
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
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143 Chs

94.) The House of Beel.

Maliik Murdicc, a compassionate fellow with a strict and grounded philosophy. He is the eldest child of Queen Nagita Nero Lumia Murdicc II, and the rightful heir to her throne. He grew up training and studying the confines of the omniverse. Looking for the greater beyond, always gazing at the multiverses above. Though he may be an introvert, he opened up to a young god with similar interests and beliefs. Someone else looking to the greater beyond as well, and that young god was Williams Lumiaress.

They were your casual inseparable duo, bringing out the hidden flaws in their character, and just loving every second of it. Being the same age, they both graduated from the top school within the clan, Dracey's Luminescent Academy. It was there that they discovered the existence and truth of Studies. An existence different from our own and with consciousness of their own no less. It was then they discovered they'd want to discover the secrets behind them.

Once they graduated, they went off into the Omniverse for more than twelve long millenia. Spending all their days studying different Studies in different temples all around. Even going as far as to spar study holders that were willing, and getting a true feel for the power that flows within them. But after so long, they had to return. For Williams was to become King at the ripe age of 21,000 years old. All Maliik could do was be happy for his friend as he too, had a family responsibility to uphold. T'was their royal duties. But there isn't a day that passes where they don't long for the endless life of research they once held in their grips.

Now they find themselves on the opposing sides of a war waging within their own home. With Williams corrupted, and Maliik leading the fray that is to stop him. Things have gotten pretty grim between them, until now at least. Maliik successfully infiltrates his friend's home and stumbles upon an item. One bearing the same kind of essence that possesses his best friend. He brings it home where his mother can examine it closely.

Queen Nagita: "This is!"

Maliik: "What is it?"

Dwayne: "Who is it?"

Beeso: "Mhm…"

Queen Nagita: "This essence belongs to a member of the House of Beel."

All three: "WHAT!?"

Maliik: "But how could that be? A Beel, betraying the clan?! Surely you're mistaken mother!"

Dwayne: "Yeah mom, have another look."

Queen Nagita: "You all doubt my capabilities to simply analyze essence?"

All three grew silent and shook their heads. She lowered her essence build up and calmed herself. As her composure returned, she began to speak on her earlier statement.

Queen Nagita: "Eh ehm! The pacifier is undoubtedly related to a Beel. As we already know, the Beel family is of ancient origin. They were around back when Life and Death I were busy setting in order. They were even said to have a member that served under Life and Death. During the age of the first order of STRIFE. Though… every member has the talent and strength to reach such a position."

Beeso: "The whole Beel family are of that caliber?"

Queen Nagita: "Yes, they are equal to the lineage of the Senkozen family."

Dwayne: "That's pretty damn crazy mom."

Maliik: "Indeed. Shall we take this to your quarters, mother?"

Queen Nagita: "Yea, follow me." *FWIP*

Dwayne: "The House of Beel, huh?" *FWIP*

Maliik: "Yep." *FWIP*

Beeso: "Why are things getting so unstable here…" *PEW*

They follow Nagita to her inner sanctum where she has a full examination table. She placed the pacifier on the table and flashed a light of essence onto it. She connects a line of her essence to light then projects another on the wall from her forehead gem. There her children can see the literal insignia of Beel at the center of where the essence was leaking from.

Maliik: "Damn."

Dwayne: "We're really up against a Beel."

Beeso: "Things really are getting bad."

Queen Nagita: "As you can see, the insignia shown is that of the Beel family's. It would mean that one of the people that founded this very clan, is now our enemy. Which also means we're in trouble, our enemy has the most potent control and embodiment of light. Most of only manipulate it to the highest scales. But they embody it without fail. "

Beeso: "It's really not getting any better. Do you know which Beel it could be?"

Queen Nagita: "No… which is strange considering they didn't mask their insignia, but masked the identifying factor. Their wavelength is gone completely, which makes me think they let us find this."

Maliik: "Could be possible. They had an abundance of confidence when confronting me on my way out." .

Dwayne: "You crossed fists with Williams!?"

Beeso: "Mrhm?!"

Maliik: "No, we had a quick quarrel after I figured out it wasn't Williams. I used my control of the Layers to Reality and shifted through the cinematic digital world. Breaking through his monitor and smashing his head into the floor."

Beeso: "You cut it waay too close every time, bro."

Dwayne: "You're crazy big bro."

