
chpater 46

Chapter 226 Chapter 100 "Prophet" should die for his own prophecy

  Compared to others who were still thinking about the core of this conversation, Alger, who thought he had enough understanding, did not dare to look at Alice and Mr. Fool, but looked at the "world" somewhat stiffly.

  "The World" looked at Mr. Fool intently, as if he didn't notice anything.

  At this time, Klein also realized a certain issue that he had ignored - if Alice had ever woken up, if she had ever reached an angel or even a higher position, why was she still no different from a girl when she woke up again?

  No, she is even more... a little more unrealistic than Klein's impression of a girl of this age.

  Of course, the latter may be mainly a character issue. Klein is not too entangled in this. As for the former...

  Thinking of the confrontation between divinity and humanity, and then thinking of the way Alice became an extraordinary person, Klein realized that this There may be another possibility.

  Alice did not get to that position through promotion. She was already a complete mythical creature when she woke up. Maybe she might become a true god when she wakes up - this is illogical, but it is "fate" .

  However, the lack of "anchor" made her maintain her humanity for a very short time. Even...even now, she is doubting whether she is human.

  But like this, if you almost forget who you are, can this be considered lucky?

  Klein looked at Alice, chuckled suddenly, and asked as casually as possible:

  "Do you think your experience can be called lucky?"

  Alice immediately realized what Klein was asking. But regarding this question, her answer was actually determined the moment she became the "winner":

  "The fact that I can wake up again is enough to show that I am lucky.

  " Fate is unpredictable, but the person standing at the end is the 'winner' '. "

  I always feel that her words are getting more and more awesome... Klein complained in his mind. He did not comment on this point of view. Instead, he chuckled and leaned back on the chair.

  This is in line with Mr. Fool's personality. Their behavior, and their conversation, which only their own people could understand, was enough for outsiders to make guesses and associations.

  Now, except for Derrick "The Sun" and Emlyn "The Moon", all the members of the Tarot Society. They have different thoughts, but they are the only two who are consistent - one wants to save the Silver City, and the other wants to save the Vampire Clan.

  After "The World" and "Justice" Audrey spoke respectively, "Moon" Emlyn couldn't wait to clear up. Clearing his throat, he said:

  "I have carefully studied the history handed down by our blood clan...

  " Before the catastrophe, there was no Silver City, only the Country of Silver!

  "The Country of Silver initially believed not in the Giant King Ormir, but in His. Queen Omi Bella.

  Derrick blurted out: "Our Silver City has no record of this incident, nor does it have any record that the giant queen is called Omi Bella. "

  Emlyn immediately chuckled, spread his hands and said,

  "So, I say there are omissions and deficiencies in your Silver City's history. Is that okay? "

  "Obviously, there are errors in the history of the Vampire Clan that you recorded."

  He wanted to prove that the Vampire Clan's title system did not come from humans... Alice held her chin thoughtfully and said,

  "If you just want to distinguish the titles clearly, As for what the source of the system is, there is no need to argue here...

  "The greater possibility is that the answers you two know are wrong.

  "After all, Lilith... was a quite special name in my past era."

  The hint hidden in these words made Emlyn temporarily forget his fear of Alice. He turned his head and asked: "What does this mean?"

  Alice glanced at Emlyn meaningfully, leaned back on the chair, closed her eyes gently, and replied lightly: "Because the ancestor of the vampire family should be called Lilith."

  Except later Emlyn and Cattleya, who had just joined, all suddenly remembered Alice's words at that time, "The industrial revolution should be followed by a world war."

  But... why?

  "Why do you say that?" Audrey asked curiously.

  Alice looked at Audrey and thought for a while before replying: "Just think of it as a revelation of fate."

  Audrey was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "So isn't this a revelation of fate?"

  Alice shrugged. He shrugged and chuckled:   

  "Who knows?

  "I once read a story.

  "That was a person who claimed to be a 'prophet.' No one knew whether he was a real 'prophet' or just an ordinary person.

