
Starwars: Padawan of Coleman Trebor Dropped

A young college student decides to spend the night watching the starwars series for first time buy gets stabbed at the theater! Suddenly he finds himself as the Padawan of Jedi Council Member Coleman Trebor!

Rm89 · Movies
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2 Chs

I Messed Things Up

Berto had just spent his entire spring break studying for his spring exams, while others had taken this opportunity to relax and relieve stress by going out and partying, berto was struggling with his grades and decided to spend the last two weeks studying.

It was the last Sunday of spring break, feeling like he accomplished his goal of studying and feeling proud of himself, berto jumped on his phone and searched the internet to see what was playing at his local theater. He was shocked to see that the starwars movies were being shown tonight. If he left right now he could still catch a few of them, having never watched the series before he was eager to go watch.

Thanks to YouTube he knew about the basics of the plot and lore, and enough to bullshit his way through a conversation if starwars was ever mentioned. He quickly rushed outside and to the theater, he was lucky and managed to arrive just when attack of the clones was starting, he quickly bought a ticket and found his seat.

Berto was thrilled and pumped up having just finished watching the movie, he thought people were to hard on Anakin for what he did, berto couldn't help feeling like he would have done the same if someone treated his mother like that. He enjoyed the plot and the lightsaber fights, he wished they showed more of the clones wars battles.

He was eager to watch the next movie and quickly got up to rush to the ticket machine to buy a ticket for next movie, as he rushed up the aisle he bumped into a group of people by mistake, he quickly apologized and attempted to leave but the other group became upset, he attempted to apologize once again but the other side were being unreasonable and urging each other to fight!

Soon Berto fought himself on the ground after haven been punched in the face! confused he quickly got up and found his nose bleeding, the other group were mocking him! now he was angry and threw himself at them! sadly he was a poor fighter and was quickly beaten badly! one of his attackers was extremely angered and without thinking pulled out his knife and started stabbing berto! Berto heard a lot of screams as he laid upon the ground covered in his own blood, soon he lost his vision and closed his eyes...

Berto suddenly found himself standing in a dark corridor! infront of him a strange creature was lecturing him, warning him to be careful and trust in his training...

He stood standing there blankly staring at the creature when suddenly a horrible pain hit him! his mind felt like it was about to explode! the creature infront of him looked startled and rested him against the wall, he apologized and mentioned something about being unable to stay with him as the mission would start soon! as a Jedi Master and council member he was expected help lead this assault!

Berto watched as the creature attempted to comfort himself but soon he was left all alone. As he laid there, years of memories flooded into his mind! he experienced the entire life of a young human named Berto Clark, his life as an initiate and padawan. He experienced each memory as if he was there and actually lived it! years of memories assaulted his mind and he experienced them all one after another!

Suddenly his pain ended and he realized where he was and who the creature was that was infront of him! it was this bodies current Jedi Master Called Coleman Trebor! berto having just experience a short lifetime of memories from this bodies previous owner couldn't help feeling worried for his Master! he remembered from attack of the clones that his Master Coleman Trebor would successful ambush count Dooku, catching the count by surprise he managed to get right next to him, sadly he would fail in his attempt thanks to the skillful shots of a bounty hunter!

Berto rushed to his feet and sprinted down the corridor! soon he found himself outside and was stunned to see a fierce battle raging all around himself! sadly he was too late and witnessed his master being shot and falling to his death!

Berto activated his lightsaber and rushed towards his master! using form six Niman, he used basic strikes to quickly deal with a couple droids in his path, without realizing it he effortlessly blocked a couple blaster bolts and dispatched a few more droids as he fought his way down towards the arena floor, jumping down from the arena stands he unknowingly used the force to slow his fall.

Upon landing he quickly rushed to his masters side! upon arriving he attempted to wake his master but sadly he was already dead, his body slowly growing cold. Berto thanks to his memories felt as if he known his master for the last 10 years! grieving on the ground over the lifeless body of his former master, he suddenly felt a tug at his collar! Looking up he saw another Padawan, it was a strange female creature, she urged berto to get up!

Looking around berto noticed that their situation was not good, all around them the jedi were fighting a fierce battle! but for every opponent they killed another ten would rush into the arena to replace them! berto realized that if they didn't move soon they would be cut off from the rest!

Reluctantly he left his masters body, he urged the other jedi around himself to fall back and regroup with the others. Soon his group managed to pull together eight padawans and four Jedi Knights. Together they made their way towards the bulk of the survivors! forming a defensive circle they fought their way through the droid army! along the way they managed to gather another ten members, sadly they lost a couple Knights who died protecting their padawans from danger! having chosen to sacrifice themselves to protect their padawans from a lethal shot.