Queen Nagita: "Indeed he is, but to believe you hardened you resolve to the point that you'd assault Williams. You children of mine never cease to amaze me."

Maliik: "Glad to hear it mom, we do our best. *he smiles along side his younger brothers* But it's still a wild thought to think a Beel is actually an enemy. They're the creators of this clan and the ancestors to our three families. On top of them being the hidden guardians of our clan. Its protectors as the Senkozen protect Gahwardia and Gaia-Minéttia."

Dwayne: "Yeah, their history within our clan would make you think it's impossible."

Beeso: "Especially when you remember that our clan is being represented by a member of the Beel family. It's how we got our place on the Grand Council."

Queen Nagita: "Yes, but even so… a Beel is still our enemy right now and we don't even know why. *Stare* (Why… just why!?)"

All three brothers were frozen by her words. It's as if reality wasn't setting in for them. So hearing it fully confirmed once more took them by surprise. Not even Maliik was well prepared for a battle against the House of Beel. And it was easy to see why from their earlier statements. A family of Luminarians who can't be affected by light or its influence.

Maliik: "Whatever the reason, it's best we inform Dante about this. It's best everyone involved with our rebellion be informed of this."

Queen Nagita: "I agree. Lets conclude this here and allow me to keep the pacifier, I'll need to study it more."

Maliik: "Sounds good to me, do what you must."

Queen Nagita: "Right. Go ahead and make the call Beeso."

Beeso: "Gotcha, I'll be quick." *PEW*

Beeso makes a call to Dante and requests a meeting with him. Dante agrees after hearing what the topic would be and invites the Lyster siblings. The meeting was to take place an hour from the time Beeso had made the call. They all get their files together and prepare for the summit. Dante had even gone as far as to call Gaia and Shiishii there as well so they could find out more about the organization that threatens everyone.

"Let's get a move on you three. Time to get to the bottom of this." Nagita says as they all walk through the portal opened by the elders. They all make their way for Azrufal Tower, their normal meeting place and the home of Dante. He was to be there waiting for them alongside Shiishii and the others. Due to their trust in one another, Nagita and the Murdiccs were allowed to open portals directly to the confines of the Tower. So they ended up stepping into Dante's Room of the Round Table directly from their own home. The elders close the portal behind them and continue their check of Murdicc Castle.

Queen Nagita: "Gaiaaaa, sweety!" *Reach*

Gaia: "Nagitaaaa!" *Reach*

Queen Nagita: *Step* *step* *hug* "Mhmm! It's been so long, baby girl. I've missed you the last two times you showed yourself here. How have you and little Shiishii over there been?"

Gaia: "We've been pretty good aside from all the strange happenings. Guess it's been the same for you?"

Queen Nagita: "Ah, so stressful, dear~y." *Head shake*

Shiishii: "Yoo, Nagita. And there's my guys right there, Beeso, Dwayne and Maliik. Y'all been handling all this all right?"

Dwayne: "Something like that my man." *Clap* *Clench*

Shiishii: "Heard that, brotha, heard that."

Maliik: "Been walking a lot of our people lately, huh?" *Clap*

Shiishii: "Yours and mine both, rather put a stop to that. Too many gods dying to the point that we're entering the afterlife as much as mortals do." *Clench*

Beeso: "Seems we're all under the same stress after all. I agree, we've gotta end this." *Clap*

Shiishii: "Most indubitably, Lil Beeso." *clench*

Beeso: "Ha, so you have been listening. Thanks for the support Shiishii, big bro."

Shiishii smiled as everyone began taking their seats. Dante takes the stand and introduces the topic of the meeting. Instilling the importance of the information being presented to them and how far it could go if they decipher it. He calls Nagita to the stand so that she may present what Maliik had found. Just as she began to introduce herself, Dante walked over to Maliik to speak with him.

Dante: "Yo?" *pat*

Maliik: "What's going on?"

Dante: "You've gotta stop putting yourself at risk like that. Things are a little too hairy to be losing leaders right now."

Maliik: "Tuh… yeah, yeah. I agree, but only if someone moves forward like this as well. If not, I'll continue to take the extra mile."

Dante: "Mhm… fair enough." *sit*

Divina: "So what's this about?"

Queen Nagita: "Maliik recently went back into Lumiaress Castle and brought back something very intriguing. It was an item imbued with the same essence that corrupts Williams."

