
Chapter 4

Allie's PoV

After what happened to Cassie. I'm still mad about it. And now she has no choice.

They arrived at home, wondering about their mother if she sees Cassie's cast.

And there she goes. She's in the living room watching television. She turns at us with a smile but when she saw Cassie's cast her smile fades and forehead creases.

I sighed.

"What the hell is that in your arm, Cassie?" She walks towards us and gently held Cassie's arm. She glared at me.

"What happened to her? What's this? Why does she have a cast on her arm?"

I look away. I don't know what happened yet. After I scolded my sister we never talk about that.

"Cassie go to your room." My sister didn't move and I know she's looking at me but I didn't look back at her. "Now! Go!" My mother furiously shouts.

I sighed when she walks. My mother massaged her temple then.

"What did I tell you, kids, huh? I told you to be careful. But what's that? You irresponsible child! Did you two get into a fight, huh?—

"No," I said.

She scoffs. "And now you're talking back? You're grounded! I will not give you allowances! Both of you for a month!"

"Just me. Do not include Cassie." I pleased.

She heavily sighs.

"Okay then, suit yourself." And she walks away.

I sighed before I walk upstairs.

I saw my sister sobbing when I enter our room. I feel bad about it.

"Hey," she looks at me and cries even more.

"I-I'm sorry, Allie. I'm so sorry." She sobs.

"Shh, it's alright. You don't have to." I comfort her. I look down at her arm.

"Tell me what did that Zeus do to you and you got this?" I said in a serious tone.

"No. She's not the cause of this." She wipes her tears.

My forehead creased.

"What? Then who?" I asked. She sighs and starts to tell me what really happened.

Another morning my head hurts. I don't know why. Ugh! But still, I have to wake up we have a training today.

Yesterday, after she told me what happened I was confused. So, Zeus help her? And the jerk named Marco is rude? She caressed my sister's legs! How dare he. Ugh! Now I even more feeling bad.

My sister didn't go to school today she just rests at home. Of course, she has to.

I go into the comfort room and change my clothes. I dressed in my leotard. A grey leotard and my white shoes.

On my way to the gymnasium, I saw some of the students, setting up some instruments on the stage. Do we have an event today? Or probably it's choir practice.

I put chalk in my hands and get my hula-hoop. Well, we put chalk in our hands so we'll never slip into bars and such.

I start to warm up first.

Zeus's PoV

"Hey! Here!" Louie shouts.

I give the plug to him so we can turn on the speakers that are connected to our electric guitar.

Yep, we are practicing here at the stage.

"Ahh... What a great day to practice, right Zeus?" Rod said.

"C'mon! Let's start!" Louie kiss his precious drum sticks.

I chuckled and get my microphone. We start jamming and singing until we get hungry.

Then Ced's stomach growls.

"Hahahahaha!" Louie laughed out loud and Ced glared at him.

We get down the stage and go we'll go to the cafeteria.

"Woah, look! The gymnasts looks cool!" Kyle's eyes sparkled in amusement.

I look at the gymnasium's window where I can see the gymnasts jumping, tumbling, bending, and more.

Nicholas tapped me and he pointed at something— No, at someone.

I look at where is he pointing and I saw Allie. Well, I'm sure she's Allie I saw her yesterday wearing leotards and now she's wearing one.

She threw the hula-hoop and she spins like a ballerina and she stopped, she does a split and catches the hoop.


"Wow, that's amazing I can't do that spinning and spinning," Louie said and he started to spin like an idiot. All of us chuckled at him.

They continue to walk but I stay. Watching Allie.

I am really amazed at her. Well, you know she's not the only one who does that but she's the one I know and good at that.

Now she has a ribbon with a stick— is that what you called? Ugh, never mind.

She twirls it and she starts dancing with it. She's so flexible, well gymnasts have to be flexible. She dancing with the ribbon gracefully. Her other mates watch at her too.

She dances, she jumps and spin.

When her performance is done everybody in the gymnasium is clapping their hands. I found myself clapping my hands too, but I stopped when I realize it. She looked shocked but she just smiles at them. A beautiful smile.

"Hey, Zeus! C'mon!" Rod calls me.

"Yeah! I'll be there." I said back.

And at the last time, I look at her beautiful smile and walk away.

Allie's PoV

I smile at them and walk towards the other gymnasts.

"That was awesome, Allie!" They praise me.

"Thank you," I said.

I feel good after that. I and my teammates walk into the cafeteria to eat lunch. Well, we don't eat much lunch so it's just some snacks.

I ordered a sandwich and a bottle of energy drink.

I saw Zeus and his friends at the other table but I just ignored them.

Still, in our leotard, we start eating and talking to each other.

A few minutes later someone behind me put a meal on my table. I look behind me and I saw Zeus he smiled at me.

I cringed at that but still, I have to apologize for what I have harshly said to him.

My brow raised. "What this?" I ask while holding the plate.

"A meal? You have to eat a lot you do a great performance back there it must be tiring." He smiled.

"Uh, but we gymnasts only eats a little to stay fit..." Angela, one of the gymnasts say.

Embarrassed Zeus looks at me blankly. He sighed and get the tray, walk away.

"What was that, Allie? Is he courting you?" Angela asks.

"No," I said.

I stand up and follow him outside the cafeteria.

"You stupid! She is a gymnast, yes! She have to stay fit and not fat you dumb! Why did you do that?! Argh!" I hear him scolding his self so I chuckled at that.

I cleared my throat and he turns at me. Shocked.

"Uh, hey, what are you doing here?" He asks.

"Uh, sorry for saying some harsh words yesterday. I thought you were the one who does that to Cassie... And... Thank you." I casually said before I turn back and walk-in the cafeteria.

Maybe I'm good to him today. But no. He is a playboy that is still in my head. I'll never forget that.