  "In short, one day, he made a prophecy - he foresaw that he would be in a certain situation. One day to die.

  "And when the day in the prophecy came, the 'prophet' spent the day without incident. At that time, everyone thought - ah, this must be a liar.

  "But the next day, people found him hanging. He died on the rafters of his home.

  "Tell me, did his prediction succeed or fail?" Note ①

  The Tarot Society fell into silence. After an unknown period of time, the hoarse voice of "The World" sounded:

  "I once heard a sentence.

  "Don't be superstitious about divination. "

  Alice knocked on the table twice and replied: "But he is a 'prophet', not a 'divineer'. After

  remaining silent for a while, Audrey tried to analyze:

  "I think, I think his prediction failed."

  "He may be a liar, not a 'prophet' at all - no, maybe he knows a little bit about medicine?

  "He judged the date of death through his own knowledge and claimed that this was his own prophecy, but after the prediction failed, he In order to save his reputation, he hanged himself at home.

  "So his prophecy failed."

  "But," Alice pointed out the biggest problem with Audrey's point of view, "he did die at the time of his prophecy. No matter what the reason was, his prophecy finally came true. "

  But, but," Audrey wanted to struggle again, "He committed suicide in the end, doesn't that explain the problem?"

  Alice chuckled, looked at Audrey, and tilted her head. : "But how do you know that the death he foresaw was not that he would commit suicide on this day?"

  "...In that case, wouldn't he just randomly say the date of death?" Audrey retorted incomprehensibly.

  Alice shrugged and said, "But what he finally said was that day, so he was destined to die on that day - is there any problem?"

  Audrey was speechless, and she suddenly felt that she no longer wanted to deal with "destiny" A way to feel like chatting with extraordinary people.

  At this time, Alger asked tentatively: "Miss Destiny, what do you think?"

  "Me?" Alice raised her eyebrows, "I think... um..."

  Alice turned her head, the corner of her lips With a bright smile, those blue eyes were as clear and transparent as ever.

  Alice held her chin with her right hand and narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing emotions of novelty and pleasure.

  After thinking for a moment, Alice glanced at the members of the Tarot Club one by one. After everyone became frightened, she withdrew her gaze with satisfaction and focused her eyes on Alger again.

  Looking at Alger's calm face, Alice chuckled, tapping the table with her left fingertips rhythmically, and replied in a brisk tone:

  "Death by one's own prophecy is for a 'prophet' Say, the most perfect ending." (End of chapter)

Chapter 227 Chapter 101 What does the hair of the demon wolf feel like?

  Alice's voice mixed with laughter seemed to reveal some absurd fact.

  Perhaps, what they think is shocking and hard to describe is just a joke played by fate and the person involved.

  Perhaps, the god in charge of destiny was really just a young, naughty child...

  Suddenly, everyone fell into their own thoughts, and no one tried to speak again for a long time.

  Just when Klein was about to end the party, "Hermit" Cattleya said:

  "Actually, I heard a rumor.

  "Omi Bella is the 'Harvest Goddess' of the Second Age and a giant. The queen of the royal court.

  "It is rumored that He died at the end of the Second Era, but it cannot be confirmed because no one has seen His body and relics."

  I always feel that Ms. "Hermit" seems to know a lot of secret rumors... Alice Ruo said something He glanced at Cattleya thoughtfully and asked curiously:

  "Does the knowledge instilled by the 'Hidden Sage' contain gossip about high-sequence and true gods?"

  Cattleya fell into deep thought.

  After that, Klein ended the Tarot meeting and left Alice alone. With Alice's confused eyes, he asked, "Have you heard of 'Goddess of Doom'?"

  Alice was slightly startled.

  This title brought her an inexplicable sense of familiarity, like someone she knew by a name she had never called before. When she suddenly mentioned it, she felt that she should know it, but could not contact the corresponding person.

  "This is the god of destruction of the demon wolf Fregra in the Second Age," Klein stared at Alice and said, "Fregera, the king of demon wolves, is also known as the 'Night Demon Wolf'."

