There were a total of twenty and each one was separated far from the next. But with his many infiltrations of the base already, he pretty much could confirm the rooms he needed to search thanks to his collected intel.

"Thank you again, easy to forget with all that's been happening. Harsh on the mind, y'know?" Maliik says to his "subordinate" who agrees wholeheartedly. So do others that overhear their conversation. "The life of a grunt, huh?" Maliik thinks to himself while walking to the nearest hallway exit. It was there that he dropped his disguise and sprinted towards the room he needed most. It was the private quarters where most of all of King Williams' dirt can be found, or so they hope. Maliik heard many rumors it became the most secretive place on this castle after Williams had changed.

Maliik: "Gotta make sure I get there without being detected. This place is crawling with guys equal to or greater battle strength than me. Hmm… HUP!" *PEW*

Maliik turns into a stream of light, stopping every few paces to avoid an unnecessary detection. He eventually makes it to a large door at the end of a lon hallway. As he sprints down the line, a guard shows up and sees him as he approaches. Maliik was prepared for this and struck his chest with a finger jab just before he could yell. He jolts him full of essence essentially stopping all bodily functions with Pure Manipulation. A limited technique all gods can use with ease. After dropping him, he places his body in a closet with great haste and continues his sprint. He reaches the door and turns into light as he slips through its cracks.

"Easy does it, anti-light measures are always a thing in our royal houses. N-Nrgh!" Maliik says to himself as he slips past grids wherever a crack may be found. He eventually gets through and enters a large room where a huge deposit of books on shelves could be seen. There had to be more than ten-thousand books there along with a few desks that were piled with documents. Documents a King would already know about, but they were laid out as if he were studying them over. "Very suspicious", said the look on Maliik's face.

He enveloped himself in light rays once more in order to camouflage as he rummaged through a few things. Traces of the King's essence could be felt there, but it wasn't the only one. Maliik could feel a very ominous presence, full of malice. He tried finding the most potent feel for ut as he searched the room for what the King had been up to since his corruption. He had hoped to find out who it may be by getting a sample of their essence and tracing their motives by what they researched in Williams' quarters.

Maliik: "Seems they're trying to take out a bunch of the high ranking officials and even the high ranking potentials. The King has truly been ripping our home to shreds from the inside out. Turning our Clan's protectors against us in the process."

Maliik scims through many more documents while constantly keeping an eye out. He truly did not want to get caught while performing this search. He came across more files pretty much referencing the King's bad doings so far. One of which showed that a few very important artifacts have been left unguarded now.

Maliik: "He's been removing a large number of guards we have around the six study temples you can find here. Inconceivable, he's even removed the Luums that helped with each temple. Just what in the world is he doing- Wait… I know now. Embodi-Mozan has had two studies stolen as of late. That could be happening here as well. Tch!"

Maliik flips a few papers over and rummages through a few books to get clear evidence of this level of treason. After more than ten books were skimmed through and many more documents read. He seen that there was a doctrine for the removal of the studies. There was a claim that they would be too dangerous for the clan if someone came to steal them. "Oh, how true that statement is." Maliik says as he ripped out the pages and stored them in an essence deposit.

Maliik: "After looking through all this, It's like he's making sure we can't defend against an invasion. But why? Is whoever is behind this planning to bring a full force to crush us? That must be it. *SLAM* Let me keep looking, because knowing what they're doing is great and all. But I need to know who and why!" *FWIP*

Maliik heads towards another room further into Williams' chambers. He finds another large door that he slips through undetected, or… so we thought. There was a camera that was smaller than a grain of sand that was following Maliik. Behind its view was a monitor with a God with gold hair staring at the screen. His hair was wavy and fell down the God's back. His eyebrows were thin and his skin was pale. His eyes were sharp and glowed with a yellow hue. He had a star tattoo under his left eye with a pair of circular framed glasses on. He wore a white, war generals suit with pristine shoulder tassels. He was also draped in a long coat that matched his suit's colors. His gloves were black to match his black, glossed combat loafers.

"Waaha. Seems we do have a little intruder after all." , the man says as he looks onward into his monitors. He watches Maliik rummage through another room, finding books filled with info based on Williams' plans. Maliik rips out a few more pages and turns them into essence to store them away. Then does a little recon on the records of the clan. He wanted to make sure this was truly corruption and not the falling of a once great King. Many have been seen to go mad during their terms of ruling, becoming insane completely. Tearing apart the kingdom they once held above all other forms of existence. A situation very similar to their current one.

Maliik: "Mhm… I think I found everything I need here. Guess its time to get out of here before something bad happens."

Maliik walks towards the door so he could make a quick escape. But just as he starts to turn into light, he notices an odd object located on top of a desk next to the exit. It looked similar to a baby's pacifier which raised many questions in Maliik's head. Until he felt the presence beaming from it. It was highly similar to the essence and presence that can be found lingering on King William.

Maliik: (This may be the clue i need to confirm if it's corruption or truly King Williams. Plus if it is corrupt, this pacifier barely has an essence similar to Williams'. No, this is almost all foreign essence. Perfect!) *Grin*

Maliik dashes out of the room and heads for the nearest exit. He still plays it safe and remains covert as he goes. Ducking and dodging many Lumiaress and their guards while zipping through hallways and corridors. He takes out a few along the way in order to borrow a disguise. *PRCH* *Grip*

Guard: "N-Nrgh…!"

Maliik: "Shhhh… go to sleep. Go to sleep! Y-Yeah, yeah. Go. To. Shleeeep!"

