
Start With Selling Devil Fruits in Marvel

Earning enough to support himself, Cosmic decides to now open a Small Shop and rely on it to make and live satisfactorily. However, unexpectedly He and his are mysteriously linked, and his shop can gain abilities, and he, as the owner of the shop, is the Supreme in the Shop. . . Grammarly Premium Adapted.

CosmicMystery · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Thor Matures

Thor cannot precisely be called pedophiles as they are both barely adults due to their different lifespans, but it still does not make sense.

How can you love someone who won't even live 1/10th of you?

It's like you falling in love with someone who is destined to die in 10 years.

A 10-year love story.

I mean, its… complicated.

Let's ignore Thor's love life here.

We see that Odin refuses to accept Jane Foster and refuses to treat her.

Things happen, and Frigga takes care of Jane.

Soon the Dark Elves, who have just awakened from their long slumber, invade.

Loki guides them in, and Malekith ends up killing Frigga.

Both Thor and Odin witness this.

Suppressing the anger and frustration, they complete the funeral of Queen Frigga and the Martyred Asgardians.

The news of Frigga's death and Funeral is relayed to Loki.

Although his complete emotions are unknown, I could see his anger.

To be honest, although Loki did not seem to love Frigga, she was his only light.

His entire life, he felt like the shadow of Thor; however, it was Frigga who made him feel like light.

Frigga held a considerable place in the life of Loki and Thor.

However, her place in the life of Loki was far more than Thor's.

After all, Thor had others, while Loki only had Frigga.

Her Death hit him the most.

However, there was nothing he could do in that prison besides regret.

Soon the scene ends, and the rest of the plot of 'Thor: The Dark World' takes place.

After which, a lot of things are skipped, and Thor brings the 'Crown of Surtur' to Asgard only to witness the statue of Loki and the play being performed.

Subsequently, we witness Thor along With Loki going down to Atrium in search of Odin, where they find him on the verge of Death.

Odin says his final goodbyes to his sons and releases his last breath.

Following that, Hela is released, and she crushes Mjolnir and takes over Asgard.

Thor ends up in Sikar and Meets up with Loki and Hulk.

Along with some other people from Sikar, the three team up to escape.

Upon reaching Asgard, Thor has a rematch with Hela and ends up losing an eye.

Soon everything goes as expected, and they cause the Ragnarök.

The Asgardians board the spaceship and leave Asgard.

Unfortunately, this does not help, and Thanos attacks their spaceship.

That attack ends up with the Death of Heimdall and Loki.

Thor survives the attack and meets up with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

He teams up with Rocket and meets Dwarf King Eitri, who has lost his hands and his entire race.

Thor convinces him to create a stormbreaker which he uses to fight Thanos.

However, unfortunately, he fails to stop the snap and loses.

At this time, months had passed since the time when Crown visited Asgard and beat up Thor.

And today, on the eve of his defeat, Crown once again decides to appear.

However, he still waits for some time.

He decides to let Thor see some more despair.

Soon Thor, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Rocket, and some other avengers find out about Thanos and kill him.

However, there was still no way to bring back those who died.

A few years after this defeat, Crown revisits Thor in New Asgard and seeks him.

Thor is surprised after seeing Crown, but he no longer feels any anger against him.

The current Thor is just decadent.

Crown: "How are you, Thor."

Thor: "Leave"

Crown: "I will leave. However, I wish to show you something before I leave."

"It is the last assurance of someone to you."

"Don't forget that."

Crown looks at the uninterested Thor before walking around the New Asgard that he built.

He decides to postpone the video.

Crown moves around and finds the signboard of New Asgard.

Crown: "New Asgard, huh."

"Is this what the Mighty Asgard has fallen to"

"Is this what you call Asgard"

Before continuing, he looks at Thor, "It seems a fitting place for you."

"It won't take much effort to drown in this place."

His words were filled with mockery and ridicule as he commented on New Asgard.

However, no matter how bad his words sounded, there was no lie in them.

The Current Asgard and Asgardians were nothing different from tramps.

It could be seen from the condition of this place how much suffering had taken place in the lives of Asgardians.

If nothing else, this place began to improve after the Endgame, when Thanos lost for real.