  The Dark Night Demon Wolf... Dark night... Alice frowned slightly, a name almost jumped to her lips, and she swallowed it back - yes, the goddess also has the power of misfortune.

  Alice looked at Klein and heard him continue: "'Goddess of Misfortune' had another name in the Second Age - 'Misfortune favored by luck'."

  Alice's pupils suddenly tightened, she opened her mouth, and then closed it again After talking a few times, she murmured: "Goddess..."

  Klein verified his guess from her reaction. He looked at Alice with a strange expression and asked, "So... can I ask "Look, this 'favour', is it normal?"

  Alice was silent for a moment, silently raising her head to look at the dome above the gray mist.

  ——Just now, a brisk voice suddenly broke into her mind. She intuitively felt that it was her own voice, because even though it was in a strange language, Alice still understood the content, but the content was a bit...

  "Okay. I want to have a body... Then I can touch your hair..."

  ...What has she done before? !

  Klein guessed the answer from Alice's actions. He asked curiously: "Have you remembered why the goddess didn't want to talk to you?"

  Alice held her chin and fell into thought. After a while, she looked up Klein asked: "Tell me, what does the fur of the demon wolf feel like?"

  Klein felt that he understood everything.

  Alice didn't seem to expect him to answer, but continued thoughtfully:

  "I wonder what the goddess will look like after she becomes a god... Will she still be in the form of a demon wolf? If not, I don't know if she can change back... Probably Yes, this should be the form of a mythical creature, right?"

  She turned her questioning eyes to Klein, but she only received a gasp from him.

  Under Alice's confused gaze, Klein weakly made a voice: "Promise me one thing... After you go out, you must not pray to the goddess and ask this question, okay?"

  After Alice pondered for a moment, she seemed to be asking for advice. Then he asked: "Then who should I pray to?"

  After a moment of silence, Klein replied with a determined expression: "Amon."

  Alice nodded in agreement and murmured to herself: "It seems to make sense...directly It's really not polite to ask me, Amon... Amon should also be from the Second Age, maybe he knows..."

  Klein took a breath of air again, he stretched out his hand to hold down Alice, and solemnly looked at Alice's confused gaze. He emphasized matter-of-factly: "Don't ask anyone such a question!"

  "Why?" Alice asked doubtfully.   

  Klein looked at Alice expressionlessly and replied, "Because I will tie you to class."

  After a moment of silence, Alice sat up straight, tried her best to appear as well-behaved as possible, and then asked,

  "What are you still doing? What's the matter?"

  Klein glanced at Alice and didn't believe her at all. He said expressionlessly: "Stay away from Amon."

  Alice looked at him doubtfully.

  "I always feel..." Klein considered and looked at Alice, "Although you weren't very well-behaved before, but after meeting Amon, you seem to be becoming more and more... well."

  Alice's eyes became wandering.

  "That is the incarnation of fraud," Klein reminded, "a mythical creature that has lived for thousands of years - it can't really be playing with you, right?"

  Alice replied sincerely: "You are his destiny My lover, maybe He is planning to find you through me."

  Klein gritted his teeth to prevent himself from shuddering.

  Alice continued:

  "And I never felt that Amon was really playing with me... In fact, he treated me more like a toy.

  "And it's not up to me to decide whether Amon comes to see me... quite the opposite. , I don't even dare to run when He comes. "

  This ironclad fact made Klein silent. He pinched his eyebrows and complained: "I always feel that if this continues, one day you will become another Amon..."

  "What's wrong with that? "Alice tilted her head in confusion.

  Klein sighed, but still answered patiently: "From your description, it's a being who enjoys playing with others..."

  Alice suddenly fell silent, and she bit Biting her lip, she asked a little cautiously:

  "If, I mean if, if I really become that kind of existence, what will happen to you?

  "No, maybe I shouldn't use 成, because I used to be like this..."