Their currently were about fifty Jedi spread out around the center of the arena! Berto and his group of now fifteen Padawans and five Jedi knights made their way towards the fifty Jedi! Berto and the other Padawans lead the charge while the more experienced Jedi Knights took up the difficult task of rear guard!

Berto had to slow the group down on more than one occasion or risk the rear group fallen too far behind! soon the group started taking injuries! a Knight was shot in the gut! a padawan was hit in the arm! berto took the place of the Knight while urging the injured toward the center of their formation.

Now that he wasn't infront setting the pace, the other padawans were to eager to link up with the other survivors! soon they started pulling too far ahead from the rear guard, it wasn't long before berto and the Jedi Knights had fallen behind and were in danger of being cut off from the rest of the fleeing group! it wasn't long before another jedi Knight died from being shot in the side and back!

Berto and two Jedi Knights stood back to back as the droids surrounded them! soon blaster fire after blaster fire was rained down upon them! Berto glanced at the group of fleeing padawans, he watched as ten padawans broke through the droids and joined up with around thirty five other jedi survivors battling in a large circle in the center of the arena floor.

Looking around berto noticed that now around forty five Jedi were clustered together in the center of the arena while another fifty were spread out around the arena isolated from one another! the next minute was a desperate one for berto and his group! thanks to the efforts of the two jedi knights berto was still alive! on more than one occasion they had blocked a blaster bolt that he had failed to sense! his form six fighting style was starting to show its weakness now.

Although he had experience from his memories of incorporating parts of the other various fighting styles into his form, he didn't have enough time to fully master them and only had a shallow understanding of them, now his lack of mastery in form three Soresu was fatal as he was lacking while defending against blaster welding foes! the droids seeing that he was a weak link in his groups defence started focusing more of their fire at him, forcing the Jedi Knights to work harder to cover for him.

The situation was hopeless as hundreds of more droids surrounded them! the three glanced at each other and knew that in a few moments they would be dead. Berto prepared himself for death when suddenly the droids stopped firing! and count Dooku voice rang out across the battlefield urging them to surrender!

Berto took the chance of this temporary cease fire to observe the situation, there were still around forty Jedi survivors clustered together in the center of the arena, with another ten, including his group, having managed to survived despite being isolated from the rest. The droids soon opened a path for his three man group and together they cautiously walked and soon joined the rest of the survivors!

Beto having joined the rest of the survivors spotted eight surviving Padawans from the group that abandoned them! the group apologized to him and the other two Knights. Berto was a bit upset but didn't have time to dwell on it as soon the negotiation seemed to have broken down and the droids once again raised their weapons at the fifty survivors...

Berto despite being exhausted and covered with sweat, wasn't worried as soon thousands of clones descended on gun ships to join the battle! led my grandmaster Yoda they quickly set up a defensive perimeter around the Jedi survivors in order to evacuate them safely.

Exhausted, berto gladly climbed aboard and soon they lifted off and away from the arena. The clones led by master yoda quickly set up landing zones around the area. Berto and his gunship, soon landed and he was checked out by a clone medic. Having been checked out and told that he was fine, he made his way towards a temporary command center set up by the clones in this region.

Upon arriving he noticed there were only clones here, he listened as a command came over the comms, it seemed the droid army was retreating and the Jedi survivors were leading various battalions in pursuit of the enemy!

Berto could see that the clone commanders didn't like their situation, on a holo screen displayed the battlefield, the droid army was in full retreat, but the sheer size of their force was daunting, right now the droid army was retreating but berto could see already the clones were at least outnumbered fifty to one odds.

As berto listened he decided to test something, a clone commander was giving out orders in an attempt to keep the clone army organized, and back up the various attacks being led by the Jedi. Berto suddenly approached the clone commanders and with confidence ordered them to cease all the attacks, he ordered all troops under these clones commands to stop attacking and assume a defensive posture instead of blindly chasing the fleeing droid armies!

The clone commanders awkwardly became quiet, they all froze, looked at berto padawan braids and then at each other... the highest ranking clone there glances at the battle map, the droid armies had fled far enough away and were starting to reorganize themselves, the chasing clones attacks were now slowing down as they started to face resistance.

The clone commander looked at the rest and finally came to a decision, "you heard the Jedi! order all troops under our command to cease pursuit of the enemy and prepare for defence!" shouted the clone commander.

Berto was surprised the clones obeyed his order, as he watched the battlefield map he thought he heard the clone commander mumble something under his breath, it sounded like he said he could just blame it on the jedi if he gets in trouble for this...

