
Straw Hats, MHA version.

You know the drill a this point, right? A guy dies, Wexof gives him a chance to reincarnate, the guy do its thing, yada yada yada. Except that, he won't be keeping his memories, He reincarnated and will forget everything about his past life as he lives his new one in the world of My Hero Academia. One problem though...He reincarnated inside a laboratory!!!??? Note: He doesn't has his past Life's memories but he will recieve some of the original One Piece's knowledge in the form of visions, not about the characters, just about Luffy's techniques. The visions will be from time to time.

ZackDKaizo · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Promise.

(10 Years later, Tokyo: Shibuya district)

It was a normal day in Shibuya. People walking, cars being driven, and of course...some big-ass villain wrecking chaos.


A grey-skinned person is seen bursting out of a bank with a safe on his bank. He then begins to storm through buildings once he sees the police getting near his location.

The villain smashes building after building through his leaps. The debris begins to fall unto a young couple but suddenly, a figure slashes the debris into dust.

The one who cut the debris is a blue-haired woman with glasses, she is wearing a light blue kimono with traditional sandals.

The woman looks at the direction of the villain.

"Causing trouble in this area, you sure are a feisty one, aren't you?" Spoke the woman.

"Watch your mouth bitch! I'll squash you in a second!"

The grey-skinned person lunged at the blue-haired woman and tried to grip her. The woman dodges every attempt and drove the person into a larger area.

"For a villain, your abilities are quite lacking." The woman.

"Shut up!" Villain.

The woman dodges again but this time counterattacks with a swift slash to the villain's chest. Blood begins to gush out as the villain grunts and falls back.

"W-who are you…?" Villain.

"Me? Just a "bodyguard" for a drunken young master." Woman.

The villain gets confused and faints afterwards. The woman cleans his glasses before a similar looking woman appears.

"Did you take care of it, Tashigi?" Spoke the newcomer.

"Yes, did you find the young master?" Tashigi.

"Stop calling him that, call him stray-idiot like I do." Woman.

"Kuina! You shouldn't call him that!" Tashigi.

"Whatever. Where has he wandered off to?" Kuina.

"I don't know. I've checked every liquor store nearby but I only found empty bottles." Tashigi.

"I really hope he hasn't gotten into trouble." Kuina massages her temples.

(Meanwhile, on the roof of a building)

A green-haired man is laying on the roof without a care while drinking a whole bottle of rum. The man has a well-toned body, is wearing a black yukata with a red waist band, a green waist band under his yukata and black boots.

(Imagine something like his raid to Onigashima outfit)

The man is yawning while enjoying the weather.

"*YAWN* I wonder how everyone's doing. It's been 7 years since the last time I knew anything about most of them. And 10 since you've been gone...…captain." The man spoke with a saddened tone on the last word.


A big explosion is heard in the distance, the man gets up and sees a fight scene between two heroes and a villain.

The green-haired man looks at the scene unfolding and keeps drinking.

"Stop there, Pyroclasm! Your days of ongoing rampage will end." Spoke the hero.

"Chromium Knight, Horned Champion. Today is the day I'll turn you into ashes!" Pyroclasm stated.

"Horned, I'll burst through, you deliver the finishing attack." Chromium.

"On it." Horned.

Horned Champion takes a leap while Chromium Knight charges through Pyroclasm's fire blasts.

Chromium manages to go through and punches Pyroclasm into the ground, afterwards, Horned Champion dives and punches the villain, knocking him unconscious.

The green-haired man oversees the outcome with a little disappointment.

'Such a shame, those two are not that strong. Even the shitty cook could've defeated him in less time.' Thought the man while chugging down the last bit of sake from his bottle.

Suddenly, the man feels something and looks at the villain once again. The villain, who was supposed to be unconscious, is seen putting something on his mouth and then, a great surge of flames come out from his body.

Taken aback by this, the duo of heroes falls back but receive various burns due to the attack.

"How?! Even after I activated my quirk, his flames shouldn't be hot enough to damage my body." Chromium.

"Did his quirk evolved?" Horned.

Pyroclasm looked at the two heroes with a sadistic grin on his face.

