
Stranger Things: Journey into the Twisted Mind

Some people exist with pride, others fight with pride, some compete with pride, and others fail with pride, but few can resign with pride. When you finish reading this paragraph, congratulations! You have imagined how this last case would be. Jonathan was a proud surgeon who believed that in each of his surgical interventions with patients on the brink of death, he had a battle with death that he had never lost. Challenging death was something that filled him internally with excitement, but it all ended when he died at the hands of someone determined to heal. Death could be accepted, but thanks to unknown individuals, he had another chance, one where, although it would be very different, there was a freshness that would lead him down another path. But as he spent his days as a high school student, something changed within him, and with his new abilities, he discovered that things could be much more interesting if he bet his life in another way. ... The world of strange things is integrated into the series in chapter 35 onwards, the pragmatist will reach that world through a wormhole

SrCuervo · Movies
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42 Chs

Yina's Father

"Come on, let's go in."

"I think Dad's home..."

"My future father-in-law?"

"I don't like those jokes."

Jonathan fell silent. Unlike other times, Yina's family was now inside the house, and he was about to meet them. No one expected his arrival, but it wouldn't be a completely unexpected surprise; at least that's what he thought.

When they entered the house, Yina slowly walked towards a woman who was arguing with a man, who was presumably her son. "I'm telling you right now, Alex, you need to regain your sanity and make a change before it's too late."

Jonathan saw the man named Alex hidden under a black hoodie, smelling strongly of alcohol. He assumed this was the father Yina had told him so much about.

It was cold inside the house, and the surroundings were anything but lively. Everyone in this house seemed to be Asian; Jonathan hadn't asked much about why they moved countries, but he supposed it was for a change of scenery.

"Grandma, I have a guest..." Yina was scared and anxious. She didn't want Jonathan to see this part of her family, but there was little she could do.

When Yina's grandmother, Mrs. Griselda, turned around and saw her granddaughter followed by a rather tall boy, she was very surprised. "Yina, is he your friend?"

Alex, who seemed to be drinking, turned his gaze. His eyes, previously vacant, regained some clarity as he walked towards Jonathan, who maintained a friendly smile. "You, who are you?"

"He's a friend..." Yina didn't know what kind of craziness her dad might do.

But Jonathan, who enjoyed watching the world burn, extended his hand and said, "I'm her boyfriend. My name is Jonathan, but you can call me Jon."

"A boyfriend?" Griselda shouted so loudly that it caught the attention of a robust woman sitting in the living room.

This woman, named Grace, looked at her niece in the middle of all this trouble and then looked at her boyfriend. "I can't deny he'd be more handsome with some touch-ups, but having a boyfriend is quite aggressive at her age."

"More than aggressive, this is impossible." Griselda, who was like a female patriarch in this family, did not agree.

Alex, on the other hand, extended his hand and brushed the hair away from Jonathan's forehead. His gaze did not show anger. "If you disrespect her, you'll regret it. Respect her, and don't make me regret letting you be together."

"Thank you, sir. Your daughter and I are very close." Jonathan nodded before Alex moved away and walked to the kitchen.

Griselda looked at her son and asked, "Is that all?"

"Yes, that's all."

"They're too young to be dating. This is madness."

'Damn Jon, look at the mess you've created with that joke...' Yina was boiling with rage and shouted, "Why can't he be my boyfriend?!"

"Are you asking me why?"

Yina, frustrated, asked, "Is it because we're special? We've stopped being special for many years now. What does it matter that our powers were once much more useful than they are now?"

'I shouldn't have come...' Jonathan regretted witnessing all this shared family drama.

Grace, who was looking at her niece in this state for the first time, smiled a little. "She's right. We stopped being special a long time ago."

"You're not helping much." Griselda approached Jonathan, who was playing his favorite video game, after getting involved in a family fight he didn't want to see.

Yina furrowed her brow and was about to speak when she saw Jonathan having a conversation with her grandmother.

'This boy is special. If Yina considers him her friend, he must really be a good person to pass my approval after reading his thoughts.' Griselda smiled and said, "Forgive me for all this mess. It's not like our family to welcome guests this way."

"Don't worry. You sort out all your family problems while we go over some study tasks." Jonathan quickly moved away, and before going upstairs, he said, "I know the way; don't worry."

"He knows the way." Grace looked at her niece while eating huge chocolate donuts.

Yina had walked away without saying a word, not in the mood to talk to her family.

"Did she tell him about her power?" Griselda was very intrigued by this.

Grace thought about it and said, "Maybe not. There must be something more."

Thank you for reading. You can read more than 25 chapters on my Patreon: SrCuervo

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