  Klein paused slightly, then frowned and looked at Alice, and replied in a deep voice: "Anyway, I know you. At that time, you were not like that."

  Alice suddenly felt that a stone had fallen in her heart. She relaxed a little and continued to ask:

  "Then, if, I mean if, if I get my memory back, it will really happen. It became like that..."

  They looked at each other, and after losing the sound of their conversation, the silence that had lasted for thousands of years returned to the gray mist.

  In the oppressive silence, Klein's voice slowly sounded:

  "I'm not sure.

  "But I probably won't watch you do that - maybe I will try to persuade you, right? "

  Alice lowered her head and buried her head in her arms. It took a while before she made a sound in this posture: "Can't I persuade you? "

  This time, Klein was silent for a long time before replying:

  "I don't know. "

  But Alice raised her head, looked at Klein, recalled the clear or blurry faces of the teachers and classmates who desperately protected her in her memory, and murmured:

  "It's great...

  "Humans" It's great to have people like you among us..."

  Klein looked at Alice, but he was suddenly shocked - subconsciously, she had already marked herself out of the human category.

  Perhaps she never felt like a human being. (End of chapter)


Chapter 228 Chapter 102 The Unlucky Diary Buyer

  After Alice sighed like that, Klein finally just patted Alice's back twice to comfort him. After a moment of silence, he said tentatively:

  "If you are really curious, after you come to Bayam, Maybe, maybe you can dress up as a man and go to the Red Theater?"

  Alice shook her body and suddenly came out of her previous emotions. She raised her head and refused firmly: "No, thank you!

  " After adjusting her expression, Alice continued:

  "It sounds weird... I'm just curious about what it looks like inside. Why can't you go in and have a look around and tell me?"

  Klein imagined himself telling Alice about visiting a brothel. After thinking about the scene, he felt a chill in his heart. He quickly shook off that thought and said decisively:

  "It's impossible.

  "But I can help you find a pirate who has been there.

  "That's okay. " "Alice nodded.

  So the matter was settled. After taking care of the remaining matters, Klein returned to the real world.

  Daniz's snoring seemed to have become quieter... Is he awake? Ryan thought for a moment and turned the door handle of the bedroom.

  Danitz happened to sit up from the bed. When he saw Gehrman Sparrow coming in through the door, he tried hard to hide the smile that flowed from the corner of his mouth. Just as he was about to speak, I heard this crazy adventurer ask:

  "Have you been to the 'Red Theater'? "


  After once again sighing at Russell's funny talent, Alice sent the compiled manuscript to the publishing house.

  For now, Alice's financial situation is in a rather embarrassing position - maintaining a normal life It's not a problem at all, and you can even live a good life, but if you want to be an Extraordinary...

  laughing, you can't afford the materials.

  However, many high-sequence things can't be bought with money... Alice's side. Kicking the stones on the roadside, she walked nonchalantly home.

  After returning home, Alice copied five more copies of "The Witch Tastes So Good" according to her original plan, and took the 10-pound note to the Brave Bar.

  "Is 'Old Man' here ? "Alice walked to the bar and looked at the familiar bartender and asked.

  The bartender replied without raising his head: "Billiard Room No. 3." "

  Alice found the billiards room No. 3 with familiarity. As soon as she entered, she noticed something was wrong - although this group of people were in the billiards room, not only were they not playing, there were no cues or balls in the billiards room.

  Alice skipped the knocking step, opened the half-open door in confusion, walked into the billiard room and said, "I'm looking for the 'old man'. "

  So the two unrelated people left voluntarily, and only Ian, who was wearing a fake beard and an old coat to pretend to be mature, remained. As soon

  as Ian saw Alice coming in, he stood up nervously, waited for everyone else to go out and took the After entering the door, he asked cautiously: "What do you want? "

  Alice walked over and pushed the five-page diary and a 10-pound note in front of Ian.

  Ian's body suddenly froze. He looked at the five-page diary and the 10-pound note, but did not dare to reach out. He went to get it, then turned to look at Alice stiffly, and asked nervously:

  "How many notes like this do you have?" "

  Alice looked at his expression and asked in a rather naughty tone: "Do you need more?

