
StarWars: A Mandalorian's Adventure's

SI and OC, What is a man to do when he wakes up in his younger self's body in another universe? Well make the best of things and do what feels best and have some adventure on the side while on his ship of course. Rated M to be save.

EnablingBarley · Movies
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25 Chs

Chapter 018:

The fun will begin soon after some Information bombing.

I hope that some of you guys appreciate the detail about the Natives of this new system (They are Canon both them and the System they are now going into: You can find them on Wookiepedia)

Because some of that info will come back to play some big parts.

Also, I will do some OC stuff and improvise things around the Canon information.

- EnablingBarley

Chapter 18: Clear Mind's Reading Session

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Mandalore/Bandomeer

Location: Hyperspace - Onboard of YT-1930 Light Freighter 'Wayfarer'

I can still hardly believe it, my family is mental. I understand they want grandkids, but why the rush to push all of this onto me… I just don't get it.

There are just no two ways about it. I wish I knew of other ways or at least had a normal warrior family.

But waking up in your younger self in another Universe is anything but good, I almost believed the 'me' before gave up and found it a good idea just to die, or more likely thought he would survive … after knowing how messed up the body was.

Sigh, if only that room had been a normal prison room, I might be able to use it, but now? No way I could… right?.

Just thinking of the room made me react in such a way that I was afraid of what would happen if I lost control. I really need to fix these emotional issues, maybe through meditation.

The moment I thought of this, I remembered these monks of my old world sitting hours to days on these big boulders in the mountains, without rest.

I decided to give it a try myself so I sat down on my legs in a meditative position on the ground in the middle of my room, and slowly closed my eyes trying to relax with small breaths.

Sadly it did not work because the moment I felt my body relax my mind went into overdrive thinking of everything I remembered and and mainly the bad things that happened in the past.

Just thinking of the beatdowns I took, was making my anger spike while thinking of Sera or Rin or any other women combined with that room… Fuck, the anger went far in the other direction. I need to deal with this and focus my mind.

But how am I supposed to try and focus when Rin keeps trying to seduce me to make babies and Sera just walks around in her underwear due to the ease of dressing in the under-weave and armor when needed? So not helping at all.

I understand her point but we are still close to ten hours away from reaching our destination. Then a few more hours to even fly to the destination after getting out of the jump…

" Focus Jack…Focus!" I growled, trying to focus but failed to do so, no matter how much I tried.

"Jack?" I heard two seductive voices and looked at the door, watching Sera and Rin both walk inside with just underwear on making poses that got my blood boiling.

Forget focusing, plain and simple I really need to deal with them here and now.

I stood up and took my brand-new clothes off, then walked to both of them, all while I was at full mast.

"We only have ten hours left, let's get this over with." I told them with a smirk, grabbing them and kissing Sera while I guided Rin down to her knees

I mean, If you can't relax and focus on anything else, deal with the obvious problem with an easy fix and try to relax and focus after.

— — — — —

After waking up again after another tag team duel, I quickly checked the time and saw that only three hours had remained of the ten hours before.

This shocked me into waking up straight away, making me slip out to take a shower and dress in my armor along with getting something to eat.

When I was done I brought two plates of Microwave dinners, put those on the workbench, and sat down behind my desk to read up some more.

The thing I did right after with a clear mind was look up anything about the Bandomeer system.

What I found was a rather interesting history, they were a mainly Agricultural world also known for the beauty of the land for a long time.

That all changed when the Offworld Mining Corporation or the OMC for short arrived, and almost turned the world lifeless due to the excessive mining and destruction of the ecosystem.

It is said here that rumors of Jedi were involved that assisted in dealing with the OMC, and after a battle, freed the world of corporate grasp.

It is said to be home to Meerians as the native sentient species.

Meerians were small and wiry type of people, often averaging only 1.10 to 1.60 meters tall. Despite their size, they were relatively strong, due to the mineral-rich planet and the generational mutation due to the mining.

Their hair color could range from pale silver to bright gold, and their skin was very pale, mainly due to the lack of sunlight on their planet. Their eyes did not have pupils and often matched the color of the individual's hair.

Throughout the centuries of pollution on Bandomeer, the Meerians developed the ability to breathe in toxic air, with their noses and tongues working in tandem to filter the air.

The planet is known to export mainly two types of mineral-rich ores.

Azudite and Ionite, one for use in art like jewelry and the other for arms.

Azudite is a blue type of ore, and less expansive than Ionite, and is mainly used in ornamentation like jewelry, statues, and the like.

Ionite, on the other hand, is a rather versatile ore, compound, and is often associated with weapons and explosives.

Some small quantities are always used by builders, to create grenades, bombs, or missiles if combined with a few other materials.

All due to this is to ignore deflector-shielding like a neutral charge, becoming either positive or negative to deal with the other type of charge it comes across.

However due to this ever-changing charge, timers or clocks never worked, making it a hellish time to be down in the mines.

Due to no timers working, it was always a gamble, to do the mining operations and accidents tended to have become normal.