Berto watched as about a quarter of the clone army stopped its advance! the fell back and started constructing defensive positions, digging trenches and securing any local terrain they thought would be advantageous to hold. As knew clone troop transport arrived down from orbit of the planet, they stopped dropping off troops close to front lines while under fire, and instead safely offloaded their troops near Berto location.

Soon the clones had started setting up anti air batteries and supplies started to be brought down to the surface of the planet, berto observing the battle map notices that a few clone armies had managed to battle their way a good distance away from the rest of the army.

Berto ordered the clones to start preparing to resupply these troops, observing the advancing armies he picked a spot near three of the lead clone armies far out on the front, he ordered the clones to construct a temporary supply base there, it was far enough behind the three armies to not be attack right away but still close enough to be able to quickly transport supplies.

The clones acted fast and soon he spotted on the holographic battlefield map that clone transport ships and troops were converging on that location, it didn't take long before the clones to arrive and start setting up fortifications. Soon supplies and transport vehicles were brought in, then more troops gathered at that location and started bringing supplies to the troops farther out on the front lines.

The battle in berto's sector was going well for the first few hours, their troops had managed to secure a safe spot to offload supplies and reinforcements, but soon berto noticed that the lead armies near their sector led by other commanders were starting to fall back under a fierce counter attack by the droid armies!

Luckily the clones managed to construct a few defensive positions filled with supplies, these retreating armies upon learning of these locations quickly made their way towards them.

The clones at berto's headquarters had now started to set up long range artillery, and just in time, as request for reinforcement started to arrive from all over the battlefield as the vastly superior droid armies started to push the clone armies back!

Most of the artillery hadn't even been setup yet, but despite this berto ordered all the ones that were ready ,to fire! and support supply Base Charlie! charlie had just barely managed to get set up, the clones had managed to dig a few trenches and had just received supplies moments ago when a battered clone army retreating from one of the front lines arrived!

The battered clones had nearly run out off ammo when the droids finally made their counter attack! they bravely held their position as a Jedi Knight led them, they wanted to fall back, but bravely they held their position, fighting under the leadership of the Jedi Knight.

Hopelessly outnumbered the Jedi Knight eventually was killed and the clone army under this Jedi Knight finally retreated, over half of their army led by the jedi knight had fallen, the survivors, exhausted and low on ammunition and medical supplies were becoming desperate, the clones thought it was the end when over comms they were directed to fall back to supply base charlie!

The battered clones having finally arrived at charlie, were glad to discover piles of ammo and other supplies, the clones in the base using heavy equipment had dug out trenches all around charlie base and the beginning of a few structures were already being constructed, the supply base was garrisoned with a few hundred clones.

The battered clones quickly resupplied, mended their wounds and rushed to the defensive positions, a dust storm obstructed the clones view but they knew soon the droid army would assault their position. It wasn't long before the silhouette of a droid trooper was spotted and the clones opened fire! the clones mowed down one droid after another, until the first enemy tank arrived, the clones now resupplied, quickly managed to take it out, but soon another arrived and then another, another, and another.

The clone commander in charge of Charlie radioed for support and reinforcements! it wasn't long after, that a barrage of artillery rounds came crashing down upon the attacking droid army! the clone commander observed the destruction and then updated the artillery to fire further out! with help of the artillery charlie base managed to hold thier position and beat back the droid army attacking them.

Back at berto's headquarters, the situation wasn't looking good! they started the battle with 50,000 clones under their command vs 200,000 fleeing droids, the the front line clones battled the droids over the last few hours and managed to drop their number to 170,000 while losing only 5,000 clones.

Then the droid army managed to regroup and their numbers swelled to over 400,000! the clones having received another 20,000 fresh troops now faced over 400,000 droids vs their 65,000 clones! the clones in berto's sector of the battlefield were now heavily outnumbered and all front line troops were quickly fallen back.

Thanks to the supply bases built up around their headquarters the fleeing troops had somewhere to fall back too! in these defensive positions berto's clones managed to halt the advance of the droid armies.

Berto stood observing the battle map when suddenly a clone commander quickly walked up to him and updated him on the situation at charlie base to the north of their position!

The clone commander there, had bravely fought off the droid army for hours, it wasn't until the droids received thousands of more reinforcement, and under a sudden fierce assault that charlie base was overrun! the charlie base commander ordered an artillery strike upon his position and then ordered the survivors to abandon the base! the surviving clones barely managed to flee as the base was bombarded under intense artillery fire.

Berto stood motionless as he stared at the battle map, the droid army was massing more and more troops in the area, there numbers now reached over 800,000! berto kept looking over his sector of battlefield map and couldn't find anything important enough for the droids to gather so many troops...