Katrina: "What kind of item- Mhm! *Glare* Is that… a pacifier?"

Sammy: "You don't think?"

Divina: "Yeah… Nagita, does that belong to a Beel by any chance?"

Dante, Shiishii and Gaia were all shocked heavily by the mention of that name. One could no longer doubt their place amongst the Omniverse after seeing Gaia's face grow a little pale.

Shiishii: "Beel… as in the legendary House of Beel!?"

Maliik: "Yeah.. They're our enemy this time around."

Divina: "Thought so, it was too long ago to remember, but our father was friends with a Beel who used pacifiers. Our father is a 60 on the scale and could never beat him in combat. He sorta… looked like a child."

Katrina: "I remember that guy. He was just as old as dad, but was as young as we were in appearance."

Gaia: "Then he had to be one of the Twelve Babies of Chaos. Gods who stopped their aging between the ages of 4-12. They were already highly developed and prodigies of their own caliber. If he's one of them, then we're up against quite the foe."

Queen Nagita: "And a Beel no less."

The room grew silent for a bit as they all let it settle in. Gaia and Shiishii glared at one another and nodded as they turned to Dante. Dante closed his eyes and took a deep breath then… *SLAM* The whole room turned to him in wonder, and were shocked at what they saw. Dante stood with his Archive set ablaze.

Dante: "We won't falter no matter the enemy, because our home is being threatened. We can't sit down and take that or we'll all be lost, what would Maliik have risked his hide for if we did that?"

Maliik: "Mhm."

Dante: "No… we'll train our asses off until we drop and gather our forces. A storm is brewing and I'll cut it down as we've done all others. Divina, contact the Aurora house as well as the House of Marr-Vel. Lady Nagita, I need you Katrina and Maliik to venture with me to the realm of Beel. I have an associate there as well."

Shiishii: *Long whistle* "Goddamn Dante, I like it in you. While you guys do that, Gaia and I will be heading over to Gaia-Minéttia. Gotta get some training done for my own impending war with Haydes."

Dante: "Tch! He's after you again, huh?"

Sammy: "Fighting your sibling again? That has to be pretty tough on the conscious."

Shiishii: "Yeah, but that's not the only reason we're going."

Gaia: "There's a recruit for Captain amongst STRIFE, even more powerful than Nagita. They agreed to help so we'll be grabbing them. This is a STRIFE issue now after all. Let's kick their asses."

Dante: "Hmm!" *Grin*

Divina & Katrina: "Hell yeah!" *CLAP*

Sammy: "Oh yeah my boyyy" *Clap*

Beeso: *Clench* "Finally… some light."

Dwayne: "Indeed lil bro." *pat* *pat*

Maliik: "Well, it's as she says, so let's get going."

Queen Nagita: "And with haste my comrades. *Smile* (Thankyou Gaia.)" *Nod*

Gaia: *Nod* "That concludes this summit. Shiishii…"

Shiishii: "Hahahaa, Second generation of STRIFE is on the move!"

Everyone: "RIGHT!"

Their summit concludes and everyone heads their separate ways to contribute to the plans ahead. Whilst they were on their way, an eye… a truly watchful eye was peeking in on them from the beyond. In a dark room full of millions of pacifiers that were shelves. There sat a boy draped in an all white trench coat. He stared into one of his pacifiers which showed him Nagita as they traveled toward the Realm of Beel. Holding a lollipop all the while.

???: "Cheh! They have no idea what's coming for them. I'll continue to watch you all squirm under my heel. Luminaria… is MINE! *CRUNCH* Tehehahahaaaaa!"

Maliik: "Hm? *Glare* Mhm." *Step* *step*

The House of Beel is their destination AND a possible enemy. Upon their scheme's to win a long going battle, a watchful eye laughs at the efforts as their scheme's unfold. What fate awaits Luminaria as Haydes' search for Le Destrucíon continues…

*Step* *step* *step* "There's foreign essence out in the slums yet again Alec. Do you think it could be him?" A deep and serious voice says as the man draped in royal robes walks towards a corridor. The man he addressed nodded his head in certainty and began to walk with the royal. Their beast marked robes flutter as they speed up their pace.

Alec: "Are we going… Thermias?"

Thermias: "Yeah, if it's Uriyah… I'll crush 'em. *Tremble* Mrrhmm!!"

Next Chapter: Chaos in Beastlum!

A Brotherly Quarrel!