
Start With Selling Devil Fruits in Marvel

Earning enough to support himself, Cosmic decides to now open a Small Shop and rely on it to make and live satisfactorily. However, unexpectedly He and his are mysteriously linked, and his shop can gain abilities, and he, as the owner of the shop, is the Supreme in the Shop. . . Grammarly Premium Adapted.

CosmicMystery · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Thor Pedophile

The couple then saw Crown walking towards Thor with small steps.

Although they were worried, they could see that he didn't have the intention to kill Thor.

In that case, they did not take any action.

As Crown walked toward Thor, the pressure kept on increasing.

An almost lifelike mold of Thor was carved into the floor.

Thor felt humiliated, and his anger surged.

Unaffected by the Surging Anger in Thor, Crown walked unabated towards him.

He held Thor by his long hair and pulled his head up.

Crown: "Do you feel anger."

Thor did not speak, but the anger in his eyes was enough for a reply.

Crown raised Thor to his eye level, looked him in the eye, and said, "You're the prince of the Asgard, aren't you."

"Then tell me, what are you going to do, the Prince of Asgard."

"Just now, your father had paid the price to protect Asgard from my wrath, and now you ruined it."

"Now, if you can't compensate for your mistake, prepare for my wrath."

As he said that, massive battleships appeared above Asgard and aimed their weapons at Asgard.

Those battleships could be gigantic even when compared to the size of Asgard.

Even if that battleship crashed into Asgard, it would crush Asgard while remaining unharmed.

It was not just Thor who saw these battleships; instead, these gigantic floating battleships were visible to everyone in Asgard, including Odin, Frigga, Heimdall, and Loki.

Crown: [Wait! Isn't Loki in prison? How can he see what's happening in the sky]

[Ignore it, he's Loki, who knows what else he can do?]

However, the arrogant Thor is still an idiot.

Thor: "Remove your ships immediately, or else I won't let you leave Asgard."

Crown just smiles gently, "My dear prince of Asgard, it seems that you still don't understand the situation."

"Let me help you."

He waved his hand in the air as he said that.

Soon the guns of the battleships aimed at the area outside the palace.

Everyone did not understand what he meant by that action; however, the movement of the battleship was clear enough.

They clearly wanted to bombard that area.

Although they wanted him to stop, the ships fired before they could do anything.

In next to no time, the periphery of the Asgard Royal Palace was destroyed.

Seeing this scene, everyone except Thor was able to maintain rationality.

Crown: "I did not harm any life this time; however, if you do not compensate me for your actions, next time won't be so harmless."

Crown dropped Thor and retreated back to his seat.

As soon he left, Frigga came to Thor and picked him up; although she knew that such injuries weren't anything to Thor, she was still worried.

Odin, on the other hand, stared at Crown and the battleships.

He could feel that it wasn't that simple.

Sure enough, he soon received a telepathic message from Crown.

Crown: "I can help you train Thor; I can make him turn into the king you want him to be."

Odin stared at Crown.

He would not believe his words blindly.

Odin: "What do you want?"

Crown: "I like talking to smart people."

"I want the space gem and the reality gem."

Odin reflexively denied it.

Crown: "Don't be in such a hurry."

"You don't even have the reality stone right now."

Odin realized his words; however, he still did not agree.

He knew what weight the infinity stones hold in the universe.

He would never allow them to fall into the wrong hands.

Because of the telepathic connection, their talk, although long, lasted less than a minute in the real world.

It was unknown what he said, but Crown somehow managed to convince Odin to hand the stones to him.

Soon the surroundings change, and Crown leaves his seat.

He sits in an unknown place with a ball in his hand.

His gaze lands upon the prince of Asgard.

Thor, who is out of the threat of Crown, finds out that Odin appeased Crown with a treasure from the Asgardian treasury.

Odin scolds him for rashly attacking someone in the Palace without considering the consequences.

However, Thor isn't in the mood for that.

He brings his girlfriend to Odin and tells him about her problem.

He also asks him to help her with it; however, Odin refuses.

Crown: [I don't understand how did Thor's brain grow, he accepts a human with a 100-year lifespan as his girlfriend and maybe his wife]

[He himself is a 1500-year-old]

[On earth we call men like that pedophiles]