  These words startled Ian, and he hurriedly replied: "I will help you sell it! " "

  Then, he glanced at Alice's expression again and asked cautiously: "Has anyone been looking for you recently? Alice

  frowned and looked at him.   

  "Yes, there are people like you who came to ask me where the diary came from..."

  Obviously, he betrayed Alice.

  This is a natural answer. He can agree to sell the diary on his behalf because of his own coercion, and of course he can also betray the seller because of other people's coercion.

  But the question is...who would be interested in the seller of Roselle's diary?

  You know, this thing is not a rare thing in the mysterious world. The leakage and purchase of a large number of diaries may indeed attract attention, but... five pages won't reach this point, right?

  Alice frowned, glanced at the nervous Ian, and did not say anything to comfort him. Instead, she glanced at him lightly and said neutrally:

  "Tell me about the situation at that time."

  Sure enough, Alice's new The strategy worked, and Ian seemed to be far more intimidated in this state than when he was threatened. He responded nervously:

  "When, at that time, someone bought those five pages of notes..."

  "Wait. "In a moment," Alice interrupted Ian with a frown, "One person bought five pages?"

  "Yes..." Ian nodded nervously.

  Alice was silent for a moment and asked with complicated emotions: "...and then he came back to you again?"

  Ian nodded.

  Alice put her hand on her forehead, thought for a moment, then put it down, and asked rather speechlessly: "Don't you know that those five pages of notes are exactly the same?"

  "I, I didn't pay attention." Ian replied nervously. , obviously, he also figured out the reason why the man came back.

  ...who bought five identical pages of a diary and wouldn't come back to read it!

  Alice was silent for a moment and reminded politely: "Don't sell to the same person next time, okay?"

  Ian nodded hurriedly and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time - this meant that he should be fine today.

  "But," Alice glanced at the billiard room thoughtfully, then looked at Ian who was nervous again and asked, "Why do you want to play cards in the billiard room?"

  After Ian was silent for a moment, he looked at Alice. Replied: "Because I don't like playing pool, I prefer playing cards."

  "Oh." Having satisfied her curiosity, Alice nodded thoughtfully, turned around and prepared to leave.

  Just when Alice's hand was about to put her hand on the doorknob, she suddenly reacted, turned her head and asked doubtfully:

  "No, in that case, why don't you go to the chess and card room to play cards?"

  Ian fell silent again, After a while, he replied:

  "I don't know.

  " Maybe playing cards in the billiard room feels more special. "

  It seems to make sense... Alice thought about it seriously and felt that it was very reasonable, so she naturally left, leaving Ian who breathed a sigh of relief.

  "However, we still can't sell too much..." Alice Alice murmured to herself as she walked, "Otherwise, what if Klein discovers one day that I copied the Roselle diary that was sent to me..."

  Alice imagined the scene, twitched the corner of her mouth, and quickened her pace to leave. After taking a look at the sky, Alice

  murmured in a low voice:

  "Let's have a meal first, Byam... Well, there's still time anyway, let's talk about it tomorrow, right?

  "Well, what should I eat tonight..."

  Alice frowned in distress and began to think about the biggest problem for her. (End of chapter)

Chapter 229 Chapter 103 Strange invitation

  In the dim morning light, Alice opened her eyes with difficulty. After staring at the ceiling in a daze for several minutes, her upper and lower eyelids stuck together again.

  I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep a little longer...

  After struggling haphazardly on the bed for another half an hour, Alice slowly got up from the bed, struggled to get out of bed, and welcomed the cold morning air.

  "Getting up early is indeed the most painful thing in life... Pfft!" After washing, Alice looked at herself in the mirror, put on a deep expression, and then sighed - successfully making herself laugh.

  After finishing laughing, Alice finally felt the source of the confusion: "Speaking of which, wasn't I going to Bayam? Why did I have to get up so early..."

