
Chapter 5

Allie's PoV

"Hey girls, are you already–

Mom walks into our room and sees us formally dressed.

Satisfied paste on her face.

"Lovely." She smiled and turns to Cassie. "Cassie, go downstairs first." Cassie glance at me before she walks out of the room.

"You know where we are going, right?" She smiled.

"Please act normally, okay? Don't make a scene. Alfred will introduce us, as his family now. Behave yourself." She once raised her brow and looked at my dress.

"Well, let's go the car is ready we need to be there early."

A few minutes later we arrived at the 5-star restaurant of Mr. Lackson. The Lackson Restaurant.

At the main entrance of the restaurant, I saw the red ribbon that will later cut for the grand opening. This will be boring and I hate social gatherings.

"Welcome ladies!" Mr. Alfred greets us with delight. He hugs our mom and they kiss.

"Why so early, hon?"

"We want to help you, hon." Mom smiled sweetly.

"But we're almost done here. Well, have a sit first I'm sure we'll get busy later."

Waiting for the opening to start. Seems nice it's because there are no other guests yet just us. Later on, the guests were arriving.

At my side, Cassie looks calm and decent. While I was bored as ever.


"Thank you for coming and to celebrate the grand opening of my restaurant. With my lovely fiancee Ayena..." My mom smiles. "Hereby now The Lackson Restaurant is now open!" The guests clap their hands.

We greet them and welcoming while they're entering the restaurant. I'm not good at greeting so I just smiled at them.

My sister all smiles seem legit and greet them 'welcome' different to mine. Oh well Cassie it is.

As everyone's entered the resto, you can hear they're talking about the restaurant.

Well, I can say the restaurant looks very formal and big. This is good for reserving for parties and gatherings like this. Well, it's a 5-star. I don't know what to say about the foods, it's not yet served.

"Let's toast! For a great start of my restaurant and tonight's party! Lead by... The 6 pack band!" And they're starting to loud.

"Oh my! Allie, it's the 6 pack band!" My twin, Cassie with a wide smile shaking me.


"Hey, don't you know them? It's our school's popular band!" She stands up and joined the crowd at the front stage.

I try to stop her and just sit here but she just disappears. You can see it from here! Ugh.

I focus my eyes on the band and I saw some familiar faces.


Yes, he's holding a microphone while banging lightly his head. The electric guitar starting to get louder and wildfire that the crowd became wild and screams out.

I don't like it here it's too noisy.

Well, I'm alone. Most of the people were at the front. My mother is with Mr. Alfred talking and socializing.

I sighed. I stand up and walk away from the noisy crowd. I found myself at the— garden? Well, it has flowers and a swing. From here, I can still hear the band music but not too loud. The silence is.

I sit on the swing and sway it a little.

Ahh, this is more I like it. Fresh air, all alone and peace.

Just me.

I close my eyes as the winds blow my hair, feeling the cold air.

This is nice.

Then I stand up twirl around, dancing with the wind.

I suddenly stopped when I saw a man– A man not afar looking inside the restaurant. I didn't look away until he glances in my direction and was shocked.

He seems familiar.

He look around wondering if someone will see him. Maybe. He walks to me and I saw his whole face.

His face lit up and he smiled at me. I got teared up. All this time, this time?


"My dear," he smiled.

"Daddy!" I squeak and ran towards him. He widely open his arms and hugs me tightly.

I cried.

While sobbing he's brushing my hair and he kissed my head.

A minute later still have tears I speak.

"W-where have you been? All these years, I thought– I thought you left us."

"Shh, sorry my dear this is the time that I had a chance. I'm so sorry for taking you so long to wait for me." He hugs me again.

I sobbed.

"What are you doing here? How did you know that we're here?" I asked him.

"Are you okay, dad? Do you–

"Hey wait, stop, calm down..." He chuckles.

"I just know that you were here." He assured me.

"Where's your sister? Is she here with you?"

"Yeah, she's inside– I'll call her–

"No, don't. Uhm, Just– just tell her that I love her, okay? I love you, my Allie."

"You still recognize me," I chuckled and he too.

"You're my daughter," he caressed my cheek and I feel it.

"I don't have much time now." He said looking at his wristwatch.

"Wait, what? You're leaving? Now? Wait, why? No!"

"I'm sorry my dear, it's good to see you and talk to you just in a bit of time, but I need to go now. Stay safe okay? I love you both, my dear." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too, dad. Be careful. Please visit us often. We missed you so much!" I started to tear up again.

He smiled at me. Assured one.

"I promise." And I'll keep his promise.

He didn't say 'I try', and say 'I promise' means he will.

While walking away, he smiled at me for the last time and he runs away.

I cried again. I don't care if my face looks a mess, all I want is to cry all of this pain. Why are we in this difficult situation? Why I and my twin sister have to suffer this kind of situation. This kind of a family problem, huh?

A handkerchief. A handkerchief shows up at my side. I look at it and from behind where it comes from.

My mouth opens in shock.

"Here wipe your tears."


Zeus's PoV

While performing here at The Lackson Restaurant, it was totally fun!

The energetic crowd gone wild. Plus I saw Cassie? Yeah, it's Cassie.

She's here cheering us. I winked at her.

"Thank you!" As we done performing.

I get down the stage and Cassie smiles at me.

"Hey, that was awesome!"

I chuckled. "Thanks," I look around her. "So you're alone? Here–

"Oh, no– I'm not, Allie is here too." She glances behind her. "Oh, she's not at our seat. But she's here with me too."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were twins. That will do."

"Not really, we're totally different." We chuckled.

"Hey, Zeus! Come here!" Rod calls me.


"I guess, I have to leave they were calling me."

"Oh right, sure, have fun." She said and wave her hand.

"You too."

I entered backstage and they saw me.

"Here's our main vocalists! Yeah!!" Nicholas cheered.

"That was sick dude!" Louie gives me a high five.

"Nice..." Kyle.

"Oh well, Mr. Lackson, called us the food for us is ready," Rod said.

"Yes! I am hungry as fuck!" Louie rubs his tummy. We chuckled.

My phone vibrates, and I saw a message notification.

"Hey, I'll catch up,"

"Be quick!" Nicholas said.

I go out at the backdoor and open the message.

'Where are you? Dad is mad at you he wants to talk to you.'


I scoffed.

"Talk to my ass," I may sound harsh as hell but I don't give a shit about it.

When I hold the door, open and get inside I suddenly hear some sobs from not afar.

I got curious who was it so I follow the sobs. I saw a girl sitting on the grass while crying, she is crying.

I didn't see her face but I had an urge to give her a wipe or something to wipe her tears. When I got closer to her I recognize her.


I know this is Allie.

I didn't say anything and just pull out my handkerchief and give it to her. She looks at it and slowly looks up at me.


As I see her in tears I feel like I want to comfort her.

'Why is she crying?'