
Chapter 3

Cassie's PoV

Zeus is so cool.

I look at him in the front row of the class and he's laughing with his friends.

I saw him and his band called '6 pack'. They were playing earlier and his so cool while holding the microphone and closed eyes singing with all his heart. You can feel it, that he's so into it.

Our professor comes in and we started our class in chemistry. My sister Allie is not here with me. She has a practice at the gymnasium. By the way, she's good at gymnastics.

I put my gloves on to protect myself from the chemicals that we're going to use. The professor groups us into 4. I got group 2 which I'm in— wait, I'm the only girl in the group. Three of them were guys.

I just sighed and sit beside them. No choice though.

They introduced their selves so do I.

"My name is Cassandra, but you can call me Cassie." I smile and sit.

"Yeah, the weird twin. Where is your other twin? Why is she not here? Being scared to judge?" And they laugh. I don't care. Allie said just ignore those bastards who make fun of us. They don't know us.

I just listen to the professor's discussion but then, someone's nuzzling my leg or that's just in my head cause I'm so bored.

But, no it is someone caressing my thigh. I glance at my side where my groupmate Marco is sitting beside me and he smiled at me.

I gulp.

I keep moving to the other side but his hand keeps caressing my thigh. He pinches me so I can't move. I'm scared I don't know what to do.

'Allie! Help!'

"Please s-stop that," I said to him but he pulls my leg towards him.

'Don't let anyone hurt you, you know how our mother will mad at us.'

Allie's voice whispers to my head.

I close my eyes. "Stop!" I push him away from me and I stand up.

The whole class looks at us.

"Ms. Eva is there something wrong?" Our professor raises a question.


"Nothing sir, she doesn't want us to be her groupmates—

Zeus scoffs so the attention goes at him.

"Really, Marco? That's your excuse for doing something disgusting at her?" He has unbelievable amusement on his face.

"Mr. Steven?" The Professor is now confused, the whole class is.

Zeus licks his lip and stands up.

"This jerk guy is being rude to Cassie. He caressed her leg." Zeus glared at Marco and Marco laughs. The class gasps.

"Me? No! Hahaha. I'm just—

"Don't lie. You did it! You caressed me." I glared at Marco and shouted.

He grips my hand tight enough to hurt me and he pushes me very hard.

My elbow fell first so I screamed in pain.

The class gasps and screams at the scene too. No one helps me to get up but Zeus did.


"Ow! My elbow– ow!"

Zeus helps me to get up, he picked me up and made me sit.

He turns at Marco and he suddenly punches him. I panicked.

'No! This is all my fault! My mother will kill me!'

"Enough this instant!" The professor shouts and drags Marco out of the room. "Mr. Fred you're coming with me to the guidance office."

"No! I didn't do that! I swear!" Marco keeps lying about that.

I try to get up and let my arm but it hurts when I straighten it.

"Ouch..." I utter.

"Hey, don't move let's go to the clinic." He guides me and holds my shoulder and arm gently.

"Did your elbow hurts bad?" He asks looking at me.

I nod.

"Oh! What happen?" The nurse asks and made us sit on the wooden chair.

"She hurt her elbow, can you check her?" Zeus holds my elbow.

"Okay, let me." The nurse gently holds my elbow but I flinch when she tries to straighten my arm.

"It hurts. I can't unfold it." I was holding my arm all the time.

"Maybe it got fractured, let me see." She assists me while doing some exams on my arm. I look at Zeus who's looking at me intently. I smiled at him and he smiles back.

A minute later a girl in a hurry with a leotard suit goes in.


"Allie..." I utter.

Worried painted on her face when she glances at me.

"Cassie! What happened to you? What's this–

"Her elbow is swollen she needs to put a cast on for the meantime until it gets better." The nurse said.

Allie closed her eyes and sighed heavily. She massaged her forehead.

"And what are you doing here?" Allie pointed at Zeus.

She looked back at me with a creased forehead and she looked down at my arm then looked back at Zeus again.

"No, it's not what you–

I try to explain to Allie but she cut me off.

"You're the cause of this?" Her anger raised.

Zeus sighs.

"No, it's not me it was–

"Don't try to excuse your fault! I told you don't come near my sister!" She looks at me. "And you! I also told you that get away from him, but you didn't. Ugh!" She walks out of the clinic. I sighed.

I looked at Zeus and he looked at me. He just smiled and shrugged.

"Come here, sweetie. Let's put a cast in your arm." The nurse guided me to a room.

I have to tell what really happened to me. Oh no! My mother! She will scold Allie again! If she sees this cast she will livid.

And also about Zeus! Allie misunderstand this!

I have to fix all of this.

Zeus's PoV

The nurse was already putting the cast on Cassie's arm.

So I get outside of the clinic for a while and sighed.

I saw from not afar. Allie is walking forward and backwards holding her waist. She's in a leotard though. So she's part of the gymnastics.

Her leotard was dark blue. You can't notice that unless she's close to you.

She's really mad at me huh? Is she really like this? Worried over her sister? Well, I didn't know that feeling.

Yeah, I have a brother. But my brother is not like her. Care about me. He's against me. He wants to get the attention of our parents. He belongs side from my father.

In short, he wants me to vanish away from our parents. He's being selfish.

I shrugged about that. Well, I get to use that. Good thing I'm not emotional. I'm strong, maybe.

Pfft. Why am I like this? I'm Zeus Steven for Pete's sake! Whatever.