Among the Meerians as a people, the Meerians were a slow, and deliberate race.

They were seen as optimistic, agreeable, and sympathetic to others' needs, this is due to their innate ability to see both sides of an argument. This made it rather difficult for them to reach a consensus, however, and was also why they tended to be exploited

"Interesting, so Meerians are basically wastelands experts. Miners and farmers are easily let astray to agree to counter-intuitive deals, all due to them knowing about it but being unable to see things as they are due to knowing both sides of the coin and thus not making a decision due to their nature, so it tends to be made for them." I said as I watched Sera get up with Rin soon to follow who was stretching like a cat, so I did not hide my voice.

Due to the corporate mining business, many Meerians developed a more selfish mentality, that clashed often with their older customs or philosophies.

These Meerians tended to try and leave Bandomeer with their credits and set out in hopes of a new life and better.

"I see… so if I wish to gain information from them I will have to meet eye to eye." I kept on reading and reading

Meerians preferred to speak to others eye-to-eye, believing this was the only way all participants in a conversation would be seen as equals. While dealing with species of a taller stature, they would use seats with repulsor lifts.

'Interesting not sure how this would help me, but still good to know.' I thought

"You're up early…" I heard Sera's soft voice, still half asleep

"We only have 3 or so hours before arriving, take a shower, across the room of mine and get ready." I told her while I continued to read further.

Their history is typical, they were primitives, The Republic showed up, took the planet and resources, and later due to a show of goodwill or pressure in the Senate gave the planet back to which the corporate mining groups would show up and set up shop.

"Typical Republic behavior… disgusting." I said, I felt disgust and slight anger about these practices, but I guess they are Human nature.

"Ah, this is what I was looking for before getting sidetracked." I said finding out there were massive Asteroid fields all over the system rich in minerals and ores but basically untouched due to fear of rocks flying into the planet.

Now that I found this I also found what I had intended to find, geo-locations of the bases. Our targets.

Each of the smaller bases where set up on small but strategic mineral-rich rocks, likely planning to slowly mine and hollow them out to grow the base in size out of sight.

My base though, seems to have had an aggressive and uncaring leader, setting up shop above ground.

Would show why the area in space is so cluttered with rocks, I would have to inform everyone specifically the fighters.

"... well shit." I said this in pure shock when I read further.

What shocked me was the pure population numbers of native Meerians… or the lack thereof.

Reports added to show the mortality rate during the occupation of the OMC to mine the Ionite had a Mortality rate of close to 60% add in the fact that those corporations brought more and more workers of other races, and you will slowly wipe out the natives and take over fully.

The mortality must have been this high due to being the only workers sent to mine that type of ore in question.

The list is as follows:


718 Million

60% Human

20% Meerians

10% Arcona

5% Imbats

3% Phindians

2% Other

Fuck only 20%... that is around 57.440.000 or close to that number at least.

That is basically nothing, and more Meerians die due to those mines, more than before the corporations due to how happy they are to be free and needing money and resources to regain their place as owners of their world.

To say I did not feel pain seeing those numbers would be like saying I have no emotions, this situation is slowly looking like us Mandalorians, whose number is around Four million.

Things are not looking good for them since 60% loss of life in those mines by monthly is already close to Two Hundred Thousand.

These numbers made me pale at how bad things were, a monthly loss like that would mean they will basically be wiped out in close to 48 years …

That thought made me look up even more, about the situation of pirates, corporations, and the Republic in this sector alone.

And again what I found was anything but good.

The file I found next told me that Pirates had been allowed to roam unopposed all over the sector and that each time the Republic did anything they only fought them and dealt with Disloyal groups or followers.

This must be why and how the Republic still holds control over Bandomeer.

"Jack?" I felt Sera standing next to me looking worried at me.

'Guess, the worry and shock showed huh? Guess my face is pale.' I thought when the one-hour Alarm went off.

"I tried to tell you about the alarm…" I heard her say.

"Thank you… where is Rin?" I ask not seeing her around

"She's checking her armor and weapons in the workshop, something about 'Everything has to be perfect, I'll show him what I can do! Then he has to grand me a child… or two.' I heard her say that, and saw her drooling." I saw her make a concerned face.

"Well I got what I needed, let us suit up and prep our weapons, make sure to bring some grenades and other explosives and a rocket for the rocket pack." I told her to prepare everything I did prepare for myself.

After looking at the data about asteroids and the problematic bases I quickly left my room and got ready in the cockpit, Sera joined me by sitting in my co-pilot's seat.

"Dropping out of Hyperspace in five minutes, be ready to send word of the flight plan to everyone once we enter real space." I told her watching the time ticking down

"On it." I heard Sera say who got busy right away.

The fun will begin soon after some Information bombing.

I hope that some of you guys appreciate the detail about the Natives of this new system (They are Canon both them and the System they are now going into: You can find them on Wookiepedia)

Because some of that info will come back to play some big parts.

- EnablingBarley

EnablingBarleycreators' thoughts