
Your name?

Chapter II

"Things might not be so hopeless after all."

Or so he Thought...

After the ruckus with the bullies everything went back to normal, Leo went through his same routine. Eating, doing Home work, taking A bath and finally going to his bed for some eye shut.

Leo lives alone at home, his parents had to move away somewhere because of their jobs but Leo didn't go with them because he felt like it would be too much trouble moving somewhere else and settling in a new environment.

So naturally he gets too tired because he have to do both chores and school work.

He plopped on his bed like a dead weight. Face in his pillow, he sighed on it and turned over his back to look up.

He kept staring into space with nothing in mind yet another sigh escape his lips.

Before he knew it he fell asleep.


Three weeks went in a blink of an eye, Leo didn't got even a single opportunity to see that girl again.

He was curious about her, he wanted to know what type of person she is. Is she just like the others? or something different?

According to Leo's thinking she looked average, looks wise that is, she appeared to be anti social but didn't looked low on confidence, maybe she chose to be anti social?

Leo assumed that she is unable to blend in that's why she chose to be alone and did not even try to make friends.

"Or maybe I'm thinking too much, who's there to say that I will even meet her again."

He was regretting not asking for her name and not asking from which class she is from.

Leo knew she is not a second year like him since he didn't saw her in any second year classrooms.

By now he has lost every single bit of hope to get to know her. Many might say he is taking a nobody too seriously but for him she had something new in her, something different in her.

It was like a spark of shock had hit him when he saw her catch his lie about not recording.

Unlike other people she didn't thanked him, she criticized him and told him to piss off, even though she didn't said that with a rude face.

He sighed laying his head on his desk, ruffling his messy hair in irritation and looked out of the window since he was sitting on the last bench besides the window.

Leo was kinda whining to himself for losing the sight of that girl.




In some swift seconds Leo was send out of the class only to just end up taking a walk in school's corridor, more like the teacher got fed of him and send him to the office for some scolding but Leo decided to not go and take a walk instead.

He walked pass by second year's division C class but stopped half way near the door of the class, he turned his head back to peak into the class.

All he was able to see was girls chattering about song, heartbreaks, makeup, who's ugly and who's not and boys talking about sports and 'stuff'

He felt stupid since he knows that she is not in the second year classes since he have looked in them already but humans are stubborn creatures.

He looked through every single person in the class, he was sneaky about it and yet he accidentally made eye contact with a girl in big square shaped black framed glasses with her dark brown hair In a bun.

Obviously Leo looked away, messing his hair even more in embarrassment.

"Damn!! She saw me!"

Leo just looked away and started whistling as if nothing happened.

Leo have seen this girl with glasses quite many times when he was looking for that girl.

He has always seen her in the second last bench of the first row, near the window. He have seen her usually reading something or looking out of the window.

Leo thought she might be a loner too but not by choice like him, he soon avoided the thought away since he had nothing to do with her lonesome life or anyone's.

Whenever he had passed through this class he had always made eye contact with her, she never even avert her eyes away. Sometimes it gives him the wrong idea of her having a crush on him.

But soon he laughs that thought off, knowing that how much of a useless and lazy ass he is, no one would have a crush on him.

He looked from the corner of his eyes to see in the class if she's been distracted or still looking at him.

Just for his surprise she was leaning on the doorframe staring at him with her arms crossed around her chest.

He got shocked at her sudden appearance.


He turned around and started walking to god knows where, he just wanted to get out of this embarrassing situation but..

"Hey you!"

Her voice stopped him in mid track. He had no choice But to confront the girl. Hence he turned to her way and acted,

"Yes? You called me?"

Play oblivious, thats the only way.

She sighed.

"Yes, you. Mind telling me what are you doing here looking in my class every day?"

Now this was a shock for him, someone actually noticed a nobody walking by every time. In simple words, those who pay attention to a nobody like him is absurd in Leo's eyes.

But for the sake of his own sake and petty reputation he acted as if what she said made no sense.

"Huh? I'm sorry but i think you have mistaken me for someone else."

She sighed again.

"Dude, that is just playing dumb now."

"I don't know what you're saying Haha."

Leo laughed nervously.

"Since the day you helped me with the bullies, you are hovering outside of my class, man. Why? Are you a stalker now?"

Hearing what she said, Leo felt confused.

"Sorry? When did I helped you?"

She laughed a bit.

"Wow. You forget things easily, huh? Two bitches cornered me because I helped their so called crush in homework."

Leo felt even more confused.

"That punk girl who beat the hell out of those bullies can't be this loner nerd."

She sighed again.

"I caught your lie about not recording anything? do you remember ?"


This irritated her.

"Argh! Nevermind! Continue your hovering please." with that she started to walk back to her class.

Leo couldn't possibly lose the chance of meeting that girl again.

"If this girl who claims to be her then maybe she don't look the same because of her new appearance?"

Leo grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.

"What the hell?!"

She demanded an answer.

Looking into her brown orbs, He put his one hand on her arm and took off her big glasses with his other hand.

Right then her face looked the same as the girl from that day, he couldn't help but stare at her face, he never got the chance to look at someone's face this close.

He felt like whistling at how good she looked to him, even though she was nothing special in looks, she looked average.

She yanked his hand away from her arm and moved away from him.

"Are you out of your mind ?!"

At hearing her yell he realized what he did.

"Woah! I'm sorry! But holy duck!! You are Really you! Like from that day!"

She put her hand on her forehead in irritation.

"I want to punch you but I'll let you go today."

With that she started leaving for her class but was stopped by his question.

"Hey! What's your name?"

She looked back and replied.