  Alice stared at herself in the mirror and fell into intense confusion. In the ideological struggle, her peristaltic stomach finally won, and Alice decided to eat.

  But today, there was something unexpected in Alice's mailbox - an invitation.

  Currently, Backlund is in the off-season for socializing, and most of the nobles are on vacation in the fiefdom. Although the powerful nobles still travel frequently, Backlund does not have many banquets during this period.

  Besides, Alice didn't think she had many acquaintances among the Loen nobles...

  Alice doubtfully took back the invitation letter along with today's newspaper and Evelin's reply, and quietly ate breakfast while reading the newspaper.

  Although she developed the same habits as most middle-class people of this era, in fact, Alice's focus in reading newspapers was quite different.

  When others read newspapers, they probably pay more attention to changes in politics and economics, trying to infer changes and trends at the top.

  Alice...Alice just wanted to see if anything interesting happened.

  For example... the Church of Storms has a new rule - believers are prohibited from bringing monocles into the church.

  Poor Church of Storms was so frightened by Amon. Amon is so abominable!

  ——These are Alice's unconscious thoughts.

  By the way, Amon...Alice suddenly remembered something. She finished the rest of her breakfast in three or two mouthfuls, grabbed the monocle that she had casually thrown on the coffee table, jumped up, ran to the door, and locked it from the outside. Door.

  Of course, she didn't forget to put her keys on just in case.

  Next, Alice put on her monocle, squatted down, gritted her teeth, reached out and pulled a piece of hair from her head, and began to try something she had always been curious about - using hair to pick locks.

  After trying it, Alice finally understood that the feasibility of this thing was horribly low - she shouldn't be able to do it anyway.

  If we want to explore the reason, Alice thinks that the hair is not tough enough and cannot be inserted into the lock cylinder well, let alone proceed to the next step.

  Alice sighed, thankful that she had brought the keys out, and opened the door to go home.

  After locking the door again, Alice thought for a moment, closed her eyes in a praying posture, and recited in a low voice in ancient Hermetic:

  "Playing with the hands of time,"

  "Wandering the shadow of fate,

  " "The incarnation of deceit and mischief,"

  "I beg for your attention,

  " "I beg for your hearing,

  " "I tried, but I couldn't pick the lock with my hair because my hair was too soft and I couldn't put my hair into the lock cylinder...

  "Maybe , you can try it yourself? Remember to use tougher hair!

  "Speaking of which…do mythical creatures grow hair? If you know how, maybe you can try it on your own hair, it must be very hard..."   

  She got a response with a smile:

  "Yes, it is indeed very hard. After all, you have bitten it, even if it was your hand, right?

  " It sounds like you are very curious? Let's do this. You can prepare a ceremony to ask for blessings. I will give you a few of my hairs, the true ones~

  "Speaking of which...Alice, can you tell me who went to the 'Tyrant's' church to steal it?" Donation box?"

  Alice shrank her head silently, pretending that nothing happened.

  As for holding a ceremony to ask for blessings, asking Amon for blessings? What a joke, who knows what Amon will send!

  Alice rationally gave up harassing Amon, pretended that she didn't hear the last question, and began to think about what else she could do.

  Speaking of which...what does the hair of the demon wolf feel like?

  Before she did something even more outrageous, Alice forcibly interrupted her thoughts, picked up the invitation from an unknown source from the coffee table, and opened it to check.

  This is an invitation to afternoon tea, this afternoon.

  Frankly speaking, this is extremely offensive and lacks any social etiquette.

  Not to mention that no one would invite someone to be a guest on the same day, but just to invite someone who has never met or spoken to for afternoon tea.

  This is undoubtedly a serious violation of social distance. Not only is it offensive and impolite, but it also makes people feel inexplicable.

  For example, Alice now felt that the owner of this invitation was very baffling, and she looked at the name on it curiously.

  Winfried Grigory.

  Alice carefully recalled the name. What she was sure of was that she had no impression of it and it was definitely not someone she knew.