He decided to increase the size of holographic battlefield map and zoomed far out, taking a second to observe the situation, he noticed that to his troops far south another clone army of around 100,000 was pushing deep into enemy territory and was nearing a droid foundry! he could see starships attempting to take off and escape into orbit.

He now understood the situation, the droid army wasn't massing troops to attack his position, they were moving to reinforce the foundry, his remaining 50,000 clones now had a force of over 800,000 droids about to plow through their lines!

Berto and the clone commanders had a tough choice to make, they could flee, but that would result in the clone army far to their south being sandwiched between the foundry and the reinforcing droid army! berto and the droid commander talked and agreed they couldn't retreat, they knew they couldn't beat the larger force, but they at least had to attempt to delay them for as long as possible!

Berto observed the map and started marking fall back positions on good defensive ground to their south! he ordered the artillery to be redeployed further south, and canceled the landing zones to this headquarters, in a few hours he certain this location would be overrun! he marked emergency evacuation sites for their troop transport to pick up survivors once they were beaten.

The next couple of hours were intense for the clones at the temporary headquarters in berto's sector, the clones fought bravely but it wasn't long before reports arrived that the supply base to west had been overrun and had fallen back! soon after a base to east had fallen, the headquarters was now the only base still holding.

Berto quickly ordered the evacuation of the base, with the east and west bases haven fallen, they were in danger of being surrounded and overrun! as the troops fled, a hundred brave clone troopers were left behind to protect their retreat,

(clone trooper POV)

He had received orders to hold this position as the rest of the army retreated, he didn't question his orders and he soon found himself in a trench firing away at a large number of advancing droids! soon the droids were starting to jump into the trenches all around himself! he was forced to use the butt of his weapon to beat off one droid before quickly firing at another behind himself!

(Another clone trooper)

The clone was busy setting charges onto a pile of ammunition and ordinance piled up inside the base, he could hear the few of his fellow clone troopers fighting outside, moment after moment as he worked , he heard less and less gunfire! soon it became quiet and all he could hear was the sound of marching droids! the headquarters had been overrun! under his helmet he had a wide grin on his face as he completed his task and squeezed the trigger of a detonator in his right hand!!!

(Berto POV)

Looking back at their old headquarters he was just in time to witness a massive explosion erupt from inside the base! the brave clone troopers had held to position to the last man, and had taken out a large portion of droids after detonating the base.

Berto and troops fell back a to series of small hills to south, but soon they were forced off them, one after another, they made the droids pay, for every hill they took, but hopelessly outnumbered, the few survivors were forced to flee once again.

Berto had managed to flee to one of the evacuation sites and upon arriving, he quickly boarded a troop transport that carried theme safely to allied lines, in route, he was able to observe the destruction of one of the droid foundries, the clones with superior airpower were bombing the foundry as thousands of clones assaulted the position, sadly many droid spacecraft were able to launch and attempt to break through the blockade in orbit, the clones managed to take out droid communications from orbit, temporarily stopping the activation of new battle droids from coming online! despite this the clone troopers were still heavily outnumbered on the ground, but at least they had control of the skies.

The Separatist leadership had already fled the planet! there main goal now it seemed, was to get as much assets off the planet as they could before more clones arrived to the planet!

Berto watched as starship after starship launched and fled from the planet! he knew each ship was likely filled with millions of unactivated droids troopers! the clones shot down as many as they could but there were too many, once the droids left the planet they were assaulted by starships blockading the planet! still, far too many starships managed to breakthrough and flee

(a few days later)

Berto had just finished attending a wake for his former master, the body was burned shorty after. Soon the surviving Jedi boarded starships and were on their way back to the Jedi temple on Coruscant.

Upon arriving at the capital the surviving Jedi were greeted by many members of galactic senators! Berto walking behind the other Jedi was shocked to see president palpatine amongst the group waiting for them! waiting patiently by the bridge leading to the landing pads.

Walking behind the politicians, he struggled with himself, soon he was filled with a mixture of hate and anger as he thought about his dead master! thinking about what this man had caused berto temporarily loss reason and activated his lightsaber and struck out at palpatine from behind! he could so it! he could end the clone wars right here!

Palpatine immediately sensed the danger to himself! Wheeling about he quickly sent a bolt of force lightning at the attacking Jedi Padawan! quickly lifting up the Padawans body and hurled it brutally to the ground! the Jedi around him, haven't yet reacted, palpatine gathered the force and force pushed all the Jedi around himself away! he then hurled himself over the bridges side and his body fell far below, before safely landing upon a passing vehicle , Palpatine immediately pulled out a small communication device, "Activate Order 66", The Jedi all over the planet soon came under attack by the very clones that had just rescued them!