Guard: *GACK* "A-ah… augh!" *shwip*... *SMACK*

Maliik: "Now then, run me these threads, little one. Time to get the hell out of here. *Shwip* Mhm… snug fit even though I rushed putting them on… alright!" *PEW*

???: "Wahaa… I notice he hasn't detected my watching of him. Quite the show here, but… I can't be exposed just yet. Too early… wahaha."

Maliik flashes through a few more corridors as he makes it towards the exit. Dropping a few more personnel who were unlucky enough to catch wind of his presence. Finally making it to the rear of the castle where the least amount of personnel can be found. Maliik goes for the door, but just as he'a about to exit. A buzzing sound is heard near his ear which entices him to look over. Before him was a tiny fly that seemed very peculiar with its behavior. It circled around him a few times before zapping to Maliik's front side. It was there that the bug increased in size and flickered like a broken light.

Maliik: "What the hell is going on here?"

???: "Wahaa… you seem a bit confused, Maliik."

Maliik: "Hm? *Glare* (This voice is…) What a surprise, hello Williams."

Williams: "Waha~haaa! Hello there old friend. Enjoying the theft of my precious information?"

Maliik: "Only if it helps reverse everything you've been doing."

Williams: "Wahaa! Like ridding our clan of the weaklings and the wretched that may interfere. I see no need to reverse such things."

Maliik: "Chh! *Clench* You were responsible for the assault and annihilation of the Dazzles."

Williams: "Hmph… that was Luums Maliik."

Maliik: "And you gave the order!"

Williams: "Wahaha, but I did no such thing. Morteus gave the order and I sat by. If you call that enough to have blame pointed, then… aren't you and your mother just as guilty? Wa~ha!"

Maliik: "Nrrrgh! You piece of shit, you know damn well what you did. Now I'll be taking this delicious and succulent info back to the house of Murdicc. Not much you can do about it."

Williams: "Oh? You think so, old friend? Well you're sadly mistaken if you-"

Maliik: "No you're mistaken." *Stomp*

Williams: "Hm!? (Why does it feel like he's…)

Maliik puts his hand near the projection that came out of the monitor fly. His eyes glow as he begins to speak once more.

Maliik: "You who control my friend's mind know nothing of the forces he's dealing with. You don't even pass as a good actor." *FW-FWISSHH*

Williams: "Waha, so you noticed after all, eh? Seems this is truly your best friend. But I must say, you don't stand a chance- *POW* (What the!?)"

Maliik: "It's you who doesn't stand a chance." *Grip*

Williams: (He somehow jumped through the screen!? And his grip on my face is astounding-) *SMAAASH*

Maliik: "You'll be crushed soon enough!"

Wiliiams: "Nrrrgh!"

Maliik smashes Williams into the floor just after leaping through his monitor and grasping his face and head. A huge cloud of dust erupts as Williams' body is completely pummeled into the ground. Leaving a print of his body behind with his head having the deepest part of the cave in. Williams gets up immediately to try and counter, but Maliik is already gone.

"Lord Williams, sir!" *WHAM* Guards force open the doors to Williams' throne room. They see a bunch of his furniture thrown about and the crater where his body had been slammed. They attempted to approach the King, but lost their will instead. For their King was so furious that the essence radiating from his body was causing his surroundings to warp. Warp until the space around him became a mess in of itself. His throne was shattered and his ego punched quite a bit. Just thinking about it made his essence double in potency which was too much for the guards to bear. Their bodies burst into pieces and warp into nothingness as the throne room starts to crumble.

Meanwhile, Beeso and Dwayne had both just made it home from an assignment. They scoured the castle, hoping to find Maliik. But they run into their mother instead, she was on a walk of the castle. Making sure no intruders were snooping around. The elders assisted in this.

Beeso: "Yo mom. *Hug* Where's Maliik?"

Dwayne: *Hug* "Mhm. We've been looking all over for him."

Queen Nagita: "Oh… well. Your brother's out on a mission right now. He should be headed back."

Beeso: "Mission, what mission? He didn't tell us about any mission, did he-... Wait a second, he didn't."

Dwayne: "Did he go back to the house of Lumiaress!?"

Queen Nagita: "Well of-"

Maliik: "Of course I did, and it was worth all the danger!"

Beeso: "Maliik!"

Dwayne: "Worth it, huh? What did you find that's so worth it?"

Maliik: *step* *step* "First, it's no doubt Williams is being corrupted. I spoke with him and… that is NOT my friend there."

Queen Nagita: "So it's true then. Must be the same for Morteus as well."

Beeso: "That's insane."

Dwayne: "Someone strong enough to control Williams? That IS insane."

Queen Nagita: "Indeed, now what's the other news- *Fwip* Oh!"

Maliik pulls out the pacifier-like item he'd found in Williams' quarters. Holding it out for his family to see and examine.

Maliik: "Mother… do you know of this item and it's owner? There's a strange essence coming from it, and it's similar to the one found within Williams."

Beeso & Dwayne: "Woah!"

Queen Nagita: "Hm… it's familiar, but I'd like to check this essence our for myself."

She placed her hand atop of Maliik's and examined the item. She scans the essence using her Mental Zenchi and natural bond with essence.

Queen Nagita: "H-Hmm… I can feel the nature of the essence. Hm… HMPH! (This is!)"

Maliik successfully infiltrates the fortified House of Lumiaress. He stumbles upon an item that can lead to the cause of Luminaria's long suffering. Just who does this pacifier item belong to, and what is their true objective as Haydes' search for Le Destrucíon continues…

Next Chapter: The House of Beel.