  The invitation only left a name for the owner, and Alice guessed that he should be a nobleman. Apart from the appearance of the invitation, it was mainly because of the address in the invitation - a manor located in the suburbs of Queens.

  But even so, the invitation letter with only one surname could not help Alice - there was no title written on it.

  Alice blinked, put the invitation aside, felt the silent spirituality, and decided to go and have a look - she wasn't warned anyway! How terrible can it be compared to the church of the Lord of Storms!

  After putting down the invitation, Alice opened Evelin's letter with a heavy heart.


  Dear Brielle:

  I'm glad you don't think my concern is too much... Ha, maybe in your opinion, this kind of worry is a bit too careful, right?"

  I don't know why, but I always feel inexplicably worried these days, especially after reading your letter.

  You know what, Brielle? Generally speaking, in novels, if someone says something like "I can do whatever I want", then...

  this person is probably going to die.

  Maybe I'm thinking too much... Well, anyway, Briar, I'll wait for you to come back. By then, I probably have a surprise for you.

  Sincerely, Evelyn


  Your reply also looks like a flag... Alice whispered in her heart and decided not to reply to Evelyn again - otherwise this flag will never end!

  No one knows how disappointed Amon in the Forsaken Land was that his "friends" had forgotten him. (End of chapter)

Chapter 230 Chapter 104 Winfried Grigory

  Alice found the manor according to the address on the invitation.

  In fact, Alice had some guesses about the owner of the invitation—it might have something to do with the unfortunate guy who bought the five-page diary.

  This made Alice want to see this unfortunate guy with her own eyes.

  However, the address on this invitation, which was full of problems, was actually a very normal-looking manor, which made Alice feel disappointed.

  However, this disappointment did not last long - after all, she had not entered the manor yet.

  Alice handed over the invitation with renewed anticipation, and was then taken into a very normal reception room... Well, it seemed like she could really start to lose her temper... Wait, who is this person?

  Alice looked at the girl whom the maid called "Miss Winfried".

  The girl looked about the same age as her, with black hair and black eyes. She was wearing a long black dress. Her facial features were exquisite, but she lacked vitality when she sat quietly. It wasn't until the twinkle in her eyes that people saw her that she was alive.

  The main reason why Alice was surprised was that she... No, Amon had seen this girl before.

  What made an extraordinary person, an aristocratic lady, pretend to be robbed in the East End? Alice felt that, based on her simple understanding, this matter was full of irrationality.

  Winfred was sitting on a single sofa holding a book. There were two cups of steaming black tea on the coffee table. After hearing the movement, she raised her head from the book and said with a pretty standard smile. : "Please sit down."

  This made Alice feel even weirder. She tried to hide her astonishment. Although she suspected that she might have been discovered, she still walked over to sit down without changing her expression, and then sat down. He took a sip of black tea.

  This black tea had a richer milky and sweet taste than the black tea in Alice's memory, but Alice just took a sip and put it down. When she raised her head, Winfried happened to place the book in his hand on the coffee table.

  Alice immediately saw what was inside the open pages—no doubt it was the diary she had written in her own hand.

  The emotion of this moment was captured. Winfred looked at her and smiled naturally:

  "You know, I encountered a very interesting thing these days.

  "I bought five pages of Russell's Notes, but after reading them, I was surprised to find... Oh my God, the contents of these five pages of notes seemed to be the same!

  "It seems that it was copied by the same person... Miss Rose, what do you think about this?"

  Alice stared into the other person's black eyes and replied without changing her expression:

  "I also met him a few days ago. A very interesting incident.

  "A thief broke into my house and took nothing of value except a doorknob.

  "After I checked my home, I found five extra pages of Russell's notes - so I sold them."

  "Oh my God," Winfred said with a rather fake expression of surprise. "Then what's next? Did you call the police? Has the thief been caught?"

  Alice replied without changing her face:

  "I don't think this is within the scope of the police's jurisdiction.

