
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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35 Chs

16. Meeting Eleven

In the early morning, Robert's eyelids tremble as the sunlight falls on his face. His eyes land on Nancy who is hugging him while having a deep sleep, feeling her naked body touching made him happy.

Robert just waited for half an hour before Nancy began to wake up. When she opened her eyes the first thing she saw was Robert looking at her with a lovely smile on his face.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Robert said. "Good morning baby" Nancy said as she moved her lips as they met Robert's hot lips. The kiss wasn't like the kisses from last night, the kiss was full of tenderness and love for each other.

Both soon got up from the bed but Nancy had some trouble walking. Robert helps her as he takes her to the bathroom and wash her body. Nancy felt happy by his care and love for her.

"It's such a beautiful morning" Nancy said as she walked naked in front of the window, as they were in the forest so no person came here as this place belonged to Robert's family.

"Yes, it looks so-" Robert who was agreeing with Nancy suddenly stopped as his face looked a bit serious. "What happened?" Nancy saw Robert's face wasn't right.

"Last night I placed a barrier around here but now... I don't feel it" Robert said. "Maybe someone destroy it," Nancy said uncertainly.

"Nancy you need to bombard the barrier with at least 5 rocket launchers to break it... but there was no noise outside last night" Robert said as he quickly put on his clothes, wanting to check things outside.

"So how can you break this barrier silently?" Nancy asked, even she began to put on her clothes but slowly as her crotch still huts. "... You can use physical powers to break it... or someone like me can break it," Robert said, his eyes widening in surprise.

If it wasn't for finding Kali the day before yesterday, he might have rejected this idea but now he knows that some things aren't right in Hawkins. So cannot rule out the possibility of another ability user in this town.

Getting out of the house he used his mental powers to search the area around his house. Suddenly he froze as he noticed that a person in the car with mental energy more than Kali had. Robert walked to the person, and soon he saw a little girl around his age in the car while being surrounded by leftover food.

"What the matter Robert? Why did you come back?" Nancy asked as she saw Robert coming inside. "...I found the person who broke the barrier but... just she is just a little girl" Robert said.

Nancy didn't understand what he said, so Robert had to explain the things that happened yesterday. How he found Kali and the monster thing, hearing this she was shocked. 

"To think that there are real monsters still in this world..." Nancy murmured as she felt that Robert's life was like a movie script, full of adventure and thrill. Robert who saw her surface thought was speechless 'We are in a movie script!' He shouted in his mind.

But he didn't say anything more and walked out while Nancy followed him "Hey, what should we do now?" Nancy asked. Robert also began to think about various ways to solve this problem.


The sudden noise distract him, noticing it came from her stomach made Nancy blush. "Maybe the first thing to do is to have a healthy breakfast. Let me make it for you," Robert said teasingly.

Nancy just nodded to his words. Robert came near the little girl and carried her into the house with his telekinesis. He came to the small kitchen and looked at the ingredients present in his house.

"Let's make a grill sandwich," Robert said after he looked at all the ingredients in front of him. Nancy looked at his back as he moved his hand while feeling happy to have such a soon-to-be husband.

Soon the breakfast was ready, and Robert got near the little and hooked her. "hhmmm~~" The girl slowly opened her eyes as she saw Robert's face near, which made her frightened.

A mental energy erupted from her pushing Robert back. Robert stumbled back two steps but he had a happy smile "Don't be scared... see just like you... just like you..." He waved his hand and a flower vase came flying near him, floating around him.

According to human physiology, like-minded people or people who have similar interests tend to make their groups. Robert thought that a young girl like her, who has never seen any person like her suddenly appeared in front of her may reduce her wariness.

Just like Robert expected, seeing the flower vase floating around him made her smile happily. She quickly ran to him and hugged him tightly, Robert soon felt his T-shirt wet making him notice her tears.

Nancy saw all of this and was happy and angry at the same time. Happy for the little girl who was hugging her boyfriend for finding a person similar to her, while angry at the people from Hawkins Laboratory for imprisoning such a cute girl.

Yes, Nancy and Robert already concluded that this little girl had escaped from there. After all her hospital gown she wore and her trimmed hair and she was walking in the forest barefoot made them come to this result.

"My name is Robert Parker. What's your name?" Robert made the girl sit on the edge of the bed and asked. "Name...? Eleven," The girl said while showing her wrist where a tattoo '011' was drawn.

Seeing this Robert and Nancy knew that there were 10 more kids like Eleven "Hey, Eleven are there more people like you in that place?" Robert decided to ask. "No only me now" Eleven said.

Robert knew that the other 10 kids had either died or been eliminated for some reason, which was thought by Nancy too. "Eleven why don't you change your clothes? So we can have something to eat" Robert said while giving her his clothes which were there in the house.

He took her to the bathroom and was about to close the door when suddenly Eleven blocked it "No... no..." Seeing her like this Robert decided to keep it open "Okay"

Eleven wasn't hesitant and removed her clothes right in front of Robert, making him speechless and excited for some reason. Looking at her thin body without any fat or muscles, her pussy without hairs made him feel hot.

'What are you thinking!!' Robert shook his head to remove his vulgar thoughts. 'Is she also an important role in this world...?' Seeing Eleven which made him excited had happened many times before.

Like when he first meets Karen and Nancy, he knows that they are somehow involved in this world plotline. Robert didn't know if this was good or bad, good that he didn't have to move to another city to see what was happening in this world. Bad, his mother and other people who he loves will be dragged into this mess sooner or later.

"So what do you think of her tattoo?" Nancy asked bringing Robert out of his thoughts. "Although I don't know anything about it... but I know a person who can tell me about this?" He said.

"Who?" Nancy asked curiously 

"Kali," Robert said with a smile. "That girl you hired as a bodyguard?" Nancy was shocked at how Robert's luck was, in just two days he found so many people related to supernatural powers.

Nancy wanted to ask more but Robert said that all of them would go to his house first and discuss it later. Soon Eleven came out of the bathroom and all of them had a light breakfast.


Sorry guys for the late chapter. I didn't feel like writing anything for the previous month cause of some personal issues.

But now I'm back to complete this novel. Hope you enjoy it.

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