
Strange Rebirth(MHA)

Once again, Truck Kun struck an innocent young lad by the name of Ivan. He was immediately seated in front of a goddess of reincarnation. At first, he thought he had lost everywhen when he had been turned into Momo Yaoyorozu. He was very wrong when he found a unique use of the quirk Creation. Total cellular control, and his key for revenge against the gods who are not yet done with him.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Unique Quirk and Body.

Miku and Yoshimura took Ivan to see his father Asashi who was shocked when they showed him what he just did. Seeing him sitting up perfectly in his mother's lap without any issues was confusing.

Normal babies were not able to even control their heads at first. So how was their newborn baby doing that nonstop?

"How is she doing this?"

He walked over and picked up his daughter and felt something weird. They did not notice it earlier, but their baby was getting heavier. 

"Honey, does Momo feel a little heavy." 

Miku nodded.

"I noticed the same thing. When she was born she was only 8 pounds, but when I picked her up she felt different."

Ivan had an idea about that. 

'Must mean the Space Marine organs are starting to form. I don't feel any different though.' 

Space Marines had 19 organs, but he wondered how they would appear. Will he gain them all over time, or will a few just not show up? She was asking because of the Black Carapace as that was a technological implant, not biology.

Asashi held him up with both hands and started to lift him up and down.

"Honey, I think she just doubled in weight or something."

Ivan tilted her head as she clenched her hand.

'So that's why I feel more in control of my body.' 

Miku was confused.

"You don't think she has a quirk already?"

Asashi placed Ivan back on his lap as he thought it over.

"It is rare, but not impossible. Though, none of us have Mutation Quirks so is this a mutation of our quirks?"

Ivan looked up at him before clapping. Asashi held his head as he did not think this could be happening.

"I think we should go back to the doctor to find out."

Miku nodded.

"Right. Who knows what kind of quirk she could have or what could be going on in her body."

Ivan now stopped clapping and smiling as that could be bad. What if they discovered that he was technically no longer a normal human? Would they call it a quirk or would his secret be found out?

'I think I shit the bucket already.'

Miku glanced over at Yoshimura.

"Yoshimura, get the car ready. We are going to our doctor."

"Right away."

Yoshimura ran off while Asashi and Miku looked at their smiling 'daughter'. Miku picked up Ivan and had to say her husband was right. She had gotten heavier since she had gotten home.

"Momo, smile for mommy."

Ivan hugged his mother which left Miku confused. Her child had a nice grip on her arms. Asashi himself had felt the same thing which left both parents wondering what kind of quirk she had.

"Miku, I know your parents and your grandparents did not have any Mutant quirk so what about your great-grandparents? I know mine didn't."

Miku shook her head.

"Your guess is as good as mine."

Not long after Yoshimura returned.

"I called the doctor and got the car ready."

Asashi nodded.

"Thank you."

He picked up Ivan and along with his wife and Yoshimura walked toward their car. He and Miku got in the back while Yoshimura took the wheel and drove them to their private doctor.

All the while Ivan was almost sweating, but he was not. It would take a lot more stress before he could sweat with his Space Marine biology. Well calling it that at this state was exaggerating considering he was just a little stronger than a normal baby.

He still did not have his Heavenly Restoration, or Storage Curse. 

'I should have acted like a normal baby, but who can do that? This is not some anime, no scratch that. This is an anime, but it is my life. I am a 17-year-old, not an infant. Some takeaways have to be made.'

He wanted to sigh hard, but he just stayed quiet until they arrived at the hospital. His parents and Yoshimura were led to meet up with their doctor who also delivered Momo earlier that day.

When he got the call that something weird was happening with Momo, he was ready for something bad. When Miku, Asashi, and Yoshimura entered his room, with Momo he did not get what was so weird about her.

She looked just like she did earlier in her mother's arms.

"Alright. Miku, Asashi, what did you mean something odd happened to Momo? She seems fine."

He was a close friend so when not in the business mode he just called them by name. Miku gently handed Momo over to him.

"Here, this will answer everything."

He reached out and took her into his hands which instantly gave him a shock. He did not drop her, but her weight did not match her small size.

"What in the world? Earlier today she was just 8 pounds, what changed?"

Asashi shook his head.

"That is why we brought her here. She feels twice as heavy."

He walked over to the scale they use for newborns and placed her on it. When he turned it on he was shocked when the weight said 20 pounds. She had more than doubled in weight after just a few hours. But she was not bigger at all so what gives?

"How is this possible?"

Miku and Asashi had no idea. Momo's father walked over and placed his hand on the doctor's shoulder.