  "In fact, I saw it on the wanted notice later . As for the thief at that time, He broke into the Storm Lord's church and robbed the church's donation box.

  Winfred slowly frowned and repeated, "Him? " "

  Alice smiled and said nothing.

  This was not the truth, it was obvious.

  Alice's lying skills were not very good, and her two previous guilty reactions were also obvious, but it was different from the kind of person who tried hard to hide it but had poor skills that exposed it to others. The feeling is different, in Winfrey's opinion, she doesn't seem to bother to cover up.   Although Alice's attitude towards the maid is not different from that of others, Winfrey seems approachable


De still made this conclusion in her heart -

  It's not that she is really approachable, it's just that most people are not worth mentioning to her.   

  So, what kind of existence is a target for her to treat as an equal?

  Curiosity surged from Winfred, urging her to speak:

  "Why do I feel that although you seem to be very approachable, you actually seem to be very arrogant?

  "Well, you just have the guts to do it. I feel like I'm not being taken seriously... It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, I'll just ask casually. "

  Alice was stunned for a moment.

  Is she... arrogant in any way?

  More than one person has mentioned that she has a problem with her attitude towards gods, which seems to be a lack of respect, but she also treats mortals... mortals?

  Alice suddenly realized the problem. Where.

  When she calls humans "human beings" and calls mortals "mortals", when she emphasizes that she is a human being over and over again, when she tries to explore and imitate human behavior patterns, she has already She was placed in another position.

  Amon... must have discovered this a long time ago, right?

  Recalling Amon's attitude, Alice sighed with a headache, looked at Winfried and said with a smile:

  "Actually, I did too. I just discovered this... If you hadn't reminded me just now, I wouldn't have noticed. In fact, subconsciously, I didn't regard myself as a human being. "

  Winfred was stunned for a moment. She frowned and thought for a moment, then asked doubtfully: "Do other people think so? "

  ...I don't think so," Alice suddenly had a strange feeling, "But it's not important. I actually want to ask...do you have anything else?"

  Winfred thought carefully for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I just wanted to see who sold those five pages of Russell's notes... Well

  , so it turned out that it was the one who robbed the donation box of the Church of Storms. Is this also you? "

  Of course not me," Alice said without changing her expression, "Ah... the wanted criminal already knew about this, but did he stand up and deny it?" no? "

  This impeccable logic made Winfried feel a little confused. For a moment, she doubted her judgment just now.

  But she soon discovered another question: "Is there a connection between you two? Are you friends?

  Alice recalled the way Amon called her name affectionately, and shuddered: "Do you mean the kind of friend who wants to kill each other? " "

  This obviously does not meet the definition of a normal person's friend. Winfred fell silent, and Alice stood up and asked, "Can I go?

  Winfred stared at Alice for two seconds and then suddenly asked: "Are we friends now? " "

  Alice frowned slightly.

  She rarely took the initiative to use "friends" to define the relationship between herself and others. More often, Alice used to say "important people" instead of "friends" and the like.

  Generally speaking, the main reason why she calls a person a "friend" is because the other person regards her as a friend,

  because in Alice's perception, it is different from the clearly defined relationships of "colleagues" and "classmates. " "Friends" seemed to be more subjective and did not have a clear definition.

  In other words, she was not sure what a "friend" should be in the eyes of humans.

  So she looked at Winfried and asked: "For you , what counts as a friend? "

  Winfred lowered his head, thinking, and gave the answer slowly:

  "You won't despise me, you won't say bad things about me behind my back, you can talk to me, and you have the same interests.

  "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have similar interests. Interests are just social add-ons. Although having common interests will bring the relationship closer, it doesn't mean that we can't be friends without common interests." "

  Well..." Alice After thinking for a moment according to this standard, he said, "According to this standard, maybe, at least for the time being, we can be called friends?"

  "For the time being..." Winfred murmured, "Okay. , friends are also friends for the time being...Why do I feel like you are in a hurry to leave?"

  Alice smiled lightly and did not answer the question. (End of chapter)