"HAHAHAHA! It's just like he promised, with this power, I'll destroy all of you, asshats!!!" Pyroclasm.

Pyroclasm shoots a powerful fire blast towards the duo, unable to dodge, they prepare themselves to receive the attack until...….


A wind slash comes out from one of the buildings and stops the fire attack at once.

The heroes and the villain look at the direction where the attack came from. With one swift jump, a figure lands on the street. The man is carrying three swords and is looking at the villain with a stern look.

"Who the hell are you?!" Pyroclasm.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is. Where can I find 'he'?" The man spoke while keeping his gaze on the villain.

"Isn't that…" Chromium.

"The 2nd ranked hero in terms of strength..." Horned.

"The Villain Hunter Hero: Meiō!" Both of them.

Pyroclasm looks at the man and flinches a little until he regains his composure.

"Pfft! So what if you are one of the tops! My flames will melt your swords away!" Pyroclasm began to gather heat in his hands.

"Fool, I didn't used my swords at all. That was just my hand." Meiō spoke while showing his left hand.

"What?! Don't be ridiculous, that much heat would've melted your hand right out of your bones!" Pyroclasm.

"If you're not convinced, how about I give you another demonstration?" Meiō.

Pyroclasm begins to gather as much fire as he can on his hands and shoots it towards Meiō. Meiō raises his hand and puts it into a chop position.

[No Sword Style: Flame Split]

Meiō slashed the flames with his hand and the flames disappeared.

"Wha…!?" Pyroclasm.

"I'm sorry to tell you that, I've faced stronger flames. Whether is that fire bearded guy, the spade idiot, or even the top-hat blondie. There's nothing my swords can't cut." Meiō.

Meiō began to advance towards Pyroclasm.

'This is bad! He's gonna cut me! I have to take those two as hostages to...…' Pyroclasm.


Before he could react, Pyroclasm was hit by a powerful air slash that cut him. Blood began to come out of his chest as his consciousness faded.

'W-why....?' Where his last thoughts before fainting.

Meiō casually walked towards him and spoke.

"Idiot, I wouldn't have cut you if you hadn't thought of doing what you were going to do." Meiō spoke as he took out a keychain and pressed a button on it.

Immediately after he pressed the button, the twins blue-haired women appeared besides him with medical equipment.

"Jeez, young-master why do you make a mess of the villains you defeat?" Tashigi spoke.

"Don't bother thinking, sister. Our young-master was born with the inability to think, thinks like this are bound to happen." Kuina console her sister as they began treating the injury.

"Oi!" Meiō.

"E-excuse us." Chromium Knight spoke.

"What?" Meiō.

"T-thank you so much for saving us!" Chromium/Horned.

"No problem. I was just killing some time anyway, you guys can take care of the paperwork, right?" Meiō.

"Yes!" Chromium/Horned.

"Then, I'll leave it to you." Meiō.

After he finished speaking, Meiō began to dash away from the scene.

"Ah! That idiot is leaving all the work to us again!" Kuina.

"Sister..." Tashigi.

"No time for anything else, Tashigi! We have to take him back to the clan's household.!" Tashigi spoke as she began to chase Meiō.

"Sorry for the trouble." Tashigi apologized to Chromium Knight and Horned Champion before leaving.

The heroic duo looks at the trio that has left and can't help but to feel awkward about it.

"Man, the successor of the Roronoa Clan is truly strong." Chromium.

"Yeah, he defeated this guy in a second." Horned.

"Aren't you curious why he said that when he slashed him?" Chromium.

"Nah, his intuition probably told him that he was up to no good." Horned.

"Is that possible?" Chromium.

"Don't know, don't care. We should take this guy to a prison cell before he wakes up." Horned.

"Yeah, let's do that." Chromium.

(Meanwhile, with the sword trio.)

"Zoro! You idiot! Come back here!!" Kuina.

"Nope! If I go back, you will confiscate my sake!" Meiō = Zoro.

(In case there was a reader clueless enough to understand. Meiō is Zoro's hero name.)

"Young master! The sooner you apologize, the sooner you will be left alone." Tashigi.

"Bullcrap the last time you said that, I had to leave home for a week due to the ban from alcohol on the house." Zoro. 

Tashigi's phone begins to ring and she answers while running.

(Note: Don't do that in real life. It can be dangerous.)

"Hello?" Tashigi.

"Tashigi, have you captured my idiotic son?" Ryuma.

"No, Ryuma-sama. The young master is evading capture as usual." Tashigi.

"Tell him that someone is looking for him in the household." Ryuma.


"He claims to be from 'The Creek'." Ryuma.

Tashigi wanted to answer but Zoro had already snatched her phone away and has a serious look on his face.

"Is it true? Who is it?" Zoro.

"Come here and find out." Ryuma hangs up.

Zoro looks at the phone and takes a deep breath.

"Kuina, all a limousine. Tashigi, get the surveillance footage of today." Zoro.

"Understood." Kuina/Tashigi.

A few minutes later, a limousine arrived and they enter it. Zoro remained silent all the way until they reached the household. Zoro was received by the clan's guards and was guided, several times, to the lounge where the person from 'The Creek' was.

He was no other than Sanji. The Cook of the crew.

Zoro opened the door and saw a familiar face. It was a blonde guy with a cigarette in his mouth, swirly eyebrows and is wearing a blue tuxedo.

"Security! There's an intruder in the premises! I allow the use of lethal force!" Zoro.

"Oi, Moss Head! What's the big fucking idea?!" Sanji.

"Ah?! you show uninvited here and expect some courtesy from me?!" Zoro.

"It seems that the moss on your head has caused it to rot!" Sanji.

"I'll cut you to pieces, you target for brows!" Zoro.

"Huh?! Try it, you dull swordsman!" Sanji.

The duo began to fight in the middle of the lounge while the guards, Kuina and Tashigi just looked at the grown men with irritated expressions.

After a few minutes of fighting, the whole room was a mess. With cracked walls, floor and the ceiling and all the other furniture was damaged beyond repair.

Zoro was gasping while looking at Sanji, who was doing the same.

"So...why are you here?" Zoro.

"It's time." Sanji.

Zoro's eyes widen and he looks at Sanji again.

"That's today?" Zoro.

"Yeah. It was decided by random that the celebration will be here, in Japan." Sanji.

"So, I won the forced bet of the Weather Witch, huh?" Zoro.

"Oi! Don't you dare to call Nami-san like that!" Sanji.

"Whatever. Is everyone coming?" Zoro.

"Yeah, even Robin and Katakuri, whom we've haven't heard anything in years are coming." Sanji.

"How did they contact you?" Zoro.

"Letters. A letter came into my restaurant and then I got into contact with the rest to plan the event." Sanji.

"10 years sure pass fast, huh? A part of me really doesn't want to go, but the other one really wants to see them again." Zoro.

"Same, although I'm just there for my ladies." Sanji.

"Pervert cook." Zoro.

The duo looks at each other and get up from the ground.

"Where?" Zoro.

"Odaiba." Sanji.



"Thanks, now, get the hell out of my house." Zoro.

"Gladly, I hope you get so lost that you won't make it to the meeting." Sanji.

Sanji is escorted out of the house and Zoro decides to go back to his room. After a shower, he's looking at the ceiling unsure about what he'll do tomorrow.

The promise.

10 years ago, everyone promised that in 10 years, they would meet again in a random location to celebrate their freedom as independent people. The rules where that during the event everyone will bring something to eat, everyone will bring something to do as an activity and lastly, everyone will burn a certain item that represents their stay at the creek.

It was designed that way to finally bury the past once and for all.

And also...to hope that their old friend will come back. Since they haven't lost hope on him yet.

(On a certain island)

A young man wearing a straw hat is finishing making a raft and puts it on the water.

"Come on raft-y, float!"

The raft floats without a problem and the kid aboard it. he also takes some barrels filled with fruits and some makeshift clothes made from animal fur.

"Yosh! After...I don't know years, I'm free!!!" The man raises his hands.

"I'll become the freest man in the world!" The man yells as he smiles.

The man was none other than the presumed dead, Monkey D Luffy.

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