"Sakai, use your quirk. You did not use it earlier, but use it."

Sakai nodded.

"I got it."

Sakai picked up Momo and squinted his eyes which began to glow bright green. His eyes let him scan something that he often used for surgery. He had used it earlier and did not notice all this. 

This was not the first time he had seen babies born with mutations, extra organs, or even unique DNA. He brought his hand to his chin as he looked Ivan over from head to toe. Asashi and Miku hugged together thinking something could be wrong with their child. As for Yoshimura, she did not show it, but she was just as worried.

When the green light died in his eyes, Sakai looked over to Ivan's parents to explain what he saw. Momo sat up curious about what he saw. Seeing her do that was still surprising, but with this kind of body not surprising.

"Alright, Momo has a super off-mutant quirk from the look of it. From the outside, she looks like a regular infant, but on the inside, she is different."

Miku almost passed out.

"Is it dangerous or something?"

Sakai shook his head.

"I am not sure, but from what I can see she has many extra organs in her body. I will need to run more tests before I can see what they do, but I can give some guesses." 

Momo was curious about what he found too. Both parents sat down as the doctor began to speak. He picked up Momo and handed her to them both who held their daughter closer to them.

"Well, I am just going to say it. She has two hearts, three lungs, three new glands, a strange organ in her chest, her bones and muscles are more robust than normal, a second liver, a unique brain hemisphere, a second stomach, a more complicated nervous system, a strange organ running along her optic nerves, a third kidney, and more stuff that I have no idea what they are."

Miku and Asashi were shocked to the core. Asashi was more worried about what this meant.

"Will her health truly not suffer from all that? Will her body just shut down or something?"

Sakai would need to run more tests, but from his quirk, he did not think so.

"She will need to eat way more to keep up with the extra organs, but if anything she will never need to see a doctor as long as she is not injured. I will run more tests to discover the use of the extra organs which I can't understand, but in total, she has 21 extra organs.

Ivan was confused about that.

'21? Not 22? Did I not get the Black Carapese?'

Miku wanted to make sure.

"Run all the tests you need. If her life is in secret danger, I want to know."

Asashi nodded.

"Same here. If her life is at risk from all those organs we will need to find a way to fix it. If she is not, we would still like to learn what this means for her."

Sakai nodded.

"I can do that. I will get you a full report after running some tests. I will be her doctor for the rest of her life if you want. Everything I know will stay between the 4 of us and Momo herself. Not one word will leave this room."

Both parents instantly agreed. Miku was almost begging.

"Please, I don't want to lose my baby."

Asashi lowered his head as well.


Sakai sighed.

"I already said her health is fine. She is not the first to have a quirk that gives more organs. You don't need to cry or lower your head. For god's sake, my dad treated both of you and your parents. Aren't we friends?"

Miku wiped her tears.

"I am sorry, I was just worried."

Sakai shook his head.

"It's fine. For now, go home. You two need to relax and I will run the tests tomorrow. Though, I think breast milk won't cut it. I will prescribe Amino baby formula. This is not the first time some babies have needed far more calories and nutrients so this was made for that. Still, breastfeed her, but don't expect it to fill her up."

Miku sighed.

"Thank you."

Sakai shrugged. His real personality was like this, relaxed.

"It is my job as a doctor, friend, and uncle. Bye Momo."

Ivan waved him bye-bye which made him smile. Miku, Asashi, and Yoshimura left his office with Ivan in hand. Knowing he had 21 extra organs was weird. Miku pressed her head against Momo's chest and listened carefully.

Just as she expected she heard a second heartbeat.

"Wow, she does have two hearts."

Asashi took him into his hands and did the same. Ivan smiled as this family was funny. When he heard the two hearts beating he wanted to laugh.

"Your right."

Yoshimura also got her turn to listen which left them all pleased and strangely curious. How did it work to have more than one heart? They did not speak more about this until they were in the car. As for Ivan, she figured out that her Space Marine body was already there.

She just did not notice because this was normal to her now. Being born a Space Marine had to be different from being made into a Space Marine. Though regular Space Marines would never be able to reproduce he was a unique case.

Maybe that damn goddess did a good thing, but still being a girl from the start sucked.

'I just need to pass these 4 years to get my quirk and master it. I still have hope.' 

The answers to those questions would come later like all normal kids. Though at least he got his parents off his back for being weird. But if he had to be honest even he did not understand how this would work. Did that mean she had a Proganoid gland and could make more Space Marines?

Though he never would do that as that seemed dumb. Imagining roided-up Space Marine women was haunting. Though, if they looked like Sisters of Battle, that would not be all bad.

'